Places to Publish for Ministry Guidance Professionals

Places to Publish for Ministry Guidance Professionals
This document has been developed from a list of journals identified by the Association of
Theological Field Educators (ATFE) as recommended journals for academic publications in their
area of study. The original list was prepared in fall 2004 by Pam Faro, research assistant to
Professor Jeffrey Mahan, Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. The current document
includes many of the titles from the original ATFE list along with several other titles germane to
ministry supervision. Although these titles do not represent an exhaustive list of all the possible
journals to which ministry guidance professionals may wish to submit papers for publication,
these titles have been selected from the ATLA list of journals that have made substantive
academic contributions to their specific areas of expertise. Based on stated aims and scope,
and/or on past record of relevant published articles, this list identifies journals that are
appropriate places for publishing work that grows out of ministry-related experience and
scholarship. Each entry includes the journal’s title, website address, and statements about its aim
and scope taken directly from its website. In addition to the list of peer-reviewed academic
journals, some "popular" ministry-related resources (i.e., those targeted toward a more general
audience) have been identified which may serve as other possible avenues for publication. This
revised document has been prepared by the Publications Task Force of the Association for
Ministry Guidance Professionals (Summer 2009).
Peer-reviewed Academic Journals
British Journal of Religious Education
Christian Higher Education
Christian Education Journal
International Journal of Practical Theology
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal of Beliefs and Values
Journal of Empirical Theology
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Journal of Pastoral Theology
Journal of Religious Leadership
Journal of Research on Christian Education
Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care
Journal of Youth and Theology
Journal of Youth Ministry
Perspectives in Religious Studies
Reflective Practice: Formation & Supervision in Ministry
Religious Education
Review & Expositor
Review of Religious Research
Sociology of Religion
Teaching Theology and Religion
Theological Education
Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry
"Popular" Resources (Excluding Denominational Publications)
Christian Century
Christianity Today
Leadership Journal
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals
British Journal of Religious Education
The British Journal of Religious Education (BJRE) is an international peer-reviewed journal which has
a pedigree stretching back to 1934 when it began life as Religion in Education. In 1961 the title was
changed to Learning for Living, and the present title was adopted in 1978. It is the leading journal in
Britain for the dissemination of international research in religion and education and for the scholarly
discussion of issues concerning religion and education internationally.
BJRE aims to promote and report research and scholarship in religious education and related fields such
as values education, spiritual education and intercultural education insofar as they relate to the discussion
of religion or religious traditions and movements. Contributions relating to the following are especially
research and scholarship on religious education as understood in the UK publicly funded school
international research and scholarship relating to religious education in the schools of plural
religious education in faith based schools
religious perspectives on education
childhood and religion in community and school settings
Contributions are welcome from researchers and scholars of any faith or none in all sectors of education
(including higher education, schools, educational administration and inspection). Submissions from
graduate students are welcome.
Christian Education Journal
The purpose of the journal is to strengthen the conception and practice of Christian education in church
and parachurch settings through:
Encouraging reflection on the foundations of Christian education and implications for ministry
Exploring the integration and application of social science theory and research to educational
ministry concerns
Fostering improved teaching in the field of Christian education at colleges and seminaries,
equipping people for leadership in this field
Promoting the assessment of our changing cultural context and of contemporary educational
ministry needs, models, and trends
Providing reviews of new books in the field of Christian education and other related disciplines
that impact educational ministry.
Talbot School of Theology is pleased to publish the Christian Education Journal in cooperation with the
North American Professors of Christian Education (NAPCE).
Christian Higher Education
Christian Higher Education is a peer reviewed archival journal that features articles on
developments being created and tested by those engaged in the study and practice of Christian
higher education. This journal addresses issues in finance, enrollment management, innovative
teaching methods, higher education administration, program assessment, faculty development,
curriculum development, and student services. Each issue offers a balance of essays on current
research as well as programs and methods at the cutting edge of progress. CHE is the only
journal to be international, interdenominational, interdisciplinary, and to focus exclusively on
Christian higher education.
International Journal of Practical Theology
The International Journal of Practical Theology is an academic journal. It is intended for practical
theologians and teachers of religious education, scientists specializing in religion, and representatives of
other cultural-scientific disciplines. The aim of the journal is to promote an international and
interdisciplinary dialogue.
The journal contains contributions on an empirically descriptive and critically constructive theory of
ecclesiastical and religious practice in society. Primarily, it deals with descriptions of religion as it is
practiced. Religion in this context can be understood in the broad sense of the word according to which all
appreciative tendencies towards an ultimate view of oneself and of the world can be described as being
religious. Thus the many different forms of religion as they are lived today are applied in a critically
constructive manner to the normative self-image of churches, ecclesiastical groups and denominations. As
contributions towards practical theology, they ultimately pursue the structure of practically orientated
theories of ecclesiastical and ecclesiastically conveyed religious practice.
The spectrum of themes is divided into five groups. First, the articles deal with the global and regional
different changes in religious practice in relation to the processes of socio-cultural modernization
processes (individualization and pluralization). Second, they study the development of new forms of
public religion (civil religion). Third, they analyze the life history of the formation and transformation of
religion (religious development). Fourth, they examine the intercultural and interreligious dimensions of
religion on an individual, social and ecclesiastical level (interreligious dialogue, syncretism). Fifth, they
attempt to give a critical and constructive interpretation of the ecclesiastical fields of action (church
service and sermon, religious instruction, pastoral care and spiritual guidance, organization and
In addition to essays, the International Journal of Practical Theology also offers research reports which
provide information on the current state of affairs of interdisciplinary and international research of
religion as far as this is relevant from a practical and theological point of view. Furthermore, the journal
also contains situation reports which reveal the state of discussion of practical theology in various
countries, regions and confessions. Finally, it also includes a review section which gives information on
important new publications in the field of practical theology.
The International Journal of Practical Theology is neither the organ of a specific theological school nor
of a particular ecclesiastical organization. The journal does not aim to present biased opinions of
theological schools or confessional organizations but rather place in the foreground of discussion the
differences between ecclesiastical and ecclesiastically conveyed practice of religion, the documentation
and discussion of its development within its regional context, its international interweavement and
different normative orientations. - The contributions are in English or German. A summary (abstract) is
given in the other language respectively to give the reader a general idea of the article.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, published on behalf of the Society for the Scientific
Study of Religion, is a quarterly multi-disciplinary journal that publishes articles, research notes,
and book reviews on the social scientific study of religion. Published articles are representative
of the best current theoretical and methodological treatments of religion. Substantive areas
include both micro-level analysis of religious organizations, institutions, and social change.
While many articles published in the journal are sociological, the journal also publishes the work
of psychologists, political scientists, anthropologists, and economists.
Journal of Beliefs and Values
The principal aim of Journal of Beliefs & Values is to focus critical enquiry relevant to four fields of
religious studies
religious education
values in education
The journal welcomes international, interdisciplinary and ecumenical debate.
The distinctive contributions of the journal include:
theological reflections on education
education in religion
spirituality in education
empirical perspectives on religion
spiritual life of children and adults
Journal of Beliefs & Values maintains a specific interest in the scriptures of the major world faiths,
especially their use in teaching within a multi-cultural context, in school, college and university.
Particular emphasis is placed on the interface between the theory and practice of religion and education,
including research in formative factors like gender, race and religious pluralism.
Journal of Empirical Theology
The Journal of Empirical Theology (JET) publishes theological articles and book reviews directly or
indirectly based upon empirical research and empirical methodology. It aims to broaden and advance
empirical-theological knowledge and thought at an international level in order to contribute to a deeper
understanding of religion in modern times in relation to the Christian tradition.
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling advances theory and professional practice through scholarly
and reflective literature on pastoral and spiritual care, counseling, psychotherapy, education, and
research. All material submitted to JPC&C must reflect the ethical standards of the pastoral associations
that sponsor JPCP Inc. These standards are available at the associations’ websites.
JPC&C publishes articles such as the following.
Concrete and detailed reports of significant areas of pastoral/spiritual care work, with discussion
Research Studies of importance to the pastoral/spiritual care mission of religious communities
Articles advancing understanding of the practice of Clinical Pastoral Education and Pastoral
Articles that explore the distinctive as well as the common characteristics of Ministry/
Spiritual Care in relation to other helping professions and/or institutions
JPCP Inc, is a non-profit corporation registered in the U.S. state of Georgia in 1994. JPCP Inc advances
theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective publications. JPCP Inc’s primary
publication is The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, advancing theory and professional practice
through scholarly and reflective literature on pastoral and spiritual care, counseling, psychotherapy,
education, and research. JPC&C began in 1947 as The Journal of Pastoral Care.
Journal of Pastoral Theology
The Journal of Pastoral Theology is published by The Society for Pastoral Theology. JPCP Inc is the
distributor and advertising agent for The Journal of Pastoral Theology.
The mission of the Journal of Pastoral Theology is:
to further the understanding of pastoral theology as a theological discipline and to clarify the
nature of the discipline.
to maintain a view of pastoral theology as a constructive theology growing out of the exercise of
caring relationships, with attention both to present lived experience and to knowledge derived
from the past;
to provide an intentional forum for the voices of diverse persons, women and men, of many
cultural and ethnic backgrounds;
to foster multi-cultural understandings of issues in the discipline;
to promote and encourage multi-discipline/multi-cultural research in the field of pastoral
to provide resources for those who teach and those who study, through recording current research
and assessing the relevant literature;
to provide for the construction of sound theological principles for guidance and critique of
pastoral practice; and to work creatively, synthesizing and constructing, to define the frontiers
and parameters of the discipline.
Journal of Religious Leadership
The Journal of Religious Leadership is the semi-annual, peer-review publication of the Academy of
Religious Leadership. Begun in 2002, the Journal seeks to provide excellence in scholarship for
theological educators around the broad issues of leadership, administration, and finance.
Journal of Research on Christian Education
The Journal of Research on Christian Education (JRCE) provides a vehicle for the scholarly interchange
of research findings relative to every level of Christian education. Particular emphasis is given to
Christian schooling within the Protestant tradition as well as to research findings from other traditions
which have implications for such schools.
The purposes of the JRCE are (1) to stimulate inquiry among scholars of Christian education on topics of
common interest, (2) to serve as a clearinghouse for the organization and diffusion of emerging research
on the Christian school, and (3) to communicate research findings that inform Christian educators as well
as the wider society.
The JRCE is published twice per year under the auspices of the School of Education at Andrews
University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution. Views expressed in the JRCE are those of individual
authors an do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or the sponsoring organization.
Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care
The Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year
(beginning spring 2008) by the Talbot School of Theology's Institute for Spiritual Formation. The purpose
of the journal is advancing the discussion of the theory and practice of Christian formation and soul care
for the sake of the educational ministries of the church, Christian education and other parachurch
organizations through scholarly publications that are rooted in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, the
history of Christian spirituality, philosophical analysis, psychological theory/research, spiritual theology,
and Christian experience.
While the journal will be rooted in biblical and theological inquiry, the existential nature of Christian
spirituality demands an interdisciplinary approach in which disciplines such as history, psychology,
philosophy, literature, and sociology have a valuable contribution. The major intent of the editors is to
place before the Christian community writing that will foster the field of spiritual formation and soul care
as that has been understood and developed within historic Christianity.
Journal of Youth and Theology
The Journal of Youth and Theology is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the International
Association for the Study of Youth Ministry. Published twice yearly, the journal features
interdisciplinary research in youth ministry.
The International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry is a not-for-profit global
organisation. Our aim is to support and develop the professionalisation of youth ministry around
the world. In particular, we focus on furthering the academic study and research of youth and
youth ministry, the formal teaching and training of youth ministry (at universities, seminaries,
denominations, parachurch organisations, local ministries, or wherever else it may occur), and all
those involved in career youth ministry and in the growth and development of youth ministry as
a recognised profession. Our goal is to raise the profile of youth ministry as a calling, career
and/or professional enterprise, and to encourage the reflection on youth ministry and academic
discipline that will support youth ministry at this level.
The activities of the Association include:
To provide an international network of interaction, information and resources.
To publish an academic journal (two editions per year of The Journal of Youth and
To raise the standard and awareness of youth ministry as a professional and academic
Promoting inter-disciplinary research into youth ministry.
Organising conferences on the study of youth ministry (an international conference is
held in Oxford, England every second January.
National conferences are organised by members in participating countries).
A closed email discussion list.
Raising funds to sponsor those who may not be able to afford to participate in the
activities of the Association.
Journal of Youth Ministry
Statement of Purpose: Christian youth ministry exists to share the biblical truths of God's redemptive
love with adolescents and facilitate their journey of becoming genuine disciples of Jesus Christ. As youth
ministry educators, we are called to prepare, refresh and challenge current and future youth ministers. The
Journal of Youth Ministry is intended to be a peer-reviewed medium through which professional youth
ministry educators may share with, encourage, and challenge each other through our various academic
and practical disciplines related to youth ministry education. This journal will allow us to share research,
promote critical thinking, and encourage innovation associated with the practice and theory of Christian
youth ministry.
Publication Schedule: The Journal of Youth Ministry is published twice yearly by the Association of
Youth Ministry Educators (AYME) in cooperation with Gordon College and Nyack College. The
opinions of the contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the AYME, the editors,
or associated institutions. The editorial board is comprised of the editors and the board members of the
Association of Youth Ministry Educators.
Perspectives in Religious Studies
Established in 1972, Perspectives in Religious Studies is a publication produced for the National
Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. This journal is now published quarterly and began with
the first issue appearing in 1974.
In 1979, Watson Mills and the journal moved to Mercer University Press. It was here that the journal's
circulation increased and in 1984 became a quarterly publication. The journal may be found throughout
the world in libraries of colleges, universities, and seminaries. Dr. Mills served as Senior Editor of the
journal from 1974-1991. At that time, Rollin Armour (Mercer University) became Senior Editor and R.
Alan Culpepper (now dean of Mercer University McAfee School of Theology) Associate Editor. In 1993,
Dr. Culpepper became sole PRS Editor and served in that capacity until 1996. Dr. David Duke*, (William
Jewell College) served as PRS Editor from 1997-1999, and David May (Central Baptist Theological
Seminary) was PRS editor, 2000-2002. In November, 2002, Mikeal Parsons (Baylor University) assumed
editorial responsibilities for Perspectives.
Reflective Practice: Formation & Supervision in Ministry
Reflective Practice: Formation & Supervision in Ministry is a journal that seeks to understand, expand,
and promote theory learning and reflection in the practice of supervision and formation in various
ministries from pluralistic multi-faith perspectives. This Journal is serving the constituencies of the
American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC), The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education
(ACPE), The Association of Theological Field Educators (ATFE) and training programs in Spiritual
Our History: After 28 years of publication as The Journal of Supervision & Training in Ministry in the
Chicago area, the journal now known as Reflective Practice: Formation & Supervision in Ministry is now
published by an Editorial Board in the Berkeley, California area under the leadership of the Editor, the
Rev. Dr. Herbert Anderson.
Our Mission: Reflective Practice is an annual journal containing information from Spiritual
Directors, CPE Supervisors, theological field educational directors, and other authors.
Our Goals: The goals of the journal Reflective Practice: Formation & Supervision in Ministry are:
To preserve and extend the field of supervision and training in ministry formation through the
written word
To encourage potential authors to become published contributors
To enrich and expand our understanding and practice of supervision and training in ministry by
including new participants and perspectives in our critical reflection on this work
Religious Education
Religious Education, the journal of the Religious Education Association: An Association of Professors,
Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education, offers a forum for exploring religious identity,
formation, and education in faith communities, academic disciplines and institutions, and public life and
the global community
Articles consider education in houses of worship, schools, informal programs, and institutions of higher
learning involving adults, youth, children, and families. Topics addressed include educational theory,
theology, and education; tradition and trends; policy and practice; models and methods; moral values and
character education; sacred texts; and spiritual, cultural and social issues in education. Religious
Education seeks original compositions in the following three areas:
Articles – Research, scholarship, and insights from practice relating to the intersection of religion and
Forum – Essays in response to articles published within the journal.
Critique – Essays and shorter reviews of significant new titles in books, media, and curricula.
Review & Expositor
The Review & Expositor is a quarterly Baptist theological journal dedicated to free and open inquiry of
issues related to the Church's mission in the contemporary world. The journal's breadth of theological
reflection and analysis is designed to inform, stimulate, and challenge readers to excellence in their
service to the Church. Baptist in its heritage, ecumenical in its outlook, and global in its vision, the
Review & Expositor balances scholarly analysis with practical application.
The Review & Expositor welcomes responsible scholarly expression of diverse views regarding matters
of interest and concern to the Christian community. The publication of research, interpretation, comment,
opinion, or advertising in the journal does not necessarily suggest agreement or endorsement by the
editors, or by the editorial board.
Review of Religious Research
The Review of Religious Research, the journal of the Religious Research Association, is published four
times a year (September, December, March and June). The journal seeks to provide a regular channel for
the exchange of information on methods, findings and uses of religious research. It contains a variety of
articles, book reviews and reports on research projects. Among the characteristics which distinguish the
Religious Research Association from other academic associations are its applied focus and the
opportunities it offers for academics and denomination-based researchers to share their findings with each
Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Religion, the official journal of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, is
published quarterly for the purpose of advancing scholarship in the sociological study of religion.
The journal publishes original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest
without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach.
Although theoretically-ambitious, empirically-grounded articles are the core of what we publish,
we also welcome agenda setting essays, comments on previously published works, critical
reflections on the research act, and interventions into substantive areas or theoretical debates
intended to push the field ahead.
Sociology of Religion has published work by renowned scholars from Nancy Ammerman to
Robert Wuthnow. Robert Bellah, Niklas Luhmann, Talcott Parsons, and Pitirim Sorokin all
published in the pages of this journal. More recently, articles published in Sociology of Religion
have won the ASA Religion Section’s Distinguished Article Award (Rhys Williams in 2000) and
the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion’s Distinguished Article Award (Matthew Lawson
in 2000 and Fred Kniss in 1998). Building on this legacy, Sociology of Religion aspires to be the
premier English-language publication for sociological scholarship on religion and an essential
source for agenda-setting work in the field.
Teaching Theology and Religion
Good teaching and learning are essential for the vitality and effectiveness of departments and institutions
of higher education engaged in the study of religion and theology. Teaching Theology & Religion sustains
a crucial international discourse among faculty members about teaching and learning in the several subdisciplines in the study of religion. As the body of scholarly writing on teaching and learning increases
across the academic disciplines, this peer-reviewed scholarly publication has become an essential forum
for generative discourse about pedagogical issues specific to our field while contributing substantive,
often unique insights into teaching and learning across the curriculum.
Teaching Theology & Religion publishes:
Articles: Peer-reviewed articles on teaching and learning in theology and religion, focusing on: diverse
styles of learning, the philosophy and theology of teaching, assessment in theology and religion,
objectivity and advocacy in teaching, information technology and theological teaching, contextualization
of teaching in different countries, and other issues in teaching and learning.
Notes from the Classroom: Peer-reviewed shorter articles which provide specific examples of teaching
and brief practical ideas for exploration in the classroom.
Reviews of Teaching Materials: This section is not a general review of books in religion, but a focused
review of materials in a variety of media - including text books, films, and electronic materials - that are
intended for use in classes or that pertain to teaching in religion departments or theological schools.
Theological Education
Theological Education, the journal of The Association of Theological Schools and The Commission on
Accrediting of ATS, is devoted to the distinctive concerns of graduate theological education in North
America. The journal supports the mission of the Association and the Commission by providing those
concerned with theological education—including administrators, faculty, and independent researchers—
with scholarly discourse and reports on issues and trends, research findings and resources, and models of
critical analysis and effective practices in graduate theological education.
Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry
Word & World is a quarterly journal of theology that is meant for readers throughout the church who are
concerned for Christian ministry in and to the world. A glance at our articles and our issue themes will
show how we propose to bring Christian thinking to the questions posed by life in our world today. Now
in its 24th year of publication, Word & World presents theological articles and book reviews geared to
those who are engaged in Christian Ministry, both clergy and laypersons. Each 100+ page issue contains
articles on the issue theme and features such as "Face to Face" (different or opposing views on current
questions in church and world); "Texts in Context" (providing preachers and teachers with reflections,
insights, methods, and models to help in proclaiming the biblical message in a particular context); and
substantial book reviews.
"Popular" Resources (Excluding Denominational Publications)
Christian Century
The Christian Century is an ecumenical biweekly magazine that examines developments in the
contemporary church and probes the religious and moral issues of our day.
Articles: We seek manuscripts that articulate the public meaning of faith, bringing the resources of
religious tradition to bear on such topics as poverty, human rights, economic justice, international
relations, national priorities and popular culture. We are also interested in pieces that examine or critique
the theology and ethos of individual religious communities. We welcome articles that find fresh meaning
in old traditions and that adapt or apply religious traditions to new circumstances.
Christianity Today
Christianity Today magazine, provided by, provides evangelical thought leaders a
sense of community, coherence, and direction through thoughtful, biblical commentary on issues and
through careful, caring reporting of the news. Christianity Today continues as a leader in providing
informative editorial on current events, news from a Christian perspective, Christian doctrine, issues, and
Congregations Magazine
Congregations seeks to provide practical knowledge for congregational leaders. Believing that the most
useful resources for congregations may come directly from people in congregations, we emphasize
firsthand learnings from those engaged in the practice of ministry. Readers learn from others' experience,
as though receiving advice from wise colleagues about the day-to-day problems and possibilities
encountered by leaders in congregations.
Independent of any denomination, but eager to learn from all of them, Congregations provides a way for
useful information to move freely across denominational boundaries and organizational hierarchies so that
people in congregations can learn from a broader range of sources.
Congregations emphasizes both the religious foundations that undergird congregational life and the
human sciences that help us understand it. We seek articles that move beyond the merely anecdotal, and
many draw on the social sciences or are grounded in action research. We encourage the development of
useful conceptual tools and the inclusion of case material and stories. Congregations focuses on practical
dimensions of congregational life, believing that it is through those relationships and structures that
congregations make available their spiritual resources.
Congregations is published by the Alban Institute. Its mission is to provide clergy and lay leaders with
practical, research-based information and ideas for effective ministry as they grapple with an everchanging environment. Congregations is sent quarterly to all members of the Alban Institute. It is the
successor to Action Information, published since 1975.
Leadership Journal
Leadership is a journal with a mission: to strengthen church leaders by producing honest and practical
material that encourages biblical faithfulness and pastoral effectiveness. We hope, with you, to honor
Jesus Christ through today's church. Leadership Journal is published quarterly by Christianity Today
International, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188.