1. Among the remarkable features of the Pantheon in Rome is the

1. Among the remarkable features of the
Pantheon in Rome is the fact that
A. it was erected in Rome in 113.
B. at the top of the dome is a closed reculus.
C. it's built entirely in the Roman style of
D. the rotunda's diameter equals the building's
2. The religious architecture of the early Hindu
people was
A. not so much constructed, but carved.
B. usually built from stone blocks.
C. frequently built with cedar timbers.
D. created by modifying existing Buddhist
3. Which of the following warrior tribes did not
settle in England following the fall of the Roman
A. Jutes
B. Saxons
C. Angles
D. Franks
4. Trade and cultural interaction between the
ancient cultures of Africa, Europe, and Asia were
because of
A. innovative transportation advances made
under Justinian.
B. the Pax Romana, beginning with the birth of
the Roman Empire.
C. their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.
D. advanced linguistic developments in Asia
5. The age of Alexander the Great was the start
of the
A. Classical Age.
B. Dark Ages.
C. Middle Ages.
D. Hellenistic Age.
6. Typically, the art of the early Angles and
Saxons consists primarily of
A. simple lines and shading.
B. realistic portraits of humans.
C. intricate and colorful patterns.
D. idealized portraits of gods.
7. The _______ cathedral is considered to be the
most perfect example of Gothic architecture.
A. Chartres
B. Amiens
C. Notre Dame
D. Sainte Chapelle
8. The figures in the mosaics in the North wall of
the apse of the church of San Vitale in Ravenna
A. Justinian and his attendants.
B. Christ and a flock of sheep.
C. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
D. Galla Placidia and her family.
9. A pyramid is an Egyptian
A. tomb.
B. arena.
C. catacomb.
D. church.
10. Which of the following religious groups was
the focus of attacks by European Christians
during the
A. Jews
B. Muslims
C. Catholics
D. Buddhists
11. Which pharaoh built the Great Sphinx?
A. Chephren
B. Mycerinus
C. Tutankhamen
D. Akhenaton
Answer is actually none of above. Khafra is
widely believed to be the pharaoh responsibe.
12. What is a Buddhist stupa?
A. The tomb of a religious leader
B. A monastic community
C. A place of worship
D. A place for healing
13. Queen Nefertiti symbolized
A. fertility.
B. power.
C. feminine beauty.
D. aloofness.
14. A unique architectural feature of the Hagia
Sophia is its
A. mihrab.
B. transept.
C. minaret.
D. trumeau.
15. A fertility goddess is called _______ in
Indian art.
A. Isis
B. Yakshi
C. Astarte
D. Ishtar
16. If you were a citizen in ancient Rome and
you decided to worship in the Pantheon, you
would do so because you were interested in
A. Apollodorus, Nike of Samothrace, and
B. Athena and Poseidon.
C. the most powerful Roman gods and goddesses.
D. all of the Roman deities.
17. Roman paintings in stone that have best
stood the test of time are
A. sosus.
B. frescoes.
C. oculus.
D. mosaics.
18. The _______ is the central pillar of the main
doorway of a Romanesque church.
A. Doric column
B. trumeau
C. stupa
D. mosaic
19. Which of the following components of the
architecture of the Romans was used extensively
in the eleventh century in Medieval Europe in
the construction of castles, fortresses, churches,
and monasteries?
A. Flying buttress
B. Architrave
C. Pointed arch
D. Round arch
20. A state of enlightenment and never-ending
bliss in Buddhism is called
A. Tipitaka.
B. Mahayana.
C. Nirvana.
D. Theravada.