Chapter 2 Study Guide (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, & 2.4)

Chapter 2 Study Guide (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, & 2.4)
*Be able to label all continents and oceans (spelling counts!)
*Review all GRAs and the Explorers Chart
Terms to know:
Astrolabe - Instrument used to help navigate
the seas.
People to Know:
Marco Polo - an explorer and author who
traveled to China and inspired future explorers
Cartographers – Map makers
Leif Eriksson – Viking explorer who sailed to
North America 500 years before Columbus
Mercantilism - Theory that a state’s or
nation’s power depended on its wealth
Henry the Navigator - Portuguese prince laid
the groundwork for a new era of exploration
by setting up a school for navigation and
Strait - Narrow passageway connecting two
bodies of water
Bartholomeu Dias – First European explorer to
reach the southern tip of Africa.
Circumnavigate - To sail around the world
Vasco da Gama – European explorer who
finds an eastern route to Asia, forcing Spain to
look west.
Age of Exploration (Age of Discovery)
Bartolome de Las Casas - Spanish priest publicly
condemned the cruel treatment of Native
Americans by the Spanish
historical period of European discovery and
increased knowledge of the world
Northwest Passage - water route to Asia
through North America
Caravel - a three-masted ship that could sail
faster can carry more cargo
Columbian Exchange - the exchange of plants,
animals, and diseases between Europe and
the Americas
Silk Road - 5,000 mile trade route that
stretched from the Middle East to China
Christopher Columbus – European explorer
who’s westward voyages led to a wave of
European explorers of the Americas
Amerigo Vespucci – European explorer who’s
fame eventually led mapmakers to name the
Americas in his honor.
Ferdinand Magellan - Explorer who sailed
around the world
John Cabot - Explorer who's actions helped
England made its initial land claims in North
Jacques Cartier - Explorer who looked for the
Renaissance - Meaning “rebirth” in French and Northwest passage for France
refers to the renewed interest in classical
Greek and Roman learning.
Cape of Good Hope - Southern Tip of Africa
Henry Hudson - Explorer who looked for the
Northwest passage for England
Conquistador - Spanish Conqueror
Bartolome de Las Casas - priest who spoke
out against the poor treatment of native
New Amsterdam - city founded by Dutch
explorers; later becomes New York City
Hernan Cortes - Famous conquistador who
conquered the Aztec Empire
Essential Questions:
2.1 – What events and technological advances paved the way for European exploration?
 The Renaissance
 High Taxes on the Silk Road
 Marco Polo's Travels
 Development of the Astrolabe
 Development of the Compass
 Improved cartography
 Prince Henry’s School of Navigation
2.2 – Why did Spain and Portugal want to find a sea route to Asia?
 To seek trade routes
 To spread religious faith
 To increase political and economic influence
2.3 – How did Spain’s conquests affect the economic and social development of the Americas?
 Europeans established colonies in North America.
 Millions of Native Americans die from disease.
 Enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas.
 Animals, Foods from the Americas are introduced in Europe.
2.4 – Why did European nations establish colonies in North America?
 To provide resources and trading ports
 To spread religious faith
 To increase political and economic influence