
Share your reading journals with
your table. What did you think of
the poems?
Homework on your desks.
It’s stamp time!
How did last night go?
• We care. Promise.
Poetry Reading Strategy
1. Examine the title.
– Make a prediction
Read the poem.
Summarize the poem.
Ask: What is the subject?
Ask: What is the message about that subject?
– Figurative language
– Prosody
– Critical literary theory
In your group:
• Pick a poem that we’ve already read.
• Talk about it!
– Go through EVERY SINGLE reader’s response
prompt. (Well, except seven…)
– Critical literary theory? :D
Write your name on a piece of paper.
• How many syllables is it?
• On which syllable do you put the emphasis?
• What happens when you emphasize a
different syllable?
Let’s talk about meter!
• Being able to describe the pattern of a poem’s
meter can help us to analyze its meaning.
• Sometimes, however, especially with more
modern poetry, you will find that there is no
clear dominant meter, that the poet has
written the line as it would be spoken, in a
more casual mix of syllables, a more
conversational tone.
“Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers”
• Read the first line
• Count the syllables
• Figure out which syllables are stressed and
which are unstressed
• Read and annotate “This Is a Photograph of
Me” by Margaret Atwood.
• Complete one reading journal entry.
• Study for your quiz.