Friction Notes

Friction Notes
Two types of Friction:
1) Static-Friction that builds up before an object begins to move (standing still)
2) Kinetic- “moving friction”. The friction that occurs when objects are in motion
a) Rolling Friction
b) Sliding Friction
Comparisons of Friction
1. Rolling friction is almost always less than sliding friction
a) would it be easier to move something on wheels or by dragging it? (circle
your answer)
Dragging it
rolling it on wheels
2. Kinetic Friction is always less than Static Friction
a) Do you use more force to start something in motion or to keep it in
motion? (Circle your answer)
Start it moving
3. Graph of Friction
Keep it moving
What affects Friction?
For each of the scenarios, perform a short test to see if friction is affected by the thing being
studied. Remember to only change the thing you are studying, and nothing else. Collect data
and then write a concluding statement as to how each factor affects friction, or whether it has
no effect.
1. Do the types of surfaces affect friction?
Surface Type
Amount of Friction
2. Does the mass (weight) of the object? (keep surfaces the same)
Object Mass
Amount of Friction
3. Does the area in contact with the surfaces affect friction? (Keep mass the same)
Surface Area
Amount of Friction
Friction Notes
Two types of Friction:
3) ______________________-Friction that builds up before an object begins to move
(standing still)
4) _______________________- “moving friction”. The friction that occurs when objects
are in motion
c) Rolling Friction
d) Sliding Friction
Comparisons of Friction
1. Rolling friction is almost always _______________________ than sliding friction
b) would it be easier to move something on wheels or by dragging it? (circle
your answer)
Dragging it
rolling it on wheels
2. Kinetic Friction is always ____________________ than Static Friction
a) Do you use more force to start something in motion or to keep it in
motion? (Circle your answer)
Start it moving
3. Graph of Friction
Keep it moving
What affects Friction?
For each of the scenarios, perform a short test to see if friction is affected by the thing being
studied. Remember to only change the thing you are studying, and nothing else. Collect data
and then write a concluding statement as to how each factor affects friction, or whether it has
no effect.
1. Do the types of surfaces affect friction?
Surface Type
Amount of Friction
2. Does the mass (weight) of the object? (keep surfaces the same)
Object Mass
Amount of Friction
3. Does the area in contact with the surfaces affect friction? (Keep mass the same)
Surface Area
Amount of Friction