Apple iPad - University of Arizona

New Literacies in
Allie Robbins
Cole Campi
James Thomas
In 2011, the University of Arizona created a scholarship program where incoming Freshman who were
taking a minimum of 12 credits could receive a free iPad. The program became a huge success at U of A.
You can tell this new “literacy” is becoming more popular each year by observing the growing amount of
people that use iPads in class.
iPads allow students to:
Take Notes
Easily Access D2L
Read the Syllabus
Research Information
Stay Organized
Students can have as much information as they could have on their computer, but on a device
that is only half the size and more than half the cost. The long run cost of the school giving
away iPads is cheaper and the whole process is more environmentally friendly.
Students call iPad program a success
Wildcat Mac Scholarship Award
Online Discussions
• Online discussion boards are a “new literacy” that force students to
interact with others in ways that benefit everyone involved. They
allow students to get a different perspective on a topic or idea and
makes them respond with insight. It lets people share their opinion
without criticism and feel comfortable with their input while at the
same time keeping them involved and up-to-date on class subjects.
• We are most familiar with online discussions through D2L, but they
can also be found in blogs, social media, and medical websites.
LRC D2L Discussion Page
Health Boards
Laptop Computers
Laptop computers; Macs, PCs,
etc.., have been one of the
main note taking “new
literacies” in recent years of
college campuses, and now
some high schools as well.
Over the years, teachers have
been more lenient in allowing
laptops in class because it
allows students to note take
quicker and follow along with
lectures that are posted
online. It is easy access to all
online resources, the internet
for quick questions and d2l.
Computers in the Classroom
The University of Arizona used to give out
laptops to students rather than scholarship
money, but now they give out iPads.
Online Books
Many teachers now use online books
rather than making students buy $100+
books. This is a new literacy that is quickly
becoming more popular. Students are
more likely to be successful with a book
that is such easy access online or posted
on d2l. Students also can find online books
in different areas on the internet other
than just d2l, by just googling the title of a
book. Not only are they just on the
internet, but on an iPad or iPhone the
newstand application allows many online
books to be downloaded. Along with the
Kindle, that allows many books to be
downloaded rather than buying big
Online Books
Online Quizzes
Online quizzes are a new literacy being used in many different types of classes and
over many grade levels. They can be particularly important in online classes but can
also be convenient in regular classes. Online quizzes can be used on many websites
including school websites with class homepages such as D2L or Blackboard. Online
quizzes can be used for take home quizzes, homework assignments, surveys, and
take home tests. Online quizzes are convenient for teachers because they can set
their home page up so that the grades go directly into the gradebook instead of
having to input each quiz themselves. Students enjoy online quizzes because they
are easy to use and provide instant feedback.
Benefits of using quizzes on Blackboard
University of Arizona D2L site
The use of clickers in classrooms Is a “new literacy” that is
being implemented in various grade levels. They are
particularly effective in larger classes where it is difficult to
have a discussion because many students find it hard to
Clickers make it easier for teachers to:
• take attendance
• record participation in class
• quiz students.
Teachers can even have their class record test answers on
their clickers for easier and faster grading. Teachers also
use clickers to poll students to see how they feel as a
group about certain subjects.
Examples of how clickers are being used
Turning Technologies
Many teachers at the
University of Arizona
require students to use
clickers in class.
iPhones and iPods are a new literacy
that are used in many classrooms for
different reasons. They can be used to
download online books, used as clickers
in classrooms or for many other things.
They can be easily accessed and people
can quickly download applications if a
teacher were to ask them to. There are
many free apps that have educational
uses as well. There is a calculator and a
timer that are automatically on the
iPhone or iPod. Teachers use it for many
different reasons too, not just the
Ways teachers Use iPhones
iPhones/iPods in the Classroom