The Wilson Government 1964-70

Harold Wilson’s Government
Wilson’s vision
“ The Britain that is going to be forged in
the white heat of this revolution will be
no place for restrictive practices or for
outdated methods on either side of
industry. In the Cabinet room and the
boardroom alike, those charged with the
control of our affairs must be ready to
speak in the language of our scientific
So what does this mean?
Modernise Britain using technology
Strengthen the economy by improving
the balance of payments
Develop the welfare state
Work with the trade unions.
Who were Wilson’s key people?
George Brown
– Department
of Economic
Affairs 1964 67
James Callaghan – Chancellor 1964-67
Tony Benn – Minister
for Technology
1965 – 70
Roy Jenkins – Chancellor 1967 - 70
Government Position in 1964
The economy was worse than
the Conservatives had admitted.
The balance of payments had a
deficit of £400 million.
The £ had a fixed rate against
the $. It had been devalued in
1949 by the Attlee Government
to £1 = $2.80.
The unions were starting to
become disillusioned with the
country’s economic progress,
particularly in comparison with
the EEC. 2 million working days
were lost in strikes in 1964.
What should the Wilson
Government do?
Maintain strength of £ in the money market.
Restrict Imports.
Improve relations with labour (the trade
unions and workforce)
Forge a “New Britain in the White Heat of
Technology” and begin major technology
Continue with “Full Employment” policies but
end “Stop-Go” economics.
Reduce the gap between rich and poor and
make Britain a more equal and “fair” society.
Scrap prescription charges.
Government position in 1965
The Balance of Payments deficit was reduced to
£250 million
2.9 million working days lost in strikes.
The Post Office Tower in Central London was
The Department of Economic Affairs was set up,
led by George Brown. This organisation aimed
to establish better long term planning. It
released a “National Plan” that forecast 4%
economic growth per year by investing more
into technology.
Circular 10/65 was issued by Anthony Crosland,
the Education Secretary. This recommended
that local education authorities abolish grammar
schools. The eleven plus was no longer
compulsory for all students.
What should the government
Call a new general election
Continue with current economic policies.
Give greater power to George Brown at the
Maintain control of wages through
discussions with the trade unions.
Wilson decided that in 1966 Britain should
once again apply to join the EEC again.
Government Position in 1966
The Wilson Government was re-elected with an
increased majority of 96.
The Balance of Payments deficit was reduced in
the first part of 1966 but in May 1966 a strike by
the National Union of Seaman paralysed trade.
Ports and docks around the country became
increasingly congested as ships were brought to a
standstill by protesting members of the National
Union of Seamen.
Exports and the value of the pound fell sharply.
The strike lasted for almost a fortnight.
What should the government do?
Wilson’s government declared a state of emergency a week after the nation's
seamen went on strike. The emergency powers allowed the government to cap
food prices, allowed the Royal Navy to take control and clear the ports and
lifted restrictions on driving vehicles to allow for the free movement of goods.
Public spending was cut and taxes were raised in 1966 Emergency Budget.
Led to housing programme being cut
Raising of school leaving age to 16 was postponed
Plans to increase state pensions were abandoned.
Prescription charges that had been scrapped in 1964 were re-introduced in
The high value of the £ led to calls for devaluation but Wilson personally
refused and so the government delayed. Wilson believed devaluation would
damage British prestige. Wilson remembered the 1949 devaluation which had
been so bad for Attlee’s Labour government.
Relations with the Trade Unions became increasingly strained. In July 1966,
wages were legally frozen for a period of six months. This freeze lasted over 12
months. This was a continuation of Conservative pay freezes and led to a
decline in relations with the Unions. 2.4 million days were lost in strikes.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs was scrapped.
Government Position in 1967
The Balance of Payments went into deficit again. (£250
million deficit)
Wage freeze continued.
Working days lost went up to 2.8 million.
The Department of Economic Affairs had gone.
The Cabinet had to decide: Should we devalue the pound
or not?
In July 1967, the Chancellor, James Callaghan said
“Those who advocate devaluation are calling for a
reduction in the wage levels and the real wage standards
of every member of the working class in this
country…Devaluation is not the way out of Britain’s
What should the government do?
Devaluation – November 1967, by 14%.
In his broadcast to the nation, Wilson said “This does not
mean that the pound in your pocket has been devalued”.
Edward Heath, leader of the Conservatives, said “Three
years of Labour Government had reduced Britain from a
prosperous nation into an international pauper.”
Publicly it looked weak and was unpopular.
De Gaulle vetoed Britain’s application to join the EEC for
a second time.
Callaghan, the Chancellor, and Roy Jenkins, the Home
Secretary, swapped jobs.
Government Position in 1968
Working days lost in strikes went up to 4.7 million.
Barbara Castle, a popular left wing figure, was
appointed the Secretary of State for Employment by
The balance of payments deficit stabilised at £250
million. Britain’s export trade increased due to
What should the government do?
Reform the trade unions and prevent
them from striking as much.
Continue to hope that devaluation
would lead to further improvement in
British exports.
The growing power of the Trade Unions
in the 1960s.
The growing influence of the trade unions in the 1960s involved more than just
working days lost in strikes.
1. Wildcat strikes
These are sudden unofficial strikes. They are not organised by a trade union,
but union members might be involved. Wildcat action can start because of
what seems to be a small problem, like the length of a tea break or the
treatment of one worker. They might start small but if workers are angry with
their bosses the strikes can spread fast and cause a lot of problems.
2. The Closed Shop
A closed shop is a business or industrial establishment whose employees are
required to be union members.
3. No ballots for strike action
Workers could simply ‘walk out’ without having to hold a vote on whether the
union should go on strike.
4. The lack of a cooling off period
A period of time before a strike takes place that enables discussions to take
place about the issue that is causing industrial unrest.
5. No damage liability
Unions would not be held financially liable for the damage caused by people on
strike. There were regularly battles between picketers and strike breakers.
Government Position in 1969
Working days lost in strikes went up to 6.9 million.
The Balance of Payments at last had a surplus of £387
The government published a white paper (recommendations
for parliament to discuss) called “In Place of Strife”. This
proposed that ballots (votes) should be compulsory before a
strike could take place.
This was popular with the public but threatened to cause a
split in the Labour Party. It was bitterly opposed by James
Callaghan and other trade unionists within the party.
What should the government do?
Wilson and Castle had to eventually back
down to pressure from their own party and
the trade unions.
“In Place of Strife” never became law.
Instead he signed a solemn promise with
the TUC to monitor strikes.
The Trade Unions felt Labour was too tough
but the public felt they were too weak.
Government Position in 1970 – Voted out
in the 1970 general Election
Wilson lacked conviction. He had to try and
keep Labour divisions together.
Believed in plots against him
Lacked direction
Short term opportunism
“Power slipped through our fingers because
we were saying nothing very useful to
people” Tony Benn.
Achievements of the Wilson Government
“It had a significant impact on social attitudes and the lives of the
ordinary individuals”
Open University 1969
Comprehensive schools 1965
Permissive Society Legislation –
1965 Theatre Censorship & Death Penalty Abolished
1967 Legalisation of Abortion & homosexuality (between
consenting adults in private)
1967 Family Planning Act.
1968 Franchise extended to 18yr olds
1969 Divorce Reform and Matrimonial Property Act.
1970 Equal Pay Act
Laws to tackle perceived problems caused by immigration:
1965 & 1968 Race Relations Act
1968 Commonwealth Immigration Act
Gap between rich and poor narrowed
through –
Raising up the poor rather than lowering
the rich
Benefits increased rather than increasing
High incomes
Lowest incomes