
Study Guide: Criminal Justice Area Exam (CH. 1,4,5,6 )
Chap 1.
Consensus vs Conflict Model
High Tech Crimes
Public order crimes vs. violent crimes
Cause of crime increase in 80’s and 90’s
Discretion in the criminal justice system
Goals of the criminal justice system
Due Process model
Psychoactive drugs
Due process model
Chap. 4
Criminal Defenses
Accomplice Liability
Mens Rea
Justification defenses
Statutory law
Legal function of the law
Hate crimes
Procedural Due Process
Supreme Court and due process
Wickersham Commission
Three eras of policing
Women in policing
Intelligence led policing
Investigative responsibilities of the FBI
Functions of the ATF
Four basic responsibilities of the police
Double Marginality
Ethical dilemmas of policing
Deadly vs non deadly physical force
Police cynicism
Purpose of police patrol
Reactive vs proactive arrests
Police officers and discretion
Indoctrination into the police subculture
Traditional forms of police corruption
Broken windows theory
The three primary purposes of police patrol.
When are police officers justified in using deadly physical force ?
What is an ethical dilemma and what are the four categories of ethical
dilemmas that police face.