Interest Groups as Linkage Institutions

Interest Groups
Linkage Institutions
Interest Groups as Factions
• Madison (Federalist 10) – his
description of factions defines the
interest groups found today
• Madison’s broad language “ The latent
causes of faction are sown in the
nature of man..” predicted the potential
for multiple factions on many topics
• Definition: People who share common
goals, interact with each other, and
organize to affect the public agenda.
Types of Interest Groups
• Economic: primary purpose is to promote
the economic interest of their members
* National Assoc. of Manufacturers
AFL-CIO (unions)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
National Farmers Union
Tobacco Institute
American Medical Assoc.
National Assoc. of Trial Lawyers
American Petroleum Institute
Types of Interest Groups
• Public Interest Groups: narrowly
focused groups, often on a single issue
* American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
* American Assoc. of Retired Persons (AARP)
* The Brady Campaign.
* National Assoc. for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP)
* National Rifle Assoc. (NRA)
* National Abortion Rights League (NARAL)
* National Right to Life Committee
* Christian Coalition
Types of Interest Groups
• Environmental Groups: formed to
protect many parts of the environment
* Greenpeace
Sierra Club
Environmental Defense Fund
National Audubon Society
The Nature Conservancy
League of Conservation Voters
Types of Interest Groups
• Public Interest/Good Government:
search for public policy that is in the
interest of the general public
* Common Cause
* Public Citizen
* National Right to Work
Interest Groups as linkage
• Strategies to influence the public
* Information & education of public,
Congress, White House, etc.
* Mass media appeal
* Mass mailings
* Electioneering activities:
campaigning, issue ads, etc.
* Political Action Committees (PACs)
Interest Groups as linkage
• Lobbying
Congress: draft legislation, testify,
“astroturf” pressure, polls,
use constituents a
* Executive Branch: information, testify,
assist with rules for
regulatory agencies
* Courts: amicus curiae briefs,
Interest Groups as linkage
• Other Activities
* Grassroots: direct mail, internet, radio
talk shows
* Protest: rally, parade, breaking the
* Election: endorsements, rating
candidates, contributions thru
PACs, issue ads, 527
committees, getting out the
vote (GOTV)
Interest Groups’ Influence
• Positive: Advantage for democracy
because it allows individual citizens to
influence government in ways that are
beyond their ballot – links them to the public
• Negative: The poorer citizens & those in
minorities are poorly represented, there is
too much money involved in the process
(elitist), and there is too much opportunity
for influence of the public agenda to be