nubia - Indiana Claros 708 Artifacts

Raephia Esterene
Martinna Garrick
Victor Ramos
Xavier Carty
Andrew Doss
Nubia is split into Upper and Lower
It is located by the Red Sea and off
of the Nile River
Nubia is also known as Kush
Nubia’s capital was Napata, but
changed to Meroe
Nubia had a monarchy. Nubia was ruled by
Kings. One King and Queen of Nubia are
King Natakamani and Queen Amanitere.
They ruled in the first century. The Queen
was also the priestess. This placed the Queen
in a role of trust(she was also known as the
Eternal Mother). Nubia was a matrilineal
society due to the disproportionate number
of men and women in the civilization.
The military affected some aspects of the
Nubian civilization. The military provided
protection for the royal family. Ancient
Nubia was also known as “the land of the
bow” for its expert and fierce archers. Due to
the fact that Egypt and Nubia both wanted to
control the trade region of the north, a
rivalry started. With the help of the military,
King Piankhi conquered Egypt and ruled it
for about one century.
People in Nubia made a living by
fishing, manufacturing and
mining. Many people however, made
a living by farming. Because Nubia
was off of the Nile River, the water
was good for agriculture
Unlike barren Lower Nubia, Upper
Nubia(also known as northern Sudan)
was fertile and rich in natural resources.
Nubia was rich in: gold, diamonds, silk,
copper, hemp(string), beads
(wood/timber), and iron ore. Elephants
were also important, Nubians traded
their trunks with Persians.
Nubia was very big on trade. They sent gold,
ivory, animal skins, perfumes, and enslaved
people to the Mediterranean world and
Southwest Asia. Meroe made iron tools and
weapons which were needed in a kingdom.
Egyptians depended on Nubia for iron, gold,
and exotic goods, such as incense and ebony.
Today, archeologists have found evidence of
iron wastes that show Ancient Meroe’s industry.
All the trade that Nubia did
made them very rich. They
were able to take their gold
and turn it into coins and use
it as money.
Many Nubian kingdoms converted to
Christianity, but they maintained their
Islamic beliefs. When Nubia accepted
Christianity, the military achieved the
peak of their power. After gaining
independence from Egypt, Nubians
worshiped their own gods(including
Amon, Isis, Aoedemac, Anubis, The Eye of
Re, Horus, Sebiumeker, and Bes).
Women would tend to their families
and keep the household clean .
However, they would also help their
husbands in the fields(farming).
The women would take care of the
children and teach them “the
There really were no schools in Nubia.
People would learn from other people.
People would learn from their parents,
grandparents, and so on. Women would
teach girls how to sew, cook, and clean.
Men would teach boys how to farm and
hunt and take care of the family.
One form of technology, art, and science that the
Nubians left behind was how to build pyramids. In
order to build a pyramid, you had to be skilled and
“crafty”. This came to there advantage because you
could use this knowledge and trade it. Also,
another form of technology were the tools that
people made out of ivory or copper to trade. A form
of science was what people used for medicine (they
would use herbs).
The impact of all these inventions
was that Nubia built a reputation
to show what their people were
capable of doing.
 World History Textbook