TissueReview - whs

Name: _____________________________
Anatomy & Physiology, period _____
Tissue Review
Using key choices, correctly identify the Major tissue types described.
B= Epithelial C=Muscle
____1. Forms mucous, serous, and epidermal membranes
____2. Allows for movement of limbs and for organ movements within the body
____3. Transmits electrochemical impulses
____4. Supports body organs
____5. Cells of this tissue may absorb and/or secrets substances
____6. Basis of the major controlling system of the body
____7. The major function of the cells of this tissue type is to shorten(contract)
____8. Forms hormones
____9. Packages and protects body organs
____10. Characterized by having large amounts of nonliving matrix
____11. Allows you to smile, grasp, swim, ski and shoot an arrow
____12. Most widely distributed tissue type in the body
____13. Forms the brain and spinal cord.
Using key choices, identify the following specific type(s) of epithelial tissue.
A=Pseudostratified ciliated B= Simplpe Columnar
C=Simple Cubodial
D= Simple squamous
E= Stratified Squamous
F= Transitional
____14. Forms the lining of the esophagus
____15. Forms the lining of the stomach and small intestine
____16. Found in lung tissue (alveolar (air) sacs)
____17. Forms the collecting tubules of the kidney
____18. Forms the epidermis of the skin
____19. Found in the bladder lining
____20. Forms thin serous membranes; single layer of flattened cells
Using key choices, identify the following connective tissue types.
A= Adipose B= Loose
C= Dense
____21. Found in Tendons; great strength due to bundles of collagen fibers
____22. Acts as a storage depot for lipids
____23. Forms the skeleton
____24. Contains matrix with many different cells/fibers; connects epithelial to other tissues
____25. Found on the surface of bones, reinforces trachea, makes up the ear
____26. Provides insulation for the body
____27. Transports minerals, nutrients, waste products
The three types of muscle tissue exhibit certain similarities and differences. Place a check in the
table to indicate which muscle types exhibit each characteristic.
Voluntarily controlled
Skeletal Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Involuntarily controlled
Banded appearance
Single nucleus in cell
Multinucleate in cell
Found attached to
Found in the walls of
the stomach, uterus,
Displays intercalated
Contains cylindrical
cells with branching
Illustrate the following tissues: Simple Columnar, Simple Cubodial, Pseudostratified Ciliated
Columnar, Simple Squamous, Stratified Squamous, Bone, Blood, Adipose, Dense Connective,
Loose Connective, Nervous, Cardiac Muscle, Smooth Muscle, Skeletal Muscle