October 1, 2014 Most frequently mentioned: Conservation

October 1, 2014
Most frequently mentioned:
Cultural Restoration
Ecotoxicology (Chemistry, biology, & situations in upstate NY)
Engagement with Nature
Engineering and Naturalism (Bring engineering and biology together; relative to natural world)
Optimizing Sustainable Resource Utilization (Chemical, biological, and policy)
Sustainability and Resilience for Food, Fiber, Clean Water
New Organism for the Future (e.g. GM; improving science literacy; how to tie new organism to
environmental ethics)
Engineering, Bioengineering
Management of People and Nature Interactions
Ecosystem Restoration (ESF strength – combine science and naturalize knowledge – a place
such as the existing Center for Native People and the Environment, with more knowledge on
Adaptation to Climate Change
Environmental Restoration/Remediation and Adaptation (More encompassing)
Environmental Geospatial Analytics
Science and Environmental Communication
Interdisciplinary Coordination (Learning?)
Center for Scientific Literacy
Center for Applied Sciences
Engineering for the Future (Increasing human population, urbanization, balance with Nature…)
Center for Planetary Health (An umbrella for everything)
Concept: Mitigation of Global Warming
Sequestering CO2 in the Built Environment
Timber Engineering for Sustainable Systems
Construction and Sustainable Systems
Center for Sustainable Forest Products (Fiber for paper, solid wood, composite, fuel)
Center for Sustainable Forest Utilization (e.g., recreation)
Center for Sustainable and Natural Resources Utilization
Landscape Architecture at (from) Landscape Scales
Designing from Local to Planetary Scales
Ecological Design for Sustainable Environments/Systems (i.e. using natural materials)
Ecological Architecture
Center for Sustainable Living Space (from micro to macro scales)
Urban Agriculture/Sustainable Agriculture
Edible Space
Harvestable Space (?)
Honorable Harvest
The (Best) Center for Field Studies (Build a center around the value of our field properties)