The existing Cellular Telecommunication Infrastructure Policy was approved by Council on 29 May
2002. The need for the revision of the existing Cellular Telecommunication Policy came about, firstly,
due to the need to include all telecommunication infrastructure into the policy and not focus only on
cellular technology and secondly, due to the need to update the provisions and guidelines on the
possible impacts of this infrastructure, with special emphasis on risks of exposure to electromagnetic
energy (EME). Due to the rapid expansion of the telecommunications industry, and the increasing
demand for radio telecommunication services and new technologies in the industry, the location,
siting and development of Telecommunication Infrastructure (TI) has become an issue of particular
interest to both the public and local government, with debate focusing on visual amenity and public
health and hence the need for regulation that enables appropriate development of this kind of
The overarching premise is to facilitate the growth of new and existing telecommunications systems
in the city, in an efficient, environmentally appropriate and sustainable way, with minimal impact on
the socio-economic and physical (biophysical and built) environment of the city without negatively
affecting the sense of wellbeing and health of the community.
Issues addressed are 1) site selection and co-location; 2) visual impact, landscaping, public amenity
and residential amenity; 3) impact on areas of environmental and heritage significance; 4) impact on
existing services and utilities; 5) public health and safety. The two overriding concerns of the broader
public are taken into account: firstly, potential visual impact and secondly, possible impact on human
health and wellbeing due to exposure to EME emissions. The approach taken is to protect the visual
character and amenity of Cape Town and protect the city’s environmental and heritage resources
and to minimise the health risks (known/potential and perceived) associated with EME, in line with
the City of Cape Town’s mandate. Regarding the former, Council encourages sensitive siting, design
and co-location or sharing of TI. With regard to possible health risks the City takes guidance from
the National Department of Health that adopted the public exposure guideline of the International
Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Furthermore, due to the fact that
research and debate on continuous long-term full body exposure of EME is still continuing, the
effects of which have not yet been conclusively proved, the City is adopting a precautionary
approach by the insertion of certain additional provisions and requirements.
The Policy aims to assist both planning practitioners and local government by providing a framework
for the preparation and assessment of applications for TI within the context of the planning system of
the City of Cape Town. This includes providing a uniform and comprehensive set of standards,
assessment criteria, guidelines, requirements and conditions so as to have a uniform approach for
decision-making across the city. This will hopefully result in better outcomes for the environment and
the community.
Die Raad het die bestaande beleid oor sellulêre telekommunikasie-infrastruktuur op 29 Mei 2002
goedgekeur. ‘n Hersiening van die bestaande beleid oor sellulêretelekommunikasie-infrastruktuur
was in die eerste plek nodig omdat daar ’n behoefte was om alle telekommunikasie-infrastruktuur by
die beleid in te sluit en nie slegs op sellulêre tegnologie te fokus nie, en in die tweede plek weens die
noodsaaklikheid om die bepalings en riglyne oor die moontlike impakte van hierdie infrastruktuur by
te werk, met spesiale klem op die risiko’s verbonde aan blootstelling aan elektromagnetiese energie
(EME). As gevolg van die vinnige uitbreiding van die telekommunikasie-industrie en die toenemende
vraag na radiotelekommunikasiedienste en nuwe tegnologieë in die sellulêrefoon-industrie het die
ligging, plasing en ontwikkeling van telekommunikasie-infrastruktuur (TI) vir beide plaaslike
gemeenskap en plaaslike regering ‘n kwessie van besondere belang geword, met die debat wat op
visuele aanneemlikheid en openbare gesondheid gerig is, en vandaar die noodsaaklikheid vir
regulering wat die gepaste ontwikkeling van hierdie soort infrastruktuur moontlik maak.
Die oorkoepelende uitgangspunt is die fasilitering van die groei van nuwe en bestaande
telekommunikasiestelsels en die voorsiening van TI op ’n doeltreffende, omgewingsgepaste en
volhoubare wyse, met die minimum impak op die stad se sosio-ekonomiese en fisiese (biofisiese en
beboude) omgewing en sonder ’n negatiewe impak op die gemeenskap se gevoel van welstand en
Kwessies wat aandag geniet, is 1) keuse en deel van perseel; 2) visuele impak, terreinverfraaiing,
openbare aanneemlikheid en residensiële aannneemlikheid; 3) impak op gebiede van omgewingsen erfenisbelang; 4) impak op bestaande dienste en nutsdienste; en 5) openbare gesondheid en
veiligheid. Die publiek se twee oorheersende bekommernisse word in ag geneem: eerstens, die
potensiële visuele impak, en tweedens die moontlike impak van EME-vrystellings op die mens se
gesondheid en welstand. Die benadering wat gevolg word, is om in pas met die Stad Kaapstad se
mandaat Kaapstad se visuele karakter en aanneemlikheid en sy omgewing- en erfenishulpbronne te
beskerm, met so min as moontlik gesondheidsrisiko’s (bekend/potensieel en waargeneem) as gevolg
van EME. Wat eersgenoemde betref, moedig die Raad sensitiewe plasing, ontwerp en deel van TIpersele aan sodat omgewings- en erfenishulpbronne nie negatief geraak word nie. Met betrekking
tot moontlike gesondheidsrisiko’s neem die Stad leiding van die nasionale departement van
gesondheid wat die internasionale kommissie oor nie-ioniserende bestralingsbeskerming (ICNIRP)
se standaard oor openbare blootstelling aanvaar het. Verder, weens die feit dat navorsing en debat
oor voortgesette langtermyn-volleliggaamblootsteling aan EME steeds aan die gang is en die
uitwerking daarvan nog nie onweerlegbaar bewys is nie, volg die Stad ’n benadering van voorsorg
deur sekere bykomende bepalinge en vereistes in te voeg.
Die hoofdoel van hierdie beleid is om plaaslike regering en beplanningspraktisyns te help om TI op ’n
plaaslike vlak te reguleer deur ’n raamwerk vir die evaluering van TI-aansoeke binne die konteks van
die Stad Kaapstad se beplanningstelsel te verskaf. Dit sluit in die verskaffing van ’n eenvormige en
omvattende stel standaarde, evalueringskriteria, riglyne, vereistes en voorwaardes met die oog op so
min as moontlik onsekerheid met besluitneming en beter uitkomste vir die gemeenskap.
UMgaqo-nkqubo okhoyo olawula iZiseko zoPhuhliso kuNxibelelwano ngonomyayi waphunyezwa
liBhunga ngomhla wama-29 Meyi 2002. Kwabakho imfuneko yokuphengululwa koMgaqo-nkqubo
okhoyo olawula uNxibelelwano ngooNomyayi, okokuqala, ngenxa yemfuneko yokubandakanya zonke
izibonelelo zophuhliso kunxibelelwano ngeminxeba kumgaqo-nkqubo kungagxilwa nje kuphela
kubuchwepheshe ngoonomyayi yaye okwesibini, ngenxa yemfuneko yokuhlaziya imiqathango
nezikhokelo kwiimpembelelo ezinokubakho zezi ziseko zophuhliso, kugxininiswa ngokukodwa
kwimingcipheko yokuvela kumandla ombane obuchwepheshe bekhompyutha otsalayo. Ngenxa
yokwanda okukhawulezayo kwemveliso yonxibelelwano ngeminxeba, kunye nemfuneko eyandayo
yeenkonzo zonxibelelwano ngoonomathotholo nobuchwepheshe obutsha kwimveliso yeminxeba
engoonomyayi, indawo, indawo ekuso yaye nokuphuhliswa kweZiseko zoPhuhliso loNxibelelwano
ngeminxeba kube ngumcimbi onomdla kakhulu kubantu bengingqi naborhulumente bengingqi, iingxoxo
zigxile kwizibonelelo eziluncedo ezibonwayo kunye nempilo yoluntu kungoko ke kukho imfuneko
yokumisela umqathango obonelela ngophuhliso olufanelekileyo lweziseko zophuhliso ezilolu hlobo.
Esona sindululo siphambili kukuququzelela ukuhluma kweenkqubo ezintsha zonxibelelwano ngeminxeba
kunye nokuququzelela ubonelelo nge-TI ngendlela efanelekileyo, engaxabisi kakhulu, elungele
okusingqongileyo nezinzileyo, kungekho mpembelelo ingako kwimeko-bume esingqongileyo yentlalo
noqoqosho kunye nebonakalayo (ezibonakalyo nezokhiweyo) zesiXeko ngaphandle ngaphandle
kokuchaphazela ngokungathandekiyo intlalo nempilo entle yoluntu.
Imibandela ekujongwana nayo yile: 1) ukuchongwa kwesiza nokubekwa kwenye indawo; 2) impembelelo
yokubonwayo, imbonakalo-mhlaba, amaziko aluncedo asekuhlaleni kunye nakwindawo yokuhlala; 3)
impembelelo kwiindawo ezibalulekileyo kokusingqongileyo nakwimisebenzi yokulilifa; 4) impembelelo
kwiinkonzo nakwizixhobo eziluncedo ezikhoyo; 5) impilo nokhuseleko loluntu. Kukho iinkxalabo ezimbini
ezikhawulezileyo kuluntu ngokubanzi ekujongenwe nazo, okokuqala,
impembelelo enokubakho
yokubonwayo yaye okwesibini, impembelelo enokubakho kwimpilo yoluntu nakwintlalo yoluntu ngenxa
yemisi ye-EME. Ikhondo elithathiweyo lelokukhusela inkalo ebonwayo namaziko aluncedo esiXeko
saseKapa kunye nokukhusela imithombo esingqongileyo nelilifa yesiXeko kananjalo nokucutha
imingcipheko yempilo (eyaziwayo/enokubakho nebonwayo) enxulumene ne-EME, ngokungqinelana
nomsebenzi ogunyaziselwe isiXeko. Ngokuphathelene noku kungaphambili, iBhunga likhuthaza
ukukhetha iziza kuqwalaselwa izinto ezithile, ubume nendawo emelene okanye eyabelana neziza ze-TI
ukuze kungaphenjelelwa ngokungathandekiyo imithombo esingqongileyo neyokulilifa. Ngokuphathelene
nemingcipheko enokubakho kwimpilo isiXeko sikhokelwa yi-NDOH abathi bamkela i-International
Commission on non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) kusaziswa imigangatho yehlabathi.
Ngaphezulu, ngenxa yokuba uphando neengxoxo ezimalunga nokwaziswa okuqhubekayo kwixesha elide
kombutho opheleleyo kwi-EME lusaqhuba, iimpembelelo zalo azikaphunyezwa ngokupheleleyo, isiXeko
samkele indlela yokutahtha amanyathelo okulumka ngokuthi sifakele imiqathango neemfuno ezithile
Eyona njongo iphambili yalo Mgaqo-nkqubo kukuncedisa urhulumente wengingqi neengcali zocwangciso
ekumiseleni ngokusemthethweni inkqubo eyi-TI kwinqanaba lengingqi ngokubonelela ngesikhokelo
sokuhlola izicelo ze-TI kumxholo wenkqubo yokucwangcisa ngokufanelekileyo yesiXeko saseKapa. Oku
kuquka ukubonelela imigangatho efanayo nequkayo, inkqubo yohlolo, izikhokelo, iimfuno nemiqathango
ngenjongo yokucutha ukungaqiniseki okunxulumene nokwenziwa kwezigqibo nto leyo enokukhokelelwa
kwiziphumo ezingcono eluntwini.