Quiz 3 Study Guide - Honors

Unit 3: Religions, Regional Civilizations, and the Silk Road
Quiz 3 Study Guide - Honors
The next quiz will be Tuesday, November 18. The quiz will cover content through
November 17. Use the list below to help guide your studying. The quiz will include
vocabulary questions, multiple choice questions, short answers, and identifications.
Two short answer questions will appear and you will have to write on one of them.
The study guide is due the day of the quiz. For each topic below, complete the corresponding
- Vocab: for each vocabulary term, write the definition and use the word in a sentence that clearly proves
your understanding of the term.
- Monotheism
- Polytheism
- Origin story
- Barbarian
- Pantheism
- Pandemic
- Origin stories:
1. Summarize the Egyptian Origin Story? What were the main events?
2. Origin Stories graphic organizer. What did all the origin stories we looked at have in common?
(Describe at least 4 common qualities)
- 5 Major World Religions:
1. What are the 5 major world religions?
2. For each of the 5 major religions, list the following information: founder, holy book, where the
religion developed, how many followers each religion has in the world today, and whether the
religion is polytheistic, pantheistic, or monotheistic.
3. Review the candy quiz from the world religions video.
- Regional Civilizations Projects:
1. Review the handouts and presentations from each group
- Silk Road:
1. What is the Silk Road? What was traded along it? (Know two major products from each region.)
2. Where did the Silk Road start and end?
3. Review Silk Road Product Map.
4. Review CrashCourse video notes
5. Review Silk Road Products Article
6. Review Big History bubble map
What did the Chinese emperor use salt for?
What common words use the Latin root word ‘sal’?
What is the superpower of salt?
How would salt help civilizations to create a surplus of food?
- The Mongols:
Unit 3: Religions, Regional Civilizations, and the Silk Road
Who are the Mongols? Where did they live? What did they do?
2. What event sparked the “fury that was the Mongols’?
3. List 4 military tactics of the Mongols.
4. What is the classic stereotype of the Mongols? What other aspects of the Mongols are
contemporary historians choosing to focus on instead?
5. What are the arguments for why the Mongols are awesome?
6. What are the arguments for why the Mongols are not so awesome?
7. What benefits did the Mongols give the world?
8. Review the Mongols webquest worksheet
a. How did the Mongols improve the status of artisans? Of merchants?
b. Describe the Mongols view on religion.
9. Review the CrashCourse about the Mongols
- The Black Death:
1. What were the causes of the Black Death?
2. What were the effects of the Black Death on European society?
3. Review the Black Death textbook worksheet (effects on the Church and map skills sections)
4. Review the Black Death music video worksheet
5. Review the documentary questions about the Black Death
- Identifications:
For each of the following historical terms, provide the who, what, where, when information, and,
most importantly, provide 3 sentences about why that term is significant (important) to world
history. 5 will appear on the test and you have to write on 3 of them. (Test will ask for the who,
what, where, when, and why)
- Genghis Khan
- The Silk Road
- Muhammad
- Siddhartha
- Middlemen of the Silk Road
- Jesus
- Black Death
- Abraham
- Pax Mongolica