Assessment and Accreditation Committee Minutes February 27, 2014

Assessment and Accreditation Committee
February 27, 2014
Present: Leslie Grant, Sylvia Martinez, Julaine Field, Marcus Winters, Grant Clayton, Pat McGuire,
1. Approved minutes from January 30, 2014
2. Discussed COE Assessment Plan Structure
--looked at the plan that Counseling uses
--they build their plan around CACREP, their major accrediting body
--looked at the plan that SPED uses
--organized around transition points and also the times during the year when faculty need
to meet and review
3. Leslie shared graphic for assessment cycle
4. Grant shared diagram of how our assessment structure is set up (support personnel, chairs, A&A,
Dean, College Advisory Board).
Next A&A Committee meeting: not scheduled; committees working on CAEP standards.