The Diary of Anne Frank

 Can
you think of any famous conspiracy
theories or cover ups?
 Do
you think that newspapers and / or
governments cover up events? Why (not)?
 When
might keeping secrets be a good
 Who ‘s
job is it to uncover conspiracy
theories and expose cover ups?
 The
9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA
(2001) were planned
by the American
 Many
conspiracy theories claim that
President George W. Bush and/or
individuals in his administration knew
about the attacks beforehand and
purposefully allowed them to occur
because the attacks would generate
public support for militarization,
expansion of the police state, and other
intrusive foreign and domestic policies
by which they would benefit.
crashed UFO was discovered in
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
The Roswell UFO Incident involved the recovery
of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, in
July 1947. By the early 1990s, UFO researchers
had interviewed several hundred people [11]
who had, or claimed to have had, a connection
with the events at Roswell in 1947 and hundreds
of documents were also obtained. Their
conclusions were that at least one alien craft had
crashed in the Roswell vicinity, that aliens, some
possibly still alive, were recovered, and that a
massive cover-up of any knowledge of the
incident was put in place.
 On
November 22, 1963, President John F.
Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,
Texas. Theorists claim that the US
government released false reports to
cover up the whole affair.
 Theorists
claim that there was more than
one shooter and that Lee Harvey Oswald
was not responsible for the sole killing of
the President.
 Some believe that Oswald was either a
patsy or worked for the FBI, KGB or the
mafia. To this day the debate continues
about how many shooters there were,
where the shooters were and who was
really behind the assassination of
President Kennedy.
 William
Shakespeare, the playwright
responsible for penning a number of
plays such as Romeo and Juliet, did not
write any of his own work.
 Since
there is very little historical
information about Shakespeare, conspiracy
theorists believe that he could not have
possibly written the plays, but was used as
the author to cover up the true identity of
the brilliant poet. Many believe that
Shakespeare himself could not have had the
education to write such profound work. The
most plausible authors include Christopher
Marlowe, Ben Johnson, Francis Bacon or Sir
Walter Raleigh.
 The
Holocaust, the annahilation of
approximately 6 million Jews during
WWII, did not happen.
Believe it or not there are many theorists out
there who believe that the Holocaust is a hoax.
Conspiracy theories claim that the Nazis never
murdered over 6 million Jews during World War
II but claims of the Holocaust was conspired by
the Jews to advance their own interests and to
justify the creation of Israel. The deniers claim
that any deaths which occurred in concentration
camps were from starvation or disease and not
because of Nazi policy to exterminate the Jews.
The Diary of Anne Frank the conspiracy theorists
believe is a forgery.
 Using
the story your group will receive,
try to create a conspiracy theory to
explain the mystery described.
 Make
sure your theory is believable and
based only on the information you have
been given.