Post WWII and the Cold War

Post WWII and the Cold War
Pre-Test and Discussion
Name: ______________________________
1. Cold War at Home
Which situation resulted from Senator Joseph McCarthy’s search for Communists within the United States during the
1. Thousands of American citizens who believed in communism were either jailed or deported.
2. The reputations of many people were ruined by false accusations of disloyalty
3. Many high-ranking government officials were exposed as spies of the Soviet Union.
4. Organized groups of Communists began a wave of violent political terrorism.
2. Cold War at Home
The successful launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 signaled the beginning of…
1. American fears that the Soviets had achieved technological superiority
2. the Cold War with the United States
3. Soviet aggression in Afghanistan and China
4. disarmament discussions between the superpowers
3. Cold War at Home
What was one similarity between the Red Scare following World War I and the Cold War following World War II?
1. Fear of communism led to the suppression of the civil liberties of some Americans.
2. Large numbers of Russian revolutionaries settled in the United States.
3. Congressional investigations proved that the Federal Government was heavily infiltrated by Communist spies.
4. Renewed fighting between wartime enemies was a constant threat.
4. Cold War at Home
The growth of McCarthyism in the early 1950s was based on…
1. public fear concerning the spread of communism
2. outrage over government corruption
3. dissatisfaction with the results of World War II
4. opposition to the policy of containment
5. Cold War at Home
What was a cause for the investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in the late 1940s and
the investigations of a Senate committee headed by Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s?
1. the belief that there were Communist agents in the federal government
2. excessive spending by the United States military
3. the corruption and bribery of members of Congress
4. actions of President Harry Truman that might have led to his impeachment
6. Cold War at Home
Which development following World War II caused the urban-suburban pattern shown in the diagram?
increase in the number of farms
expansion of highways and automobile ownership
movement of most factories to rural areas
decline in the number of middle-income families
7. Cold War at Home
The baby boom primarily resulted from the…
1. economic prosperity of the 1920s
2. Great Depression of the 1930s
3. delay in marriages during World War II
4. counterculture movement of the 1960s
8. Cold War at Home
What was the main purpose of the GI Bill passed by Congress shortly before the end of World War II?
1. to offer low-interest loans to the defense industry
2. to provide economic aid to veterans
3. to contain the spread of international communism
4. to expand career opportunities in the military
9. Cold War at Home
The rapid growth in personal income in the decade after World War II contributed to…
1. a decrease in the birthrate
2. a major economic depression
3. expansion of the middle class
4. shortages in the supply of luxury goods
10. Cold War at Home
Which development led to the other three?
1. The United States government increased funding for science and math education.
2. The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.
3. A joint Soviet-American space mission was announced.
4. President John F. Kennedy set the goal of landing a man on the Moon.
11. Cold War Foreign Policy
“An attack on one shall be considered an attack on all.” This statement summarizes the foreign policy known a…
1. colonialism
2. nonalignment
3. appeasement
4. collective security
12. Cold War Foreign Policy
Shortly after World War II, the Cold War developed mainly as a result of the…
1. United States refusal to send economic aid to European nations
2. Soviet domination of Eastern Europe
3. competition between the superpowers to explore outer space
4. continuation of the pre-World War II balance of power
13. Cold War Foreign Policy
A common purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Eisenhower Doctrine was to…
1. carry out the United States policy of preventing the spread of communism
2. insure the survival of the newly independent nations of Africa and Asia
3. limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons
4. provide medical aid to Latin American nations
14. Cold War Foreign Policy
After World War II, the United States departed most sharply from its traditional foreign policy when it…
1. stopped foreign-aid programs
2. sponsored disarmament treaties
3. organized global systems of alliances
4. recognized revolutionary governments
15. Cold War Foreign Policy
In the years just after World War II, the United States attempted to prevent the spread of communism in Europe
mainly by…
1. taking over the governments of several Western European nations
2. increasing opportunities for political refugees to settle in the United States
3. holding a series of summit meetings with leaders of the Soviet Union
4. establishing policies of economic and military aid for European nations
16. Cold War Foreign Policy
During the Korean War, what was the main reason that President Harry Truman dismissed General Douglas
MacArthur as commander of the United States troops?
1. The United States had suffered many severe military losses.
2. Congress refused to appropriate any more money to support the war.
3. President Truman believed that General MacArthur’s conduct threatened the concept of civilian control over
the military
4. General MacArthur disobeyed President Truman by deciding to stop fighting the war.
17. Cold War Foreign Policy
During the Cold War Era, the easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in…
1. the organization of the Warsaw Pact
2. the invasion of Hungary and Czechoslovakia
3. the Berlin Airlift
4. a treaty banning nuclear tests
18. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which is a valid conclusion based on United States involvement in the Korean War?
1. The policy of containment was applied in Asia as well as in Europe
2. United Nations economic sanctions are more effective than military action.
3. The American people will support United States participation in any war, whether declared or undeclared.
4. United States cooperation with a wartime ally ends when the war ends.
19. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which event led directly to the end of the Cold War?
1. reunification of Germany
2. formation of the European Union
3. breakup of the Soviet Union
4. creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
20. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which foreign policy decision by President Harry Truman is an example of the policy of containment?
1. relieving General MacArthur of his Korean command
2. recognizing the new nation of Israel
3. supporting the trials of war criminals in Germany and Japan
4. providing military aid to Greece and Turkey
21. Cold War Foreign Policy
“Batista Driven from Power” “Bay of Pigs Invasion Fails” “U-2 Planes Reveal Soviet Missiles” These headlines refer to
the relationship between the United States and…
1. Canada
2. Cuba
3. Mexico
4. Panama
22. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which action was taken by the United States government to help Europe’s economic recovery after World War II?
1. forming the Alliance for Progress
2. sending troops to Turkey
3. creating the Marshall Plan
4. joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
23. Cold War Foreign Policy
In the Truman Doctrine, President Harry Truman pledged to…
1. support Greece in its fight against communist aggression
2. fight hunger in Africa and Asia
3. strengthen the United States nuclear arsenal
4. reject a policy of containment
24. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which development led to the other three?
1. The United States government increased funding for science and math education.
2. The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.
3. A joint Soviet-American space mission was announced.
4. President John F. Kennedy set the goal of landing a man on the Moon.
25. Cold War Foreign Policy
Which development is most closely associated with the belief in the domino theory?
1. military involvement in Vietnam
2. construction of the Berlin Wall
3. signing of the nuclear test ban treaty
4. end of the Korean War
26. Cold War Foreign Policy
The primary purpose of President Richard Nixon’s policy of détente was to…
1. expand United States military involvement in Southeast Asia
2. assure an adequate supply of oil from the Middle East
3. ease tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
4. maintain a favorable balance of trade with China
27. Cold War Foreign Policy
“Eisenhower Sends U.S. Troops to Protect Lebanon”; “Kennedy Places Quarantine on Shipment of Soviet Missiles to
Cuba”; “Johnson Increases U.S. Troop Strength in Vietnam by 125,000” Which statement about the Cold War is
illustrated by these headlines?
1. Rivalries between the superpowers often involved conflicts in other nations.
2. United States military support was most often deployed in Europe.
3. Communist forces were frequently victorious in Asia.
4. Summit talks frequently succeeded in limiting international tensions.