Pelvis and Thigh: All

Pelvis: Make-up
Instructions: Please complete required reading, written and hands-on portion of assignment and send
written write- up back to administrative staff. You should allow no more than three hours to complete all
sections. Please complete the assignment in two weeks.
Required Reading:
Trail Guide:
Pelvis and Thigh:
Clinical Massage:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 7 & 9:
249…251, 260, 301…304
1. Name the positions and movement of the pelvis.
2. Which of the lateral rotators of the hip attach to the Sacrum?
3. What joint is located medial to the PSIS and deep to the Thoracolumbar Aponeurosis? Describe the
joint type and movement.
4. Between which muscles does the Sciatic nerve traverse in the gluteal region?
5. Name the four bones that form the pelvic girdle?
6. If the psoas is contracted uni-laterally, what is the effect on the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae?
7. Why it is important to stay grounded and focused while working in this area?
8. Research Piriformis syndrome and Sciatica. Describe the difference between the two conditions.
Hands On: (partner or classmate)
Perform assigned trails on yourself before partner or classmate. On partner assess available movement and
position of Ilium and Sacrum. Perform assigned trails on partner; compare location of bony landmarks, and
tension of muscles and ligaments from side to side. Note your findings and apply them to a 45 min focused
pelvis, leg, and lumbar massage session. Set your intension to create balanced tension from side to side and
front to back.
Pelvis & Thigh - Trail 1: Iliac crest & Iliac fossa
Pelvis & Thigh - Trail 3: Sacrum & SI joint
Pelvis & Thigh-Trail 5: Inferior Ramus & Ischial tuberosity
Pelvis & Thigh: Sacrotuberous ligament
290, 291
294, 295
Briefly describe your experience working through the palpation exercises, describe: tissue textures, depths,
and comparison from side to side. How did this influence your massage? Describe some of the strokes and
techniques used during your session. What did the client report before and after the massage?