Erf 18370, Khayelitsha

Erf 18370, Khayelitsha
Within the Biodiversity Network (OESA) and bounded by the Biodiversity Network to the
north, east and west,
Although the City’s maps do not show any indigenous vegetation present on the site, a site
visit by the sub-district environmental officer confirmed that there is indigenous vegetation
present on the site. Cape Flats Dune Strandveld is present to the north (on the other side of
Spine Road) and east (on the other side of Mew Way), partially bounded by Cape Flats Dune
Strandveld along the south-western boundary of the site,
No watercourses on or within 32m of the site, a wetland to the north – within 500m of the site,
The site is not of heritage value but there is an ungraded heritage site to the east (grey site)
on the other side of Mew Way,
Within the urban edge,
Zoned: Limited Use,
±192 555m / ±19.2555ha
The size of the site is not confirmed. If the site is larger than 20ha it will require a full Scoping & EIA. If
the site is smaller than 20ha but 5ha or larger it will require a BAR. BAR due to indigenous vegetation
present on the site.
Will require the submission of a NID to Heritage Western Cape.
Since the site is closer than 500m from a wetland, DWA may require a GA or WULA.
Areas of Potential Impact Map
Other Ecological Support Area
Conservation & Biodiversity Zone
Other Ecological Support Area
Coastal Protection Zone & Dunes
Other Biodiversity Network
Cultural & Recreational Resources Zone
Area of Natural Heritage
Natural Economic Resources Zone: Mining
Sand & Building Sand
Hydrological Zone
Aquifer Productivity: High
Urban Uses & Utility Zones
New Development Areas
The western part of the site is within a landfill
buffer zone.
Spatial Development Plan
Spatial Development Plan & the western part
of the site is within a landfill buffer zone.
Urban Restructuring
A portion of the site is designated: “Sites for
Investigation”, the western part of the site is
within a landfill buffer zone.
Metro South-East CIP
Not Part of the CIP
Archaeologigy & Palaeontology comments:
Erf 18370 is in an area which is indicated on the SAHRIS palaeontological map as moderately
sensitive, but is interspersed with areas of high sensitivity. Therefore when the NID is completed for
submission to Heritage Western Cape, it should be indicated that there is a possibility of
palaeontological resources being impacted and a desk top study should be done.
Not likely to find any in-situ archaeological material.
Sub-district comment:
There is some indigenous vegetation on site and the site is next to an old landfill site and the refuse
transfer station. The site used to be the Amy Biehl golf driving range, but it is in disuse now.