Time line for IDEA Online Surveying (Spring 2013) Note1: The

Time line for IDEA Online Surveying (Spring 2013)
Note1: The following time line is for 15-week SEM courses. For 10-week QTR courses, multiply all times by 2/3.
For courses offered in terms of other time lengths, modify time line proportionately.
Note2: The IDEA On-Campus Coordinator (OCC) is Jennie Kamieniecki ( room KN-270, phone x6278, email
jkamieniecki@ben.edu ) and the IDEA On-Campus Director (OCD) is Andrew Wig (room BK-335, phone x3461,
email awig@ben.edu ).
Weeks 1-8 (1/14-3/4): Office Assistants build courses online, working with the IDEA On-Campus Coordinator
(OCC) as needed. Office Assistants will need to prompt dept chair or program director for list of courses to be
evaluated, IDEA objectives for each course, long form/short form, confirm local codes, etc.
Week 9 (3/11): * FIF emails sent out to instructors. These emails are sent from the IDEA Center to the
instructors’ Ben U email account. Office Assistants back up the IDEA Center email with a reminder/notice put
into mailboxes and/or sent out via a distribution list (if available). This is especially helpful for PT instructors. All
that is needed is a short note informing people it is time to complete the FIF online and they should check their
Ben U email account and click on the link. It’s just that easy!
* Send follow-up email to clarify whether or not instructors should complete IDEA objectives online or leave
that for the office assistant to do (based on information they get from department chairs).
SPRING BREAK (3/18-3/22) – No Classes
Week 10 (3/25): * Office Assistants send instructors who are using Desire2Learn (D2L) a link to be posted to
D2L so students can get to the survey from D2L, not just from the link sent to their Ben U email account.
* IDEA On-Campus Director (OCD) gives instructors guidance (as needed) with respect to posting the link to
Week 11 (4/1): * OCD emails all instructors, FT and PT, the FAQs for Faculty and FAQs for Students regarding
online surveying.
* Office Assistants back this up with paper copies to mailboxes (for FT and PT faculty).
* Post FAQs for Students in department spaces, on bulletin boards, etc.
* Tell instructors to give FAQ sheet to students (via email distro list or post to D2L or hand out in class, etc) and
to tell students that surveying is about to begin. Ask instructors to encourage students (verbally or via extra
credit) to take 10 minutes to complete the survey outside of class.
* Remind instructors that additional questions cannot be added (or modified) once surveying begins.
Week 13 (4/15): [Populate surveys.] Office Assistants enroll students into the Online IDEA courses after the
April 14 official withdrawal date.
Week 14 (4/22): [Surveying window opens.] Instructors can no longer add additional questions to FIFs but they
can still complete their FIFs (up until the end of week 15).
* Office assistants give weekly updates to instructors for every course being surveyed (until 100% response rate
is reached). These updates give “overall response rate” only. Office assistants should not tell instructors who
has and who has not completed a survey.
* Remind students (as you have opportunity) to be good citizens of our academic community and complete the
online survey. Send weekly update of overall response rate to instructors.
Week 15 (4/29): [Last week of surveying.] Send out weekly update of overall response rates to all instructors
early in the week, so they can give one last reminder to students (if needed).
*Office Assistants ask all instructors, who’s overall response rate is less than 65%, to remind/encourage their
students to complete the survey online (via Ben U email or link on D2L). It is best to ask the instructors in
person or by phone. Last resort would be via email.
Week 16 (5/4: [Final Exam Week.] Surveying window closes on May 3. Office assistants should send out the
final update to instructors regarding “overall response rate” so those who offered extra credit if a threshold was
reached can dole it out accordingly.
* Office assistants who are responsible to complete the IDEA objectives, for all online surveys, should complete
and/or double check to ensure all objectives are filled in for each course pursuant to their department chair’s
* Office assistants adjust # enrolled to reflect students who have withdrawn from classes.
Week 17 (5/13): [Week after final exams.] Grades are due by Wed, 5/15, at noon. Once grades are turned in,
office assistants can email the open-ended comments to instructors in an html file. There is no need to wait.
Try to get these to the instructors before they leave for the summer.