Intro to Japan

Fast Facts
70% of country is mountainous.
16% is agricultural.
2/3 of population lives in 3% of the land area.
Japan as a group of islands means its people
are great fishers, seafarers and traders.
Fast Facts
• Being small, crowded and lacking in raw
materials, it has always looked to other
countries, especially China & Korea for surplus
population, source of materials like oil and
iron ore, and a market for Japanese
manufactured goods.
• In a perfect position to control shipping &
maritime access to the Asian mainland.
Fast Facts
* Japan was pretty much the first Asian nation
to take up the ways of the West.
* They revere nature and the natural
• 1603-1867 – country ruled by the leader of
the Tokugawa clan; a powerful family of
generals, warriors & soldiers.
• The Tokugawas closed off Japan from the rest
of the world.
• They were concerned with foreign ideas
influencing the Japanese people into making
demanding changes.
• In 1639 – the Tokuwagas implemented a
policy called sakoku (closed door), banning all
foreigners from entering Japan & banning all
citizens from going overseas.
• Japan was sealed off from the rest of the
world for 200 years.
• By the middle of the 19th Century it was
harder to maintain their isolation. British
colonies in India, Malaya, Singapore, Burma &
Hong Kong; Dutch in Eats Indies; Spain in
Philippines; France in Laos, Cambodia &
• They were concerned about European power
after seeing them control and humiliate China.
• The Russians were also a threatening presence
• The US began to look to Asia to
trade and expand their power &
• 8th July, 1853 – American
Commodore Perry sailed into Tokyo
• The US wanted to open more ports
for trading and provision of food
and coal. The shogunate was in a
• The Treaty of Kanagawa – first treaty between
Japan and a Western power.
• Within 2 years, treaties signed with Great Britain,
Russia & the Netherlands.
• Some rebelled. A movement to expel the
foreigners & restore the power of the Emperor
developed rapidly. Powerful clans, beaten by the
Tokugawa clan, led the way. British warships
destroyed theirs after the Legation was burnt.
• January 1867 – new
Emperor. 13 November
1867 – the last shogun
was forced to resign.
Emperor’s power was
restored 3rd Jan, 1868.
The Meiji Restoration
• New Emperor – Meiji – changed Japan beyond
recognition into a modern, industrialised nation.
His rule finished in 1912.
• In 1868 he issued the Charter Oath – a
commitment to change Japan.
• The Feudal system was demolished.
• New constitution became law in 1889. Monarch
as the centre of all authority.
• In 1872 – orders compulsory primary education
for 6 years. Japan becomes the firs literate nation
in Asia.
The Meiji Restoration
• Japanese leaders knew they had to learn the
secrets of the West, but they didn’t want to
lose their distinct identity, therefore
precedence given to the Shinto religion, which
placed the Emperor at the pinnacles of