Perkins College of Education Department of Human Services Advisory Council December 2, 2011

Perkins College of Education
Department of Human Services
Advisory Council
December 2, 2011
Faculty Committee Reports
Program Reports/updates
Chair Committee Reports
University Policy Committee
University Department Chairs’ Committee (See grade change Attachment A.)
University Master Plan Committee
Dean/Chairs meeting
NCATE Steering Committee
Chair Standard IV Diversity Committee (Reviews)
Demographics of students
Demographics of faculty/staff
Practicum/Internship site diversity representation
Demographic composition of graduates
College Diversity Committee (Al Larson)
New Faculty Research Team
Multidisciplinary Diagnostic and Intervention Plan Implementation (applications due 1/13)
Teaching Excellence Nomination criteria
Dr. David Lawson—Faculty Research Award
Saturday Showcase (n=41; 16 DHH) and high school recruitment (Nacogdoches/Lufkin-SLP)
Committee membership notification
Reporting Sexual Harrassment/Duty to Warn and Report
Leave Reports TODAY
Resumes---formatting & updates (tenure-track, adjunct, & doctoral students)
Syllabi—formatting & updates (tenure-track, adjunct, & doctoral students)
Curriculum Committee proposal submission guidelines under development
Building Technology progress
Students’ degree plans, beginning immediately, require signatures of all program faculty
College Curriculum Committee will develop submission guidelines
BANNER and unanticipated permits
TracDat reminders
Academic Advisement Instructions (handout, including form)
Department Chair Annual Evaluation
Next meeting is Friday, December 16 @ 10 AM.
Attachment A
A proposal will be submitted to the Board of Regents in January to approve the following
revision to the Semester Grades Policy (A-54). The current language on repeat grades is:
Students who make an F in a course can get credit only by repeating the course.
Undergraduate students who desire to repeat courses in order to improve their GPA at SFA
must repeat those courses at SFA. For any course that is repeated once at SFA, the higher of
the two grades will be used to determine the GPA. If a course is repeated more than once at
SFA, all grades earned for that course will be averaged and used to determine the GPA. Credit
hours for courses taken at other institutions to replace credit hours earned at SFA may be used
to meet graduation credit hour requirements, but not for GPA calculation.
The proposed new language is as follows:
Students who make an F in a course can get credit only by repeating the course.
Undergraduate students who desire to repeat courses in order to improve their GPA at SFA
must repeat those courses at SFA. For any course that is repeated at SFA, the higher of the
grades will be used to determine the GPA. Credit hours for courses taken at other institutions to
replace credit hours earned at SFA may be used to meet graduation credit hour requirements,
but not for GPA calculation.
This will mean that only the highest grade a student earns in a class taken at SFA, regardless of
the number of times the student repeats the class, will be calculated in the GPA.
This new policy is intended to be applied retroactively effective sometime after the Board
meeting in January.