IJMMS 2003:3, 133–152
PII. S0161171203204038
© Hindawi Publishing Corp.
Received 4 April 2002
A one-to-one correspondence is established between the germs of functions and
tangent vectors on a NOS X and the bi-germs of functions, respectively, elementary fields of tangent vectors (EFTV) on the orientable double cover of X. Some
representation theorems for the algebra of germs of functions, the tangent space
at an arbitrary point of X, and the space of vector fields on X are proved by using a symmetrisation process. An example related to the normal derivative on the
border of the Möbius strip supports the nontriviality of the concepts introduced
in this paper.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30F15, 30F50.
1. Introduction. It was Felix Klein who first had the idea that, in order to
do more than topology on NOS, they should be endowed with dianalytic structures. This was exploited much later by Schiffer and Spencer [13], who undertook, for the first time, the analysis of NOS. In the monograph [2], the category
of Klein surfaces was introduced, and, in [3], Andreian Cazacu clarified completely the concept of morphism of Klein surfaces. She proved that the interior
transformations of Stoïlow [14], on which he had based his topological principles of analytic functions, are essential in the definition of the morphisms
of Klein surfaces. The category of Riemann surfaces appears as a subcategory
of the category of Klein surfaces. Moreover, since the last one contains border
free, as well as bordered surfaces, it also contains the subcategory of bordered
Riemann surfaces. For this reason, if the contrary is not explicitly mentioned,
by a surface, Riemann surface, or Klein surface, we will understand in this
paper a bordered or a bordered free surface, respectively Riemann surface or
Klein surface.
In this paper, the methods used in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] are extended to the study
of vector fields on NOS. The extension required new concepts and techniques.
The first three sections present the general frame of the problems we are
dealing with and which are based on a result of Felix Klein (Theorem 2.1).
In section 4, the concept of bi-germ of functions on a symmetric Riemann
surface is defined.
In Section 5, the operators of symmetrisation/antisymmetrisation of the bigerms are introduced. Both operators play a basic role in analysis on nonorientable surfaces.
Section 6 deals with the study of vector fields on symmetric Riemann surfaces and on NOS. A symmetrisation process, dual to the symmetrisation of
bi-germs, is defined. The connection between the vector fields on a nonorientable Klein surface and the vector fields on its orientable double covering is
given (Theorem 6.2).
In Section 7, we give the detailed construction of the unit normal vector field
to the border of the Möbius strip.
2. Prerequisites. Let X be a surface. If p ∈ X, a chart at p is a couple (U, ϕ)
consisting of an open neighborhood U of p and a homeomorphism ϕ : U → V
where V is a relatively open subset of the closed upper half-plane
C+ := z ∈ C | Im(z) ≥ 0 .
A dianalytic atlas on X is a family of charts ᐀ = {(Uα , ϕα ) | α ∈ I} such that
X = α∈I Uα and, for every two charts (Uα , ϕα ) and (Uβ , ϕβ ) ∈ ᐀, the transfer
is either conformal or anticonformal on each connected
function ϕβ ◦ ϕα
component of ϕα (Uα ∩ Uβ ).
The couple (X, ᐀) is called a Klein surface if ᐀ is a maximal dianalytic atlas
on X.
We notice that a Klein surface can be an orientable as well as a nonorientable
of any Klein surface X, being simsurface. However, the universal covering X
ply connected, is necessarily orientable. Consequently, there is a conformal
that makes the canonical projection
structure on X
→ X
locally analytic or antianalytic in terms of each chart; we call such a map dianalytic.
over X. Some elements
Let Ᏻ be the group of covering transformations of X
on itself. If
of Ᏻ might be conformal and some anticonformal mappings of X
X is a nonorientable Klein surface, then Ᏻ contains necessarily anticonformal
mappings. Suppose that this is the case and let Ᏻ1 be the subgroup of Ᏻ formed
with all its conformal elements. Then, the orbit space
ᏻ2 := ᏻ2 (X) := X
is an orientable surface. Moreover, ᏻ2 has a unique analytic structure, which
makes the canonical projection
→ ᏻ2
π :X
an analytic mapping. If g ∈ Ᏻ\Ᏻ1 , then Ᏻ = Ᏻ1 ∪ g Ᏻ1 and Ᏻ1 ∩ g Ᏻ1 = ∅. Therefore, we can define
h : ᏻ2 → ᏻ2
with respect to π : X
→ ᏻ2 , that is,
:= g
is the fiber of y ∈ X
by h(x)
x, where y
= {gy | g ∈ Ᏻ1 }.
Obviously, h is an antianalytic involution since g ∈ Ᏻ\Ᏻ1 and g 2 ∈ Ᏻ1 . It is
would imply g ∈ Ᏻ1 , contrary to the hypothesis.
fixed point free since h(x)
Klein called symmetry an involution of a Riemann surface of the type previously described. There are lots of other types of symmetries (see, e.g., [1,
2, 10, 11], and so on); however, in this paper, we will only use the concept of
symmetry in the sense of Klein.
The following theorem has its origins in Klein’s works.
Theorem 2.1. If (ᏻ2 , h) is a symmetric Riemann surface and if h is the
two-element group generated by h, then the covering projection
q : ᏻ2 → ᏻ2 /h
induces a structure of nonorientable Klein surface on ᏻ2 /h with respect to
which q is a morphism of Klein surfaces.
Conversely, if X is a nonorientable Klein surface, there exists a symmetric
Riemann surface (ᏻ2 , h) such that X is dianalytically equivalent to ᏻ2 /h.
We call ᏻ2 := ᏻ2 (X) the orientable double cover of X, and we notice that this
concept is different from those defined by other types of symmetries.
3. Vector fields. Let X be a Klein surface. For P ∈ X, we denote by Ꮿ∞ (P ) the
algebra of germs of complex functions defined on neighborhoods of P whose
real and imaginary parts are functions of class Ꮿ∞ . To every differentiable
curve α : ] − ε, ε[ → X (ε > 0 and α(0) = P ), we associate the operator
X P ,α = X P : Ꮿ∞ (P ) → C
d(f ◦ α)
X P (f ) :=
defined by
for every f ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ). The map X P is a linear operator and satisfies Leibniz
rule for the derivation of the product of functions. This operator X P is called
a tangent vector at P to X. The vector space TP X of all tangent vectors at P to
X is called the tangent space at P to X.
If (U , ϕ) is a chart at P and if ϕ(Q) = (x, y) are the local coordinates in U,
ϕ(P ) = (0, 0), then x → ϕ−1 (x, 0) and y → ϕ−1 (0, y), the so-called coordinate
curves at P , determine a basis for TP X
Ꮾ = Ꮾ(U ,ϕ) :=
∂x P ∂y P
defined by
∂ f ◦ ϕ−1 ϕ(P ) ,
∂ f ◦ ϕ−1 ∂
ϕ(P ) ,
(f ) :=
∂y P
(f ) :=
where ∂/∂x and ∂/∂y are the usual partial derivatives in the complex plane C.
(See, e.g., [9, 11, 12].)
Every X P ∈ TP X has the form
X P = X 1 (P )
+ X 2 (P )
∂x P
∂y P
where X 1 (P ) and X 2 (P ) are complex coefficients.
The tangent bundle of X is the set
TX :=
P ∈X
It is well known that TX has a canonical structure of differential manifold of
real dimension 4.
If A is a subset of X, a vector field on A is any function
X : A → TX
such that X (P ) := X P ∈ TP X for every P ∈ A.
In particular, for a chart (U , ϕ), we have the vector fields ∂/∂x and ∂/∂y
: U → TX,
∂x ∂y
P → (∂/∂x)(P ) := (∂/∂x)P , respectively, P → (∂/∂y)(P ) := (∂/∂y)P as defined
by (3.4).
If X : A → TX is a vector field of class Ꮿ∞ , then the restriction of X to U has
the form
+ X2
X U = X1
where X 1 , X 2 : U → C are functions of class Ꮿ∞ on U .
We will study in more detail the vector fields on X and ᏻ2 := ᏻ2 (X).
4. Bi-germs of functions on ᏻ2 . In all what follows, X will be a nonorientable
Klein surface, ᏻ2 := ᏻ2 (X) will be the corresponding double cover of X, h will
be the symmetry of ᏻ2 as in Theorem 2.1, and X will be identified with the orbit
space ᏻ2 /h. The map q : ᏻ2 → ᏻ2 /h will be the canonical projection.
Different parametric disks or half-disks, if centered on the border Ꮾ(X), will
be evenly covered by q. Then, the inverse image by q of such a parametric disk
consists of a pair D and hD of symmetric disks (half-disks) on ᏻ2
(half-disk) D
= D ∪ hD,
q−1 D
D ∩ hD = ∅.
This brings us to the necessity of considering germs of Ꮿ∞ -functions on symmetric subsets of ᏻ2 as defined next.
For P ∈ ᏻ2 , we denote by {P ; hP } the orbit of P with respect to h and by
the image by q of P and hP on X := ᏻ2 /h.
P = hP
Since q is a dianalytic map, if F : X → C is a function of class Ꮿ∞ or if F is
harmonic or dianalytic, then so is F ◦ q and vice versa.
A subset Σ of ᏻ2 will be called symmetric if it is h-invariant, that is, hΣ = Σ.
Obviously, the restriction of h to any symmetric set Σ continues to be an involution.
In the study of local properties of functions at points P ∈ X, we only need
symmetric neighborhoods of {P ; hP }. Such a neighborhood is, by definition, a
subset Σ such that there is a parametric disk (half disk) D centered at P , D ⊂ Σ.
Implicitly, hD is a parametric disk (half disk) centered at hP and D ∪ hD ⊆ Σ.
If Ᏸ is the family of parametric disks (half-disks) centered at P , the family
{D ∪ hD | D ∈ Ᏸ} is a fundamental system of symmetric neighborhoods of
{P ; hP }. If D ∩ hD = ∅, then
:= P | P ∈ D
is a parametric disk (half-disk) on X, and it is evenly covered by q. Let Ꮿ∞ (P)
be the algebra of germs of functions of class Ꮿ∞ at P, and let FP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P).
We will denote by F any class representative of the germ FP , and we will
consider that the domain of F is a disk or a half-disk as previously defined
(i.e., evenly covered by q). The functions fP := F ◦qD and fhP := F ◦qhD (qD and
qhD being the restrictions of q to D and, respectively, to hD) are functions of
class Ꮿ∞ . Having in mind the conventional notations, we can write
fP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ),
fhP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (hP ).
Thus, the germ FP induces on X the two-element set of germs {fP ; fhP }. This
set is a nonordered pair of elements of the set Ꮿ∞ (P ) ∪ Ꮿ∞ (hP ), with the pair
having an element in each member of this union. With this preparation in mind,
we can give the following definition.
Definition 4.1. A bi-germ of class Ꮿ∞ at {P ; hP } is a function
χ : P ; hP → Ꮿ∞ (P ) ∪ Ꮿ∞ (hP )
such that χ(Q) ∈ Ꮿ∞ (Q) for every Q ∈ {P ; hP }.
We denote by Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) the set of bi-germs of class Ꮿ∞ at {P ; hP }. The algebraic operations in Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) are the natural operations induced by the algebra
Ꮿ∞ (Q), that is, for arbitrary χ, λ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ), Q ∈ {P ; hP }, and a ∈ C,
(χ + λ)(Q) := χ(Q) + λ(Q),
(χλ)(Q) := χ(Q)λ(Q),
(aχ)(Q) = aχ(Q).
Obviously, Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) with these operations is a commutative algebra with unit.
We call it the algebra of bi-germs of class Ꮿ∞ at {P ; hP }.
Remark 4.2. The algebra Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) is not the product algebra Ꮿ∞ (P ) ×
Ꮿ (hP ) since the last one consists of ordered pairs of germs.
It is convenient to denote the bi-germ χ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) by {χP ; χhP }. The two
germs χP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ) and χhP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (hP ) are different, and, generally, there is no
connection between them. With these notations, the algebraic operations in
Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) become
χP ; χhP + λP ; λhP = χP + λP ; χhP + λhP , and so on.
The pullback algebra isomorphism of Ꮿ∞ (hP ) onto Ꮿ∞ (P ) induced by h is
usually denoted by h∗
P : Ꮿ (hP ) → Ꮿ (P ),
P (f ) := f ◦ h,
(where f ◦ h is the germ at P of f ◦ hhD , D being the domain of f ). Obviously,
the inverse of h∗
P is hhP : Ꮿ (P ) → Ꮿ (hP ). It is also obvious that hP and hhP
are different maps.
The involution h : {P , hP } → {P , hP } also induces a pullback map defined as
follows and denoted, to avoid confusions, by hb
hb : Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) → Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ),
∗ χP ; χhP := h∗
P χhP ; hhP χP
The algebraic properties of h∗
P imply that h is an involutive algebra isomorphism.
We now consider F ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P). It induces the bi-germ
qb (F ) := q∗
P (F ); qhP (F ) ∈ Ꮿ (P ; hP ).
In this way, we obtain the map
qb : Ꮿ∞ P → Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
The main properties of qb are given in the following proposition.
Proposition 4.3. (i) The map qb is an injective algebra morphism;
(ii) hb ◦ qb = qb , that is, qb is hb -left invariant;
(iii) qb (Ꮿ∞ (P)) = {χ | hb (χ) = χ}.
Proof. The assertions (i) and (ii) are obvious. According to (ii), qb (Ꮿ∞ (P))
consists of bi-germs which are hb -invariant, that is, qb (Ꮿ∞ (P)) ⊆ {χ | hb (χ) =
Reciprocally, let χ = {χP ; χhP } be an hb -invariant bi-germ. We have the following equivalences:
∗ = χP ; χhP ⇐⇒ h∗
hb (χ) = χ ⇐⇒ h∗
P χhP ; hhP χP
P χhP = χP ,
hP χP = χhP ⇐⇒ hP χhP = χP
∗ −1
(because h∗
hP = (hP ) ).
If D is a disk or (half-disk) centered at P such that D ∩ hD = ∅, we consider
the map q−1
D , the inverse of qD : D → D.
−1 ∗
Let (qD )P be the pullback algebra isomorphism induced by q−1
D . With
hP (χhP ) = χP ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ), we get successively:
∗ −1 ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ ∗ = qD )P ◦ hP (χhP
Ꮿ∞ (P) F := q−1
D P χP = qD P hP χhP
∗ −1 ∗ = h ◦ q−1
D P χhP = qhD P χhP ,
qb (F ) = q∗
P (F ); qhP (F ) = χP ; χhP ;
thus, χ ∈ qb (Ꮿ∞ (P)). Finally, {χ | hb (χ) = χ} ⊆ qb (Ꮿ∞ (P)).
The main assertion of this section is that finding the germs of Ꮿ∞ -functions
at P is equivalent to finding the hb -invariant elements of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
We will study the hb -invariant bi-germs in the next section.
5. Symmetrisation and antisymmetrisation. We consider an arbitrary bigerm χ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ). We define the bi-germ ᏿χ by
᏿χ :=
χ + hb χ =
1 1
; χhP + h∗
χP + h∗
P χhP
hP χP
It is obvious that the equality hb (χ) = χ is equivalent to ᏿χ = χ, that is, hb
and ᏿ have the same set of fixed points. Thus, the difference χ − ᏿χ gives
an “estimation” of the deviation of χ from hb -invariance. This prompts us to
define a new operator Ꮽ : Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) → Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) by
Ꮽχ := χ − ᏿χ =
χ − hb χ .
Clearly, the equality Ꮽχ = χ is equivalent to hb (χ) = −χ. In this way, we are
led to the following definition.
Definition 5.1. A bi-germ χ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) is called symmetric or h-invariant
(resp., antisymmetric or h-antiinvariant) if and only if hb (χ) = χ (resp., hb (χ) =
Thus, the symmetric bi-germs are the fixed points of ᏿ and the antisymmetric ones are the fixed points of Ꮽ. We denote by Ᏽ the identity of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
The following theorem gives the most important properties of the operators
᏿ and Ꮽ.
Theorem 5.2. (A) (᏿, Ꮽ) is a pair of orthogonal projectors of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ), that
is, the following five assertions hold:
(i) ᏿, Ꮽ : Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) → Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) are linear operators;
(ii) ᏿ ◦ ᏿ = ᏿ and Ꮽ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ;
(iii) ᏿ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ ◦ ᏿ = 0 = the null operator of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP );
(iv) ᏿ + Ꮽ = Ᏽ = the identity of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP );
(v) ᏿ − Ꮽ =hb = an involution of Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
(B) With the notations µs := ᏿µ and µa := Ꮽµ for µ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ), we have
(vi) (µλ)s = µs λs + µa λa ;
(vii) (µλ)a = µs λa + µa λs , for every µ, λ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
Proof. (i) The linearity of Ᏽ and hb , together with the equalities ᏿ = (1/2)
(Ᏽ + hb ) and Ꮽ = (1/2)(Ᏽ − hb ), implies that ᏿ and Ꮽ are linear.
(ii) ᏿ ◦ ᏿ = (1/2)(Ᏽ +hb )◦(1/2)(Ᏽ +hb ) = (1/4)(Ᏽ +2hb +hb ◦hb ) = (1/4)(2Ᏽ +
2hb ) = ᏿. Analogously, Ꮽ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ.
(iii) ᏿ ◦ Ꮽ = (1/2)(Ᏽ + hb ) ◦ (1/2)(Ᏽ − hb ) = (1/4)(Ᏽ − hb ◦ hb ) = 0 since hb is
an involution. Analogously, Ꮽ ◦ ᏿ =0.
(iv) and (v) are clear. Now we shall prove (vi).
(vi) The assertions
µ + hb µ λ + hb λ + µ − hb µ λ − hb λ
µλ + µhb λ + hb µ λ + hb µ hb λ
+ µλ − µhb λ − hb µ λ + hb µ hb λ
2µλ + 2 hb µ hb λ
µλ + hb (µλ)
= ᏿(µλ) = (µλ)s .
µ s λs + µa λa =
In a similar way, we prove (vii).
Having in view Proposition 4.3(iii) and the properties of ᏿ and Ꮽ, the following notations are justified:
s (P ; hP ) := χ ∈ Ꮿ (P ; hP ) | h χ = χ ,
a (P ; hP ) := χ ∈ Ꮿ (P ; hP ) | h χ = −χ .
Clearly, Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) = ᏿Ꮿ (P ; hP ) and Ꮿa (P ; hP ) = ᏭᏯ (P ; hP ). These equalities are consequences of Theorem 5.2 and of the equivalences hb χ = χ ᏿χ = χ and hb χ = −χ Ꮽχ = χ.
The proofs of the following two corollaries of Theorem 5.2 are straightforward.
Corollary 5.3. (i) If µ, λ ∈ Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) or µ, λ ∈ Ꮿa (P ; hP ), then λµ ∈
s (P ; hP );
(ii) If λ ∈ Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) and µ ∈ Ꮿa (P ; hP ), then λµ ∈ Ꮿa (P ; hP ).
Corollary 5.4. The set Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) is a subalgebra of Ꮿ (P ; hP ), but
is not; however, Ꮿa (P ; hP ) is a subspace of Ꮿ (P ; hP ).
a (P ; hP )
The statement (ii) in the next theorem gives a representation of the algebra
Ꮿ∞ (P) into Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ).
Theorem 5.5. (i) The vector space Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) has the following direct sum
Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) = Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) ⊕ Ꮿa (P ; hP ).
(ii) The natural map qb : Ꮿ∞ (P) → Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) is an algebra isomorphism.
Proof. (i) We have seen that Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) = ᏿Ꮿ (P ; hP ) and Ꮿa (P ; hP ) =
ᏭᏯ (P ; hP ). It is also clear that Ꮿs (P ; hP )∩ Ꮿa (P ; hP ) = {0}, that is, the single
bi-germ that is both symmetric and antisymmetric is the bi-germ zero.
For every µ ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ), we have
µ = ᏿ µ + Ꮽµ
with ᏿µ = µs ∈ Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ) and Ꮽµ = µa ∈ Ꮿa (P ; hP ). Thus, (i) holds true.
(ii) This part of the proposition is a consequence of Proposition 4.3(i), (iii),
and the definition of Ꮿ∞
s (P ; hP ).
As C. Constantinescu noticed, we can prove that the subspace Ꮿ∞
a (P ; hP ) of
the algebra Ꮿ∞ (P ; hP ) is isomorphic with the vector space of germs of functions
of odd type in the sense of G. de Rham (see [5, page 27]).
6. Vector fields on X and ᏻ2
Definition 6.1. The vector field Z : ᏻ2 → Tᏻ2 is called symmetric or dh→
invariant (resp., antisymmetric or dh-antiinvariant) if and only if (dh)( Z ) = Z
(resp., (dh)( Z ) = − Z ).
We denote, as usual, by χ(X) and χ(ᏻ2 ) the sets of vector fields on X and,
respectively, ᏻ2 endowed with their algebraic structures (vector spaces and
modules over the algebra of complex functions). We introduce the following
χs ᏻ2 := Y ∈ χ ᏻ2 | (dh) Y = Y ;
χa ᏻ2 := Y ∈ χ ᏻ2 | (dh) Y = − Y .
The main result of this paper is assertion (iii) of the next theorem.
Theorem 6.2. (i) χs (ᏻ2 ) and χa (ᏻ2 ) are subspaces of χ(ᏻ2 );
(ii) the following direct sum decomposition holds true:
χ ᏻ2 = χs ᏻ2 ⊕ χa ᏻ2 ;
(iii) χ(X) is canonically isomorphic with χs (ᏻ2 ).
We present the proof of this theorem in several steps.
Step 1 (elementary fields of tangent vectors (EFTV) on ᏻ2 ). Let X P ∈ TP X.
The differentials q∗,P = dP q and q∗,hP = dhP q are bijective mappings. They lead
to the tangent vectors Y P := (dP q)−1 ( X P ) ∈ TP ᏻ2 and Y hP := (dhP q)−1 ( X P ) ∈
ThP ᏻ2 . Thus, to every tangent vector X P ∈ TP X corresponds a nonordered
pair of tangent vectors { Y P ; Y hP } where Y P ∈ TP ᏻ2 and Y hP ∈ ThP ᏻ2 . This
circumstance suggests the following definition.
Definition 6.3. An elementary field of tangent vectors (EFTV) on ᏻ2 (at the
pair of symmetric points {P ; hP }) is a function
Z : {P ; hP } → TP ᏻ2 ∪ ThP ᏻ2
such that Z (Q) := Z Q ∈ TQ ᏻ2 for every Q ∈ {P ; hP }.
We denote by ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 the set of all EFTV at {P ; hP }, and the element
Z ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 will be denoted by { Z P ; Z hP }.
The set ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 will be endowed with its natural structure of vector space:
If Z = { Z P ; Z hP }, W = {W P ; W hP } ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 and a ∈ C, then Z + W and
a Z are defined as:
Z + W := Z P + W P ; Z hP + W hP ,
a Z := a Z P ; a Z hP .
It is obvious that the differential
dh = h∗ : Tᏻ2 → Tᏻ2
is a fixed-point free involution. If Z Q ∈ TQ ᏻ2 , then (dh)( Z Q ) ∈ ThQ ᏻ2 .
We see that the restriction of dh to ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 (still denoted by dh) continues
to be an involution. We have
= dhP h : ThP ᏻ2 → TP ᏻ2 .
dP h
If Z = { Z P ; Z hP } ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 , then (dh)( Z ) = {(dh)( Z hP ); (dh)( Z P )} ∈
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
We now formulate the counterpart of Definition 5.1.
Definition 6.4. The EFTV Z is called symmetric or dh-invariant (resp., an→
tisymmetric or dh-antiinvariant) if and only if (dh)( Z ) = Z (resp., (dh)( Z ) =
− Z ).
If X P ∈ TP X, then (dq)−1 ( X P ) = Y = { Y P ; Y hP }, where Y P = (dP q)−1 ( X P )
and Y hP = (dhP q)−1 ( X P ).
Proposition 6.5. (i) For every X P ∈ TP X, the EFTV Y = (dq)−1 ( X P ) is dhinvariant.
(ii) Conversely, if Z = { Z P ; Z hP } ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 is dh-invariant, then
dP q Z P = dhP q Z hP := X P ∈ TP X
and (dq)−1 ( X P ) = Z .
The proof is simple and will be omitted.
The following simple proposition gives the rule of derivation on nonorientable Klein surfaces.
Proposition 6.6. Let X P ∈ TP X and f ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P). If Y = { Y P ; Y hP } = (dq)−1
( X ) and {fP ; fhP } := qb (f) = {q∗ (f); q∗ (f)} ∈ Ꮿ∞ (P , hP ), then
X P f = Y P fP = Y hP fhP .
Proof. Since fP = h∗
P (fhP ) and Y is dh-invariant, we get
= dP h Y P fhP = Y hP fhP .
Y P fP = Y P h∗
P fhP
On the other hand, Y P (fP ) = Y P (q∗
P (f )) = (dq)( Y P )(f ) = X P (f ).
Step 2 (symmetrisation and antisymmetrisation of EFTV). We consider Y =
{ Y P ; Y hP } ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 . Generally, there is no connection between Y P and Y hP .
We remember that (dP h)−1 = dhP h and that the restriction of dh to ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2
(also denoted by dh) is an involution of ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
As in the case of bi-germs, we define the operators ᏿, Ꮽ : ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 →
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 by
1 →
Y + (dh) Y ,
᏿ Y :=
1 →
Y − (dh) Y
Ꮽ Y :=
for every Y ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
Clearly, (dh)( Y ) = Y if and only if ᏿ Y = Y and (dh)( Y ) = − Y if and only if
Ꮽ Y = Y . Based on Definition 6.1, we call the operators ᏿ and Ꮽ the operators
of symmetrisation and antisymmetrisation, respectively, of EFTV on ᏻ2 .
We denote by Ᏽ the identity of ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 . Formulas (6.10) become
᏿ =
[Ᏽ + dh],
Ꮽ := [Ᏽ − dh].
The next theorem is similar to Theorem 5.2 and the proof will be omitted.
Theorem 6.7. The operators ᏿ and Ꮽ are a pair of orthogonal projectors
of the space ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 , that is, the following five assertions hold:
(i) ᏿, Ꮽ : ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 → ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 are linear operators;
(ii) ᏿ ◦ ᏿ = ᏿ and Ꮽ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ;
(iii) ᏿ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ ◦ ᏿ = 0 = the null operator of ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ;
(iv) ᏿ + Ꮽ = Ᏽ = the identity of ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ;
(v) ᏿ − Ꮽ = dh = an involution of ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
Step 3 (a representation theorem for TP X). We introduce the following notations:
ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 := Y ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 | (dh) Y = Y ;
ETa;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 := Y ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 | (dh) Y = − Y .
Now, we can formulate the following theorem.
Theorem 6.8. (i) The sets ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 and ETa;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 are subspaces of
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ;
(ii) the following direct sum decomposition holds true:
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 = ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ⊕ ETa;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ;
(iii) the vector spaces TP X and ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 are canonically isomorphic.
Proof. (i) The operators ᏿ and Ꮽ are linear operators and ᏿(ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ) =
ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 and Ꮽ(ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ) = ETa;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 . This proves (i).
(ii) Obviously, ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ∩ ETa;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 = {0} and Y = ᏿ Y + Ꮽ Y for every
Y ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
(iii) We have seen that if Z = { Z P , Z hP } ∈ ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 then (dP q)( Z P ) =
(dhP q)( Z hP ). We define
qb : ETs;{P ;hP } ᏻ2 → TP X
by qb ( Z ) := (dP q)( Z P ) = (dhP q)( Z hP ). The mapping qb is the natural isomorphism mentioned in (iii).
Step 4 (global symmetrisation and antisymmetrisation). The global symmetrisation operator ᏿ and the global antisymmetrisation operator Ꮽ (or the
operators of dh-invariance and dh-antiinvariance, respectively) are defined in
a way similar to the case of EFTVs, namely, ᏿, Ꮽ : χ(ᏻ2 ) → χ(ᏻ2 ), where
1 →
X + (dh) X ,
᏿ X :=
1 →
X − (dh) X ,
Ꮽ X :=
for every X ∈ χ(ᏻ2 ) or, equivalently, in terms of Ᏽ and dh,
[Ᏽ + dh],
Ꮽ := [Ᏽ − dh].
᏿ :=
If {P ; hP } is an arbitrary pair of symmetric points on ᏻ2 , we denote by ᏾ the
operator of restriction to {P ; hP } of the vector fields X ∈ χ(ᏻ2 )
᏾ X := X |{P ;hP } = X P ; X hP .
Indeed, the restriction of X to the two-element set {P ; hP } may be identified
with the image by X of this set, namely, with { X P ; X hP }. This means that
᏾( X ) ∈ ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 , that is,
᏾ : χ ᏻ2 → ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
It is obvious that the following two diagrams are commutative:
χ ᏻ2
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2
χ ᏻ2
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 ,
χ ᏻ2
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2
χ ᏻ2
ET{P ;hP } ᏻ2 .
As a consequence of the fact that dh : Tᏻ2 → Tᏻ2 is an involution, we can
formulate the following theorem, which is the globalisation of Theorem 6.7.
The proof will be omitted.
Theorem 6.9. The pair of operators (᏿, Ꮽ) defined by (6.15) is a pair of
orthogonal projectors of the vector space χ(ᏻ2 ), that is,
(i) ᏿, Ꮽ : χ(ᏻ2 ) → χ(ᏻ2 ) are linear operators;
(ii) ᏿ ◦ ᏿ = ᏿ and Ꮽ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ;
(iii) ᏿ ◦ Ꮽ = Ꮽ ◦ ᏿ = 0 = the null operator of χ(ᏻ2 );
(iv) ᏿ + Ꮽ = Ᏽ = the identity of χ(ᏻ2 );
(v) ᏿ − Ꮽ = dh = an involution of χ(ᏻ2 ).
Step 5 (final remarks). We can now complete the proof of Theorem 6.2.
(i) The global operators ᏿ and Ꮽ are linear operators on the vector space
χ(ᏻ2 ). Moreover, ᏿χ(ᏻ2 ) = χs (ᏻ2 ) and Ꮽχ(ᏻ2 ) = χa (ᏻ2 ). The same conclusion
follows directly from (6.1). However, these equalities highlight the fact that
the elements of χs (ᏻ2 ) and χa (ᏻ2 ) appear, respectively, as the dh-invariant
and dh-antiinvariant components of the elements of χ(ᏻ2 ).
(ii) Clearly, X ∈ χs (ᏻ2 ) ∩ χa (ᏻ2 ) if and only if X = 0 = the zero vector field
on ᏻ2 . Since X = ᏿ X + Ꮽ X for every X ∈ χ(ᏻ2 ) and since ᏿ X ∈ χs (ᏻ2 ) and
Ꮽ X ∈ χa (ᏻ2 ), (ii) holds true.
(iii) Let M ∈ χ(X) be an arbitrary vector field on X and let P ∈ X. According
to Proposition 6.5(i), Y := (dq)−1 (M) is a dh-invariant EFTV on ᏻ2 . Since the
h-orbits on ᏻ2 are either identical or disjoint and since ᏻ2 = P∈X. {P ; hP }, we
can define X ∈ χs (ᏻ2 ) by its restrictions
X |{P ;hP } := (dq)−1 M P
to the set of h-orbits {P ; hP }. It is an easy exercise to check that the cor→
respondence M ↔ X is an isomorphism between the vector spaces χ(X) and
χs (ᏻ2 ).
7. The normal derivative to the border of the Möbius strip. As an application of the topics that we have dealt with so far, we present, in detail, the
normal derivative to the border of the Möbius strip, which is a vector field
defined on that border.
We consider the annulus AR defined as
AR := z ∈ C | ≤ |z| ≤ R ,
where R > 1 is fixed. The map h : AR → AR defined by
hz := h(z) := −
= w = u + iv
for every z = x +iy ∈ AR is a fixed-point free antianalytic involution of AR and
the orbit space
MR := AR /h,
where h = {Id; h} is the two element group generated by h, is a Möbius strip.
If z ∈ AR , its h-orbit is the two-element set
z = {z; hz} = hz.
If z = ρeiθ , 1/R ≤ ρ ≤ R, 0 ≤ θ < π , the h-symmetric point of z is w = −1/z =
(1/ρ)ei(θ+π ) .
When z runs over the line segment with end-points Reiθ and (1/R)eiθ from
Reiθ towards (1/R)eiθ (i.e., ρ decreases from R to 1/R), its symmetric w runs
on the line segment with endpoints (1/R)ei(θ+π ) and Rei(θ+π ) from the first
point toward the second.
The border of MR consists of the orbits z such that |z| = R or 1/R, that is,
∂MR =
Reiθ ;
1 i(θ+π )
|0≤θ<π .
z0 ) consists
If q : AR → MR is the canonical projection and z0 = Reiθ0 , then q−1 (
of z0 and (1/R)ei(θ0 +π ) = w0 .
The unit normal vector that we use in the definition of the normal derivative
to the border of AR is taken with respect to the Euclidian metric. This metric
should be replaced now with its h-invariant component in order to be able to
give a meaning to the normal derivative to ∂MR [4, 6, 8].
The unit inner normal (to ∂AR ) vectors with respect to the Euclidian metric
ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 at the points z0 and w0 = hz0 are
= − cos θ0
− sin θ0
∂x z0
∂y z0
= − cos θ0
− sin θ0
∂n w0
∂u w0
∂v w0
Y z0 =
Y w0
With our earlier notations,
Y = Y z0 ; Y w0 ∈ ET{z0 ;w0 } AR .
In all that follows, AR will be endowed with the metric gs given by
[dx ⊗ dx + dy ⊗ dy]
gs (z) = dσ =
s of this metric by q (see [8]).
and MR with the projection g
Thus, h is an isometric involution of (AR , gs ) and
q : AR , gs → MR , g
is a local isometry.
If z ∈ AR , we define the scalar product and the norm induced by gs on Tz AR
as follows.
If U = U1 (∂/∂x)z + U2 (∂/∂y)z , V = V1 (∂/∂x)z + V2 (∂/∂y)z ∈ Tz AR , their
scalar product U , V = U , V gs is given by
U , V = gs (z) U , V =
U1 V1 + U2 V2 .
The norm U = U gs of U , given by (7.10), is
1/2 1
= →
U12 + U22 .
The gs -length of the vectors Y z0 and Y w0 is given by
R2 + 1
Y z = 1 1 + 1
cos2 θ0 + sin2 θ0 =
2R 2
Y w = 1 1 + R 2 cos2 θ0 + sin2 θ0 = R + 1 .
Thus, Y z0 < 1 < Y w0 . As Y = { Y z0 ; Y w0 } ∉ ETs;{z0 ;w0 } AR , it cannot be used
to define the unit normal vector to ∂MR !
The relations (7.12) suggest, instead,
N 0 :=
2R 2 →
2 →
Y z0 ; 2
Y w0
R2 + 1
R +1
:= N z0 ; N w0 ∈ ET{z0 ;w0 } AR .
Clearly, N z0 = N w0 = 1.
If z = x + iy ∈ AR and w = u + iv = −1/z = hz, then the action of the
differential dz h = h∗,z on the vectors (∂/∂x)z , (∂/∂y)z of the basis of Tz AR is
given by
+ vx (z)
dz h
= ux (z)
∂x z
∂u w
∂v w
+ vy (z)
= uy (z)
dz h
∂y z
∂u w
∂v w
where {(∂/∂u)w ; (∂/∂v)w } is the basis of Tw AR and ux (z) = (∂u/∂x)(z), and
so on. The Jacobian matrix Jh;z of h at the point z is
Jh;z =
ux (z)
uy (z)
x2 − y 2
 |z|4
vx (z)
 2xy
vy (z)
2 
− x −y
If we take z = h−1 w = hw, the analogues of formulas of (7.14) and (7.15) are
+ yu (w)
= xu
∂x z
∂y z
+ yv (w)
dw h
= xv (w)
∂u w
∂x z
∂y z
dw h
Jh;w =
xv (w)
yu (w)
yv (w)
u 2 − u2
 |w|4
 2uv
− u − v2 
Let X = { X z , X w } ∈ ET{z;w} AR
+ Bz
, Az , Bz ∈ C;
∂x z
∂y z
X w = Aw
+ Bw
, Aw , Bw ∈ C.
∂u w
∂v w
X z = Az
Clearly (dh)( X ) = {(dw h)( X w ); (dz h)( X z )} ∈ ET{z;w} AR , and the two elements
of (dh)( X ) are obtained from (7.14) and (7.16) and are given by
(w) + Bw xv (w)
+ Aw yu (w)+Bw yv (w)
dw h X w = Aw xu
∂x z
∂y z
+ Az vx (z) + Bz vy (z)
dz h X w = Az ux (z) + Bz uy (z)
∂u w
∂v w
Taking into account (7.18) and (7.19), we can formulate the following proposition.
Proposition 7.1. The EFTVs X is dh-invariant, that is, X ∈ ETs;{z;w} AR if
and only if
A w xu
(w) + Bw xv (w) = Az ;
Aw yu (w) + Bw yv (w) = Bz .
We now consider the particular case z = z0 = Reiθ0 , w = w0 = (1/R)ei(θ0 +π )
and X = N 0 = the EFTV given by (7.13).
The coefficients Az , Bz , Aw , and Bw become, in this case,
−2R 2 cos θ0
R2 + 1
−2 cos θ0
Aw =
R2 + 1
Az =
−2R 2 sin θ0
R2 + 1
−2 sin θ0
Bw =
R2 + 1
Bz =
The corresponding Jacobian matrix is
Jh;w =
xv (w)
R 2 cos 2θ0
yu (w)
yv (w)
R 2 sin 2θ0
R 2 sin 2θ0
−R 2 cos 2θ0
We check the validity of relations (7.20) corresponding to the following case:
−2 cos θ0 2
−2 sin θ0 2
R cos 2θ0 +
R sin 2θ0
R2 + 1
R2 + 1
−2R 2 cos θ0 cos 2θ0 + sin θ0 sin 2θ0
R2 + 1
−2R cos θ0
= Az .
R2 + 1
(w) + Bw xv (w) =
A w xu
In the same way, we can see that the second relation of (7.20) is fulfilled.
Thus, the EFTV N 0 is in ETs;{z;w} AR .
0 is
s -unit normal vector to the border of MR at the point z
The (inner) g
therefore the image of N 0 by dq
N 0 := dq N 0 .
Here, the answer is given by
We see now how N 0 acts on germs fz ∈ Ꮿ∞ (z).
Proposition 6.6.
{fz , fw } = qb (fz ) is a symmetric bi-germ and
N 0 fz = N z0 fz = N w0 fw ,
where N z0 and N w0 are given by (7.13). Thus,
∂fz ∂fz →
2R 2 !
cos θ0
z0 + sin θ0
z0 .
N 0 fz = − 2
R +1
A similar result has been obtained in [6, 7] where the derivative, with respect
to the exterior normal, was taken.
As a final remark, we should notice that, since any nonorientable surface S is
“created” by a symmetric Riemann surface R, all the objects on S should be dependent on “similar” objects on R. Although the EFTVs might appear somehow
artificial, their existence is dictated by the previously mentioned philosophy.
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Ilie Barza: Department of Engineering Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, Karlstad
University, S-651 88-Karlstad, Sweden
E-mail address:
Dorin Ghisa: Department of Mathematics, Glendon College, York University, 2275Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Canada M4N 3M6
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