Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 2 (1990) 331-336 331 ON THE BOUNDS OF MULTIVALENTLY STARLIKENESS AND CONVEXITY SHIGEYOSHI OWA Depart]ent of Mathematics, KiWi University Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577, Japan and MAMORU NUNOKAWA Department of Mathematics, Gunma University Aramaki, Maebashi, Gunma 371, Japan (Received December 22, 198 7) ABSTRACT, The object of the present paper is to prove some interesting results for the bounds of starlikeness and convexity of certain multivalent functions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. p-valently starlike, p-valently convex, typically real. 1980 S SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30C45, 30A32. I, INTRODUCTION, Let A(p) denote the class of functions of the form f(z) zp + n=p+l which are arlytic in the unit disk in the class A(1) U anzn {z: (p Izl N {1,2,3,...}) < i}. A function is said to be a member of the class it satisfies Re{f’(z)} > 0 E (z e U). p f(z) if and only if 332 S. OWA AND M. NUNOKAWA It is well known that if f(z) belongs to the class lent in P, then f(z) is univa- (cf. [13, [23). U Many results for this class were obtained, but the radius of p starlikeness for the class is not known. Lewandowski [3] has proved that if f(z) belongs to the class then f(z) is starlike in Izl < 4 p, 5 % 0.6568. This result has been improved in ([43, [53) as follows- p, If f(z) belongs to the class zl in < p, where p is the smallest positive root of the equation 1 log and 0.901 < 2, then f(z) is univalently starlike < 2r + S in-i 2 i- r l+r 2 0.902. PRELIMINARIES. DEFINITION I, Re Le f(z) e A(p) and { zf’(z) f(z) } (Izl > 0 < r <_ i). Then we shall call a function f(z) p-valently starlike in . Izl < r. We denote by S(P) the subclass of (p) consisting of functions which are p-valently starlike in DEFINITION 2, Let f(z) e A(p) and { Re 1 + zf"(z) } i-z5 > 0 (Izl < r <__ i). Then we shall call a function f(z) p-valently convex in zl < r. Also we denote by C(p) the subclass of A(P) consisting of all p-valently convex functions in the unit disk U. LEMMA I, that f’(z) is typically real in the unit disk LE that Let f(z) be in the class (Ruscheweyh [6]) U. p, and assume Then f(z) is univalently starlike in U. 2, (Nunokawa [7]) Let f(z) be in the class A(p), and suppose BOUNDS OF MULTIVALENTLY STARLIKENESS AND CONVEXITY zf (p) (z) f(p- i) (z) Re (Izl 333 < r <= ). Then we have zf (k) (z) (k- i) (z) Re{..’f or f(P-k)(z) LEMt’ e Izl $(k) in } 0 1,2,3,.-.,p. < r for k 3, (Nmokawa [73) > Let f(z) be in the class A(p), and suppose p + Re{ zf (P+I) (z) ’f(P)z) } > 0 } > 0 (Izl < r _<__ i). Then we have k+Re{ for k 3, zf (k+l) (z) f(k) (Z) 0,1,2,...,p-l. This shows that f(z) C(P) and f(z) e (p). BOUNDS OF STARL!KENESS AND CONVEX!TY, We begin with the statement and the proof of the following result. [H0R ], p > 2, (f(p-l)(z)/p!) e , and (f(P)(z)/p) Then f(z) is p-valently convex in PROOF. and F’(0) .. Let the function f(z) belong to the class (p) with Let F(z) is typically real in . and p-valently starlike in f(p-l)(z)/pl. i. Also, since F(z) be typically real in , Then it is clear that F(0) 0 Re{F’(z)} > 0 (z e ), and F’(z) An application of Lemma i to the function F(z) gives that zF’ (z) zf (p) (z) F(z) f(P-l) (z i (z Therefore, with the aid of Lemma 2, we have zf" (z) Re f’(z) } > 0 (z e U) U). 334 S. OWA AND M. NUNOKAWA and zf’ (z) } Re f(z) U)- (z > 0 S(P), respectively. C(p) and f(z) The above inequalities imply that f(z) Thus we complete the proof of Theorem i. Next, we prove THEOREM 2, (f(P-l) (z) /p l) Let the function f(z) belong to the class A(P), and p. e Then f(z) is p-valently convex in Izl < r(p), where p2+l 1 r(p) P PR00, Defining the function F(z) as in the proof of Theorem i, (f(P-l)(z)/p), that is, F(z) Re{F’(z)} ). Then (z > 0 we have F(0) 0, F’(0) i and it is well known that zF"(z) zf (p+I) (z) F’(z) f(P) (z) 1 21 z Izl ’2 (z U)- Thus, it follows from the above that zf (p+I) (z) > 0 for zl < r(p). Making use of Lemma 3 leads to zf" (z) Rel+ f’(z) for zl < } > 0 r(p) which completes the proof of Theorem 2. REMARK, We can not find out an extremal function of Theorem 2. Applying the same method as in the proof of [5], and using Lemma 2, we have the following result. THEOREM , (f(P-l)(z)/p) 01 Let the function f(z) belong to the class A(P), and g p. Then f(z) is p-valently starlike in is the smallest positive root of the equation Izl < PI’ where BOUNDS OF MULTIVALENTLY STARLIKENESS AND CONVEXITY I log and 0.901 < I- r 2 + Sin 335 2r -i l+r 2- < 0.902. Pl Further, spending the same nner as in the proof of ([8], [9]), and using Lemma 2, we get the followimg theorem. HFORFM , Let the function f(z) belong to the class (p), and If (p)(z) p!l < Then f(z) is p-valently starlike in P! Izl U). (z < P2’ where 02 is the smallest positive root of the equation 4r 2 + log(9 and 0.933 < < 2 4r3 r 4) log9(l r 2) + Sin-lr 0.934. i in Theorem 4, we have Letting p COROLLARY. Let the function f(z) belong to the class A(1), and If’(z) ii Then f(z) is univalently starlike in < I Izl U)- (z < 2’ where 2 is given as in Theorem 4. The above corollary is an improvement of the result REMARK. in [i0, Theorem 6]. Finally, we derive TH0RM 5. Let the function f(z) belong to the class (p), and If (p+l)(z)l <__ klzlk-lpl (z where k is a positive real number. Then f(z) is p-valent in PROOF. From the assumption of Theorem 5, we see that If(P)(z)- pll If(P+l)(t)dtl . U), S. OWA AND M. NUNOKAWA 336 Izl f (p+l) (t) 0 Idtl kltlk-lldtl for z g Uo This implies that Re{f(P)(z)} > 0 (z Izlkp g < p . ). By applying Ozaki’s theorem [ii] to the function f(z), we conclude that f(z) is p-valent in REFERENCES i. NOSHIRO, K. On the theory of schlicht functions, J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (i)2(1934/1935), 129 2. 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