MathPhysicsHarmonic Analysis Seminar, October 15th 2003 Professor Stanislav Molchanov (UNCC)

MathPhysicsHarmonic Analysis Seminar, October 15th 2003
Professor Stanislav Molchanov (UNCC)
Shape theorem for the Anderson parabolic problem and the theory of
random polymers
Abstract: The Anderson parabolic problem
= k∆H + V H, H(0, x) ≡ 1, x ∈ Rn
with a random spatially homogeneous potential V describes magnetic phenomena (the dynamo process) and chemical kinetics in a random environment. Potential V can be either time independent (statistically random
medium), or δ-correlated in time (turbulent medium). If initial data are localized, say H(0, x) = δ(x) , then the solution represents the distribution of a
random polymer growing in the random potential field V (·) (a stationary or
turbulent one). Then the equation (1) is associated with the KPZ - equation,
well known in the physics literature.
The talk will present recent results on the shape of the solution H(t, ∗)
when t → ∞ and discussion of some open problems.