Hollow Hope Cites


1NC – Hollow Hope

Relying on the federal government to make “right” decision for tribes is the root of dysfunction, economic deprivation, destructive social behaviors, cultural demise and assimilation. This turns case.

Porter 1 (Robert, Robert B. Porter is a Professor of Law and Director of the Tribal Law and

Government Center, University of Kansas. He is a Citizen and former Attorney General of the

Seneca Nation of Indians. Gaming Law Review. August 2001, 5(4): 299-309. doi:10.1089/109218801750430281 accessed 11/8/14 KR)

Colonizing America has been a messy busi- ness. Millions of Indigenous peoples were

AND or her own and advocating it amongst his or her own people.

Courts provide the illusion of social change – criminal litigation proves

Rosenberg 91 ( Gerald N., Associate Professor in Political Science @ U of Chicago, The Hollow

Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change?, pg. 341)

A further danger of litigation as a strategy for significant social reform is that symbolic

AND without entering that all is well inside

" (Tigar 1970, 7).

US Courts are fly-paper for social reformers – the lure of litigation will siphon off resources that better solve the case

Rosenberg 91 ( Gerald N., Associate Professor in Political Science @ U of Chicago, The Hollow

Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change?, pg. 341)

It is important to note here that there were options other than litigation in all

AND structurally constrained from serving their needs, providing only an illusion of change

