Independent Reading: Part I AP Language Zoller Over the course of

Independent Reading: Part I
AP Language
Over the course of the next month or so you will be reading a book outside of class.
You will be expected to complete the reading and the assignments on time even though
much of it will be completed outside of class.
1. Log in to Edmodo and join the group that corresponds with the title of the book
you are reading. These groups will contain anyone who is reading the same book
you are; in other words, there will likely be students from several different classes.
Below is a list of book titles and codes.
Into Thin Air (8urmjf)
Touching the Void (qe73px)
The Perfect Storm (9v9te9)
A Walk in the Woods (84scdy)
Born to Run (4egw86)
Freakonomics (azgv9d)
The Tipping Point (zfzz2j)
Collapse: How Societies Choose (8hvezq)
Food Ethics
Fast Food Nation (2kds9x)
War (9peus3)
Blackwater (3gb9zv)
On Killing (p8m2d2)
Seen No Evil (b6ehmt)
Hiroshima & Night (zivges)
Social Issues/Commentary
Bad Feminist (2nkphv)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts (3y6zyi)
In Cold Blood (wy3exk)
Girl in a Band (5qpige)
The Glass Castle (5euchi)
Brain on Fire (299cby)
The Devil in the White City (7tusx9)
2. You need to divide your book up into 4 roughly even sections and let me know
the page numbers or chapters for each section. The dates to complete each
section are as follows:
a. Reading Section 1: 12/9/15
b. Reading Section 2: 1/4/16
c. Reading Section 3: 1/18/16
d. Reading Section 4: 2/3/16
3. Your first assignment is to research the author of your book. You will be writing
your based on your research,
a. Prompt: Using multiple sources (including at least one interview), write a
150-200 word paragraph in which you discuss how the author’s personal
experiences, beliefs, assumptions, personality, background (educational,
cultural, gender, etc…) may have influenced or impacted their approach to
writing this book. How do these things qualify them to write on the
subject? Be sure to link specific evidence to your ideas.
b. You do not need an official works cited page, but I do want you to indicate
the sources of your information. These sources should not be Wikipedia or style websites; they should be newspapers, articles, interviews,
author’s personal webpage, etc…
c. This should be posted to your Edmodo group (make sure your settings are
set for the group view)