Chinese Dynasties

SSWH2/C. Describe the
development of Chinese civilization
under the Zhou, Qin.
•The Zhou
•Examining the Reign of Qin Shi
Huang Di—China’s First Emperor
Chinese Dynasties
From beginning to end…
Shang Dynasty 1766 BCE - 1027 BCE
Zhou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE
Qin Dynasty 221 BCE - 206 BCE
Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 220AD
Sui Dynasty 589 AD - 618 AD
Tang Dynasty 618 AD - 907 AD
Sung Dynasty 969 AD - 1279 AD
Yuan Dynasty 1279 AD - 1368 AD
Ming Dynasty 1368 AD - 1644 AD
Manchu or Qing Dynasty 1644 AD - 1912 AD
1912 – 1949 Nationalism and Communism
1949 – present Communism
Shang Dynasty
1766 BCE - 1027 BCE
First organized river society
introduced writing on oracle bones
local trade, ancestor worship, bronze age
Huang He river
The Zhou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE
• Ruled thru the Mandate of Heaven
• Dao—”The Way”
• Filial Piety—duty of family to
“know your place”
• Development of Chinese written
• Confucianism and Legalism (more
on this later)
The Mandate of Heaven
The Dynasty rules
effectively and
Qin Dynasty 221 BCE - 206 BCE
Shi Huang di, unified China using legalism
cruel to Confucians
Great Wall
Terra Cotta army
standardized money, weights
Built roads and centralized power
Qin Shi Huang Di
• Zheng (pronounced JUNG) became the king
of Qin at age 13
• At age 38—he declared
“First Emperor”
and adopted the
Qin Shi Huang Di and his impact on
Chinese Society
• Unified laws and currency
• Build the infrastructure—road, canals (people
were forced into labor)
• Began construction of
the Great Wall of China
Historical Bias?
• The story of the Emperor Qin’s life has often
been distorted by historical writings
• WHY???
The Terra Cotta Army
• Qin was terrified of death and wanted to be immortal
• Consulted with mystics and drank potions to ensure long
• Died unexpectedly at 49 (work began on his tomb when
he was 13)
• Tomb: 700,000 workers and covered 8 square miles
• Tomb workers were buried alive! (His son didn’t want
robbers to find out where is was)
The Terra Cotta Warriors
Book Burnings and Execution of Scholars
• Qin was a legalist and believed people were evil and only
strict laws and punishments would make them behave
• Confucian Books…banned
• Scholars who disobeyed were marked with a facial tattoo and
forced into labor
• If scholars discussed Confucianism in public..they were killed
and had their body put on display
Why did the Qin fall?
• Failed to rule with
• many peasant rebellions,
• 3 assassination attempts,
• Shi Huangdi’s death,
• his son failed as a ruler
• lost the Mandate of
Han Dynasty 206 BCE – 220 AD
Classical Age of China
inventions (paper)
Confucian civil service begins
extend Great Wall
Silk Road
excellent art, public school
conquered by Huns
Han Dynasty
206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. (c. 400 years)
The Han continued the Q’in organization and
empire to build a strong but humane government,
great wealth, good Confucian education for upper
class men, important inventions and excellent
long distance trade.
• Confucianism is VERY influential in govt and
social life
• People follow Confucian morals in all
aspects of life
• Buddhism came to China via the Silk Road
Han Innovations
Wrote texts on chemistry, zoology,
and botany.
Astronomy popular
Invented seismograph
Paper invented (pic to right)
Invented the rudder, fore/aft sails to
sail into the wind
fishing reels, wheelbarrows, and
suspension bridges.
Diagnosed diseases.
herbal remedies
used anesthetics.
Han Fall
• Han rulers love for wealth and pleasure weakened the
government; often corrupt and brutal.
• The Han dynasty fell in A.D. 220.
– Fiscal crisis (they were broke)
– Raised taxes
– Peasants get angry
– Revolts lead to the downfall of the govt
– The Huns attack over the wall
– China descends into chaos and warlike states rule for
350 years
Comparing…..the Zhou, the Qin and the Han
• SSWH2/C. Describe the development of Chinese
civilization under the Zhou, Qin (and the Han)
• On the left side of your notebook, create a VENN DIAGRAM
comparing the three—make sure to include contributions,
public works, the way the Emperor Ruled,
innovations/technology, etc.