Dear Parents & Guardians,
Thank-you to the entire Hyland Heights community for making
the December Holiday Celebration Night such a tremendous success!
Coordinating and organizing this event required an incredible amount
of time and energy and we are appreciative to the parents involved
who helped share the work. Hyland Heights is so fortunate to have
such a dedicated team of parents on School Council and an even larger
extended group of parents who offer support whenever and wherever
help is needed. To the many businesses who donated prizes for our
raffle or silent auction, we are deeply grateful. Thank-you for creating a
night to remember!
Appreciation is also extended to families who filled our mitten &
hat tree that will be used to support students in need of extra warm
clothing this winter. A number of food boxes were also collected for the
Shepherd’s cupboard. To promote some friendly competition and
anticipation throughout December and enhance already positive
relationships with our students, the Shelburne Police Services agreed
to make a mock (pretend) arrest of the teacher from each division
who’s students brought in the most items. Congratulations to Mrs.
Rawn’s, Mr. Anderson’s, and Mrs. Richardson’s classes!
The New Year brings an opportunity for making new
resolutions. It also provides an opportunity for students to enjoy new
beginnings; to start over with a clean slate, or to reintroduce good
study habits that will support them for the duration of this year and
beyond. I encourage you to view the New Year (2014) as an
opportunity to reintroduce yourself to your child’s teacher if it’s been a
while since you’ve connected. If you have information to share that
would be helpful for us to support your child, or you want to know how
you can best support your child for the duration of this school year. We
are your partners in education!
D. Heaslip
Grade 8 Parent Night at CDDHS on
Thursday, January 30st @ 7pm
Staff at Centre Dufferin invite Grade 8 parents & students to attend
an information session in the auditorium on Thurs. Jan.30th @ 7pm.
This is a valuable opportunity to hear about course selections and
what your child can expect upon entering secondary school next
September. While it may seem some distance away, student course
selections will be happening within the next month and this would be
a helpful opportunity to hear about options and expectations.
Principal, D. Heaslip
519-925-3745, Attendance: Ext. 100
* Press ‘0’ to connect directly with the office
Movie Nights
are Back!
Hyland Heights E.S.
Families are invited to
join us on Friday
January 31st for a night of
family fun, while
watching a movie in the
gym. Wear your pj’s and
bring the family.
Order forms with details
will be going home
Upcoming School Council
January 20th, February 10th,
March 3rd
@ 6pm in the library.
Please note that all parents
are welcome and babysitting is
PD DAY on Friday,
January 17th
& Evaluation Day
Please note that there will
be no school for students
on this day.
News from Parent Council
Thank you, Thank You, Thank You
We owe a lot of appreciation, especially to the students, parents, staff, and extended families of
Hyland Heights E.S. We hope you enjoyed our Holiday Celebration Night as much as we did!
Together with the generous donations from local businesses and your support we were able to
raise $4505.31 for our playground fund. Not only did we move closer to our fundraising goal, but
we made some wonderful memories with our school family as well. We would like to say a special
thank you to KTH Shelburne and Pioneer Energy for their generous cash donations as well as to
the following local businesses who have helped us move closer to our larger financial goal:
Caravaggio IDA
Jungle Oasis
Bulk Barn Orangeville
Zehrs Orangeville
Turn It Out Dance Studio
No Frills Shelburne
Harmony Health Clinic
M & M Meat’s Orangeville
The Globe Restaurant
Mrs. Mitchell’s Restaurant
Second Fiddle
Hockley Valley
Sue Foley Jewellery
The Ward Family
The Macdonald Family
The Partridge Family
Global Expressions
Galaxy Bedding
Jelly Cafe
Pete’s Donuts
Pita Pit
Piccadilly Party
Walmart Orangeville
Fionn McCool’s Orangeville
Nurtured Boutique
Grand Valley Midwives
Boston Pizza Orangeville
Future Shop Orangeville
Montana’s Orangeville
Renew You In-Home Day Spa
Hyland Fish & Chips
Tony’s Street Meat
Mary Kay – Celine Roy Higgins
Party Safari
School Days Cafe
Giant Tiger
Cineplex Odeon
Four Seasons Chinese
One Shot Dance Wear
Kidlets Photography
Movie Night
Movie Nights are back at Hyland! Join us on Friday January 31st for a
night of family fun while watching a movie in the gym. Wear your pj’s
and bring the family.
Order forms with details will be going home shortly.
Treasurers Report
This month we added $160 from our Smoothie Days towards our playground fund which is currently at
$6600.20. We also raised $1039 from our pizza days. We will be discussing how to spend this money at
our next council meeting so please consider attending if you would like to know more.
Next Meeting Dates
Please consider joining at our next meeting to find out what we are planning next. Meetings are for all parents who
have children attending Hyland Heights. Our next meeting dates are:
Monday, January 20th, Monday, February 10th, Monday, March 3rd
Meetings start at 6pm in the library. As always, there is free babysitting.
The “Forest of Reading” book clubs will once again begin this month at Hyland
Heights. These book clubs which are organized by the Ontario Library Association, promote both reading for
enjoyment and reading for information. This year, the book clubs are being led by Mrs. Richardson, Mrs.
Rogers, Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Bannon. Named after trees, the “Blue Spruce”, “Silver Birch” and “Red Maple”
book clubs are open to all interested students in Grades JK to 8. Curled up with a good book...what a great
way to spend a cold winter’s day!
No Nuts at School!
Kudos to all the parents and students who so diligently ensure only foods with ‘no nuts’ are
brought in or sent to school. Thanks to you, HHES continues to be a safe school for all children.
A reminder while the product ‘pea-butter’ may be a healthy alternative at home, Upper Grand
DSB prohibits this product in schools because it looks, smells, and tastes so much like peanut
butter, it is difficult to tell the difference. Monitoring of this food compared to the real thing would be
incredibly challenging. Students may also feel they are being given a mixed message about nuts and students
with life-threatening allergies and develop a false sense of security.
Medication Taken at School
It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board for a medication form to be completed for
students requiring medication at school.
The Board’s interpretation of medication includes Tylenol, allergy medication and any prescribed oral
medicines. We require a parent signature on the form before any medication can be administered here at
school. Please request a form from the office, by either calling the school or sending a note. Please do not
send medication to school with your child.
Please ensure that the medication is in its original container, labeled, with your child’s name, and accompanied
with clear instructions. Parents may also come to the school office to administer medication directly if
Technology at School
A reminder that students are not to be using cell phones, cameras, or to be texting during school
hours. If your child must carry a cell phone for communication to and from school, it is to be kept in
your child’s school bag and turned off during school hours. Texting or phone calls should take place
outside of the school day. Communication with parents during the school day should be coming
directly through the office. We want to maximize instructional time, reduce unnecessary disruptions
or distractions, as well as ensure safety and privacy for everyone.
Cell phones used during the school day will be taken from students and returned at the end of the day. Further
infractions may result in phones being taken and returned to parents. We appreciate students’ cooperation and
parents’ support in following these expectations.
Winter Weather & Bus Cancellations
During times of inclement weather, please listen to: 1460 AM CJOY,106.1
MagicFM, 99.1 FM CBC, NewsTalk 570 AM, 96.7 FM CHYM, 98.1 FM CHFI, 680
AM CFTR, 92.5 KISS FM or watch the A Channel News or CKCO-TV television news for school
transportation cancellations.
Parents can also check the Transportation website (http://www.stwdsts.ca/) A message will be recorded on
information mailbox #501 when cancellations occur. Simply call the school and request extension #501. If for
any reason your child/ren are remaining at home when busses are cancelled and your children are not bussed,
please call to report your child’s absence in mailbox # 100. As part of our safe arrival program, the school is
required to ensure all students are safe and accounted for. Receiving a call about your child’s absence allows
us to more quickly identify if there are children who are not accounted for. Given the volume of calls that come
in during this time in the morning when weather is questionable, you may find some frustration with a busy
signal when trying to get through. Please keep trying.
2014-2015 Kindergarten Registration @ Hyland Heights E.S.
Kindergarten Registration for the upcoming school year is quickly approaching. Children born in 2010 are
eligible to begin Junior Kindergarten in September, 2014. Children born in 2009 who are not already
attending an elementary school are eligible to begin Senior Kindergarten in September, 2014. Kindergarten
Registration will take place at
Hyland Heights E.S. from February 3rd - 7th, 2014,
Between 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. and 2:15 - 4:00 p.m.
At the time of Registration, parents are required to complete the "Student Admission
Form" and the "Immunization Data Form" which can be found on our Board website
(www.ugdsb.on.ca/admissionandregistration) in PDF version. These forms can be
completed by you and brought into the school at Registration time or we will have blank
copies available for you to complete.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in registering your child during the dates listed above. This
allows the Planning Department to determine staff needs for our schools as well as Transportation Services to
meet the transportation needs of your child.
If you know of a neighbour or friend who presently does not have children at Hyland Heights and lives within
the school boundaries, please give them the above information or ask them to contact the school.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 519-925-3745.
The following documents are required to register your child. Please remember to bring supporting
documentation with you.
1. Proof of Birth Date - i.e. Birth Certificate/Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Resident Card. If you have
not already done so, please apply for your child's birth certificate as soon as possible as there may be a
delay. Parents must provide proof of birth date before a child can legally attend school. The following
website allows parents to complete their Birth Certificate Application on-line or print off a blank
application - http://www.cbs.gov.on.ca/mcbs/english/4U4V5Z.htm
2. Proof of Date of Entry, if born outside Canada: school official and parent must complete the
“Confirmation of Pupil Eligibility for English as a Second Language” form available at the school.
3. Proof of Address - i.e. driver’s license, purchase/rental agreement, bank statement, hydro bill, used to
identify where a student lives for placement within the 2014-15 school boundaries. Please see our
Board website at www.ugdsb.on.ca/admissionandregistration for boundary map and registration
4. Custody Order Documentation (if applicable), should be provided and viewed by the
5. Life Threatening Medical Information (if applicable).
Are you interested in having your child attend a French Immersion Program?
The French Immersion Program for students living within our school boundaries continues to be offered at
Princess Elizabeth Public School. To obtain information about this program, please consider
attending a parent/guardian information night on Thursday, January 30 in the Princess
Elizabeth PS Library, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Babysitting will be provided. The purpose of this
meeting is to provide information to families who may be deciding between the English and FI
programs. All interested families who reside within our boundaries are welcome to attend. Hopefully this will
help in their decision making for Kindergarten registration.
Indoor Footwear
Please ensure that your child has a second pair of shoes to wear inside, and boots or alternate footwear for
outside. The floors can be very wet during the winter season and in the event of an emergency evacuation or
fire alarm, students must have footwear on to leave the building. It is unsafe for children to be without shoes
and outdoor shoes worn inside cause both dirty and slippery floors. Our custodians are working incredibly hard
to make our school sparkle and indoor shoes help with this immensely!
Supporting Children in Identifying, Describing, Understanding, and Resolving Conflict
As part of our continued efforts to promote a cooperative, collaborative,
and inclusive environment for all students at school and beyond, it is helpful to
expand their awareness and vocabulary that should be used to identify and
explain what is happening when unpleasant situations arise. Sometimes the
word ‘bullying’ is used to describe a situation that was unpleasant or upsetting,
but doesn’t necessarily fall into the category of ‘bullying’. While unpleasant,
‘conflict’ can also be a normal part of friendships or relationships and calls upon
adults to teach students how to describe, understand, and resolve this conflict
through the use of problem-solving skills or adult supported conflict resolution,
depending on the severity of the conflict and upset that has resulted. Below is
an insert from a Ministry of Education pamphlet for parents. The expanded version can be accessed through
the following website. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/multi/english/BullyingEN.pdf
Is conflict the same as bullying? (Ministry of Education pamphlet)
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or
individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another
person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or
perceived power imbalance.
People may sometimes confuse conflict with bullying, but they are different. Conflict occurs between
two or more people who have a disagreement, a difference of opinion or different views. Conflict between
students does not always mean it’s bullying. Children learn at a young age to understand that others can have
a different perspective than their own, but developing the ability to gain perspective takes time and the process
continues into early adulthood. In conflict, each person feels comfortable expressing his or her views, and
there is no power imbalance. Each person feels able to state his or her viewpoint. How people deal with
conflict can make it positive or negative. Conflict becomes negative when an individual behaves aggressively
by saying or doing hurtful things. Then the conflict is an aggressive interaction.
Conflict only becomes bullying when it is repeated over and over again and there is a power imbalance.
Over time, a pattern of behaviour may emerge where the person who behaves aggressively in the conflict may
continue or even make it worse. The person who is the recipient of the aggressive conflict may feel less and
less able to express his or her point of view and feel more and more powerless. That is when negative conflict
may turn into bullying. A school will respond to bullying and conflict differently. For example, in the case of a
conflict, a staff member may try to have the students come together to tell their side of the story and help them
resolve the situation together. In the case of bullying, a principal will consider progressive discipline, which may
include suspension or expulsion.
Vaccinations - Gr. 8 Girls'
(2 of 3) & Gr. 7 students
(1 of 1)
Smoothie Day
Pizza Day
PA DAY – no school for
Primary Skaring @ CDRD
(Grades 1, 2, 3)
Gr 8 Parent
Information Night at
CDDHS @ 7pm
*A great opportunity to
learn about course
selections and student
Movie Night at HHES –
supported by Parent
Pita Day
Skills Canada 12:00-1pm
Presentation for Gr 8’s
***to be reschedule due
to no buses running***
Pizza Day
CDDHS Course Selection
presentation for Gr 8s’
Smoothie Day
Parent Council Meeting
@ 6pm (babysitting
Pizza Day
Gr 8 Graduation Photos
Pita Day
Pizza Day
Feb 3-7 Kindergarten
Registration (for
students to begin
September 2014)
Registration Continued…
Registration Ends Today
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Electronic Newsletters - In an attempt to be more environmental friendly, HHES is trying to
reduce the number of paper copies of the newsletter going home. We will be emailing a pdf
copy of our monthly school newsletter through Constant Contact, to interested parents. It is a
good way of ensuring that you get the latest information in a timely manner and that the
newsletter is not lost in the bottom of a backpack.
If you would like to receive a copy of the Hawk Talk via email, please send in your:
Full Name of your Child/ren: ________________________________________
Teacher(s) Name: _______________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________