Social Studies 20-1

Social Studies 20-1
Location of the concentration and
death camps
Historical Background
The foundation came through the Nazi party gaining power in
Germany, during this time Hitler set out his plan to exterminate the
Jewish citizens living in Europe. This is because after losing WW I, the
Treaty of Versailles left Germany’s economy broke and left the country
without pride. Hitler would bring extreme nationalism back into the
country, in a very sadistic way. These factors would cause the
holocaust and the eventual termination of 6 million Jews.
Important Dates
January 30, 1933: President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany
March 16, 1935: Germany introduces military conscription.
March 11-13, 1938: Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss.
September 1, 1939: Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe.
July 6, 1941: mobile killing units shoot nearly 3,000 Jews at the Seventh Fort.
May 15, 1944: Germans begin the mass deportation of about 440,000 Jews from Hungary.
January 18, 1945: Death march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp system in southern Poland.
January 25, 1945: Death march of nearly 50,000 prisoners from the Stutthof camp system in northern Poland.
April 29, 1945: American forces liberate the Dachau concentration camp.
April 30, 1945: Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
May 7, 1945: Germany surrenders to the western Allies.
May 9, 1945: Germany surrenders to the Soviets.
Individuals and groups involved
Hitler- Dictator over Germany during WW II and sole leader over Germany during
this time period.
Joseph Goebbels-Propaganda minister for the Nazis.
Heinrich Himmler-Second in command to Hitler.
The Nazis- Group that starts the genocide of Jewish citizens in Europe.
The Jews-Group discriminated against and killed during the genocide.
Reasons and means of promotion
The Jewish people in Germany were seen as the problem that needed
to be dealt with so that the nation could survive. This way of thinking
brought Hitler and the Nazi party into power. This is because of Hitler's
hatred of the Jews, blaming them for things like the loss of WW I.
The Nazis used propaganda to bring support for their party. They spent
massive amounts of money on things like newspapers, leaflets and
poster campaigns with simple slogans encouraging others to support
the party.
Atrocities committed
Common methods of death:
-Worked to death
-Tortured to death
-Gas chambers
Peace settlements
There were no
peace or UN action
done during this
abysmal Genocide.
Criminal Charges/War crimes
Many of Hitler's followers committed suicide along with
their leader. However some have been captured and put on
trial for the massacres they had done during the second
world war. Unfortunately, many perpetrators of Nazi-era
criminality have never been tried or punished. Countless
were able to avoid any form of punishment and continue
their lives in German society.
Current Status in Germany
45,000 USD (2013) per capita.
Life Expectency-80 years of age.
Literacy- 99% rate in Germany.
AIDS/HIV rate- 0.1% rate in adults.
Main economic industries-Germany is the leading producer of wind
turbines and solar power technology in the world.
Type of Government-parliamentary republic.
Level of peace and freedom-High