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St. Mary
Catholic Church
(A Member of the St. John Neumann Deanery)
May 2nd & 3rd, 2015
Saturday, May 9th
– 4:00 AM
Kyle Muniz/Alice & Chen Muniz
Euch. Min.:
Dan Scherry
Jerry & Char Habeck
Dan Scherry
John & Penny McClaflin
Jerry & Char Habeck,
Nancy Ann Smith
Paul Hartenstein,
Walt Pleban
Sunday, May 10th
– 11:00 AM
Moira Dillon/Whitey Dillon
Liturgy of W.
Euch. Min.:
Lucy Lombardi
Larry & Sue Nagy
Jeff Whitacre
Melissa Thornburg
Larry & Sue Nagy
Kathy & Norm Hanko,
Germaine Matus
Ethan Nolan,
McKenna Woodruff
Money Counters:
Linda Grady
Jenny Key
Church Cleaners (Week of):
Dolores Kovach
Wendy Murray
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Calendar of Events & Saint of the Day
Saturday, May 2
4 PM Mass
Sunday, May 3
J & J class-May Crowning
11 AM Mass
Monday, May 4
Tuesday, May 5
Wednesday, May 6
Thursday, May 7
10 AM Communion Service
Friday, May 8
7 AM Communion Service
Saturday, May 9
9 AM Church open for prayer
4 PM Mass
Sunday, May 10
Happy Mother’s Day
11 AM Mass – Mother’s Day
Luncheon in Hall
46 E. Main Street - PO Box 576 Wakeman, OH 44889 440- 839-2023
Email: wakemanstmary@frontier.com
This Week’s Scriptures
Acts 14:5-18
Ps. 115:1-2, 3-4, 15-16
John 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28
Ps. 145:10-11, 12-13, 21
John 14:27-31__
Wednesday Acts 15;1-6
Ps. 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5
John 15:1-8____________
Acts 15:7-21
Ps. 96:1-2, 2-3, 10
John 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31
Ps. 57:8-9, 10, 12
John 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10
Ps. 100:1-2, 3, 5
John 15:18-21
6th Sunday Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
of Easter
Ps.98:1, 2-3, 3-4
1 John 4:7-10
John 15:9-17
Parish Staff
Pastoral Leader: (440) 839-2023
Sr. Carroll Schemenauer
Parish Chaplain: (419) 929-4401
Fr. Doug Taylor
Finance (440) _839-2023
Cece Mees
Administrative Assistant
Catechetical Leader
Sr. Rosemary Hug
Pastoral Council:
Bill White
Penny McClaflin
Diane Wolf (440) 839-2185 (H)
Steve Matus and Bob Jackson
Youth Leaders:
Jenn Nolan & Rhonda Hiesser
Our Parish Mission Statement
Gathered as a family of faith in Christ Jesus, strengthened by His
Word and Sacraments, we will set a living example of our faith by:
 Seeking Christ in all we meet
 Giving of our time, talent and treasure
 To support and strengthen our community and
 Sharing our Faith
Dear Parish Family,
Today’s readings describe the
boldness of faith. The first
reading tells about a new convert named Saul,
who would later become known as Paul. Even
as a relatively young Christian, he “spoke
boldly in the name of the Lord.” St. John tells
us that if we keep the commandments and do
what pleases God, we will “receive from him
whatever we ask.” Jesus says pretty much the
same thing in the Gospel: “If you remain in me
and my words remain in you, ask whatever you
want and it will be done for you.”
Let me tell you about a woman who asked
boldly. Her bold request came in the middle of
a crisis. She was pregnant with her second
child, but it seemed the baby had come at the
worst possible moment. Her finances were
terrible and communication with the baby’s dad
even worse. She was seriously considering an
abortion. However, she remembered seeing
someone wearing the Precious Feet pin. It
represents the feet of a child at ten weeks
of gestation – about a third of an inch
long but with perfectly formed miniature
toes. She reflected that her unborn child had
such feet and she decided, in spite of all
difficulties, that she would have her baby.
Difficulties did come. Several months
later the doctor told her that she had placenta
previa, a condition which “may cause serious
morbidity and mortality to both child and
But God never sends a test without also giving
grace to meet it. That evening the young mom
began to pray. God inspired her to speak to her
unborn child. Placing her hand above her
womb, she said she was sorry for her initial
reaction and that now was thankful for the
beautiful gift – and would do all she could to
protect and care for her little one.
On her next visit to the doctor, she learned the
placenta had returned to where it belonged.
This is a true story. It illustrates the
power of prayer. Ask boldly. Ask
whatever you want and it will be
done for you.
As baptized Christians, you and I
have a bond with Jesus even more
intimate than a mother and her tiny
child. Like the mother who
nourishes the unborn child with
her own blood, Jesus sustains us: “I am the
vine, you are the branches.” (Jn. 15:5)
Most people sense a potential within
themselves, something they could be or do –
which is not being realized. Only by remaining
in Jesus can we become that person. “Without
me you can do nothing.” But united with Him
we can achieve something incredible –bring
glory to the Father.
Not that we are so great or so strong or
so beautiful in ourselves. But the life that flows
from Jesus makes all the difference. If we
allow it to enter our souls, if we do not cut it off
by bitterness, then “ask for whatever you want
and it will be done for you.” The problem is
that most of what we ask for is small potatoesfinances, safety, health, vindication, emotional
wellbeing, etc. Those things are wonderful. But
why not ask for something really big?
Let’s make a comparison. Some
people in the Northwest think about Bill Gates
and how he could solve their financial
problems. Well, suppose that Bill Gates said to
me, “I like you, ask me whatever you want.” If
I were smart, I don’t think I would ask him for
stock options or even for a hundred million
dollars. Better to say, “Bill, could you make
me a member of your family?” If he considered
me a member of his family, I could
propose any project or need to him.
Isn’t the same with God? We are
sons and daughters of the Almighty
God! He will do anything for us.
Alleluia!!!Let’s ask God to help us
understand what we really want!
Sr. Carroll
Last Week
Electronic Deposits
M.T.D. April
Big Birthday Wishes
to Jenna Skrada, Todd Wolf,
Kim Winter, Dylan Andolsek,
and Audrey Starbuck. May
your special day bring many
surprises to you!!
Baccalaureate Mass
for our six seniors
who graduate on
June 7 will be at the
11 AM Mass on
Sunday, May 31st.
Their names
are Savanah Hiesser, Lauren Markus,
Tim Plank, Dillon Sayler, Jasmine
Skrada, and Tanner Whitacre. Keep
them in your prayers as a whole new
world opens up for them after
Fisher Titus Medical Center
Health Ministry Program
No matter what your
age – Life is filled with
possibilities that challenge us each day.
Take a chance, try something new, see
things in a different way. It’s through
these special moments that we learn to
change and grow, to explore the precious
gift of who we are and what we know. For
it’s not until we try that we find out what we
can do. So we don’t have to wait until
tomorrow to discover something new.
Happy Mother’s Day
mothers attend free;
others can throw in
a donation if
We thank Chris Hipp and his
Team for preparing and serving and
cleaning up this nice luncheon on
such an important occasion.
Menu includes sandwiches of
chicken salad or sliced ham and
cheese, veggie plate, chips, and cake.
2nd Sunday Sharing for Caring
We could use laundry detergent and
dish washing soap. Thank you so much.
People can always use any type of
canned/boxed food.
Thank you for your generosity to so
many people in need. Last month we
helped 68 families and 255 people. Your
generosity helps a lot of people!
A Calendar of Coming
May 3:
May 10:
May 26:
May 31:
June 6 & 7:
May Crowning with J&J
children and their last day of
Mothers’ Day Brunch
Emergency Food
Baccalaureate Mass
Re-commissioning of
Eucharistic Ministers