Literary Terms 3 Assign 2015

Literary Terms 3 Assignment
Write the definition of the literary term from our
yellow handout.
Find an example of the term in the poetry.
Write commentary on how the literary term adds
meaning, tone, or mood to the poem.
Literary term + quote + commentary
Literary Terms 3 Assignment
Write the definition of the literary term from our
yellow handout.
Find an example of the term in the poetry.
Write commentary on how the literary term adds
meaning, tone, or mood to the poem.
Literary term + quote + commentary
1. onomatopoeia: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
1. onomatopoeia: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
2. cacophony: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
2. cacophony: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
3. verbal irony: “Sonnet” p. 798
3. verbal irony: “Sonnet” p. 798
4. satire: “Sonnet” p. 798
4. satire: “Sonnet” p. 798
5. euphony: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
5. euphony: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
6. end rhyme:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
6. end rhyme:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
7. oxymoron: “To the Mercy Killers” p. 989 or 875
7. oxymoron: “To the Mercy Killers” p. 989 or 875
8. situational irony: “Richard Cory” p. 996 or 1087
8. situational irony: “Richard Cory” p. 996 or 1087
9. slant rhyme (half rhyme):”Bells for John Whiteside’s
Daughter” p. 990 or 1080
9. slant rhyme (half rhyme):”Bells for John Whiteside’s
Daughter” p. 990 or 1080
Literary Terms 3 Assignment
Literary Terms 3 Assignment
Write the definition of the literary term from our
yellow handout.
Find an example of the term in the poetry.
Write commentary on how the literary term adds
meaning, tone, or mood to the poem.
Literary term + quote + commentary
Write the definition of the literary term from our
yellow handout.
Find an example of the term in the poetry.
Write commentary on how the literary term adds
meaning, tone, or mood to the poem.
Literary term + quote + commentary
1. onomatopoeia: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
1. onomatopoeia: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
2. cacophony: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
2. cacophony: “What the Motorcycle Said”, 1013
3. verbal irony: “Sonnet” p. 798
3. verbal irony: “Sonnet” p. 798
4. satire: “Sonnet” p. 798
4. satire: “Sonnet” p. 798
5. euphony: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
5. euphony: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
6. end rhyme:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
6. end rhyme:“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” 1019 or 1106
7. oxymoron: “To the Mercy Killers” p. 989 or 875
7. oxymoron: “To the Mercy Killers” p. 989 or 875
8. situational irony: “Richard Cory” p. 996 or 1087
8. situational irony: “Richard Cory” p. 996 or 1087
9. slant rhyme (half rhyme):”Bells for John Whiteside’s
Daughter” p. 990 or 1080
9. slant rhyme (half rhyme):”Bells for John Whiteside’s
Daughter” p. 990 or 1080