LibraryU Course Resources: Dealing with Angry Patrons

LibraryU Course Resources: Dealing with Angry Patrons
Charles A. Salter and Jeffrey L. Salter. On the Frontlines: Coping with the Library's
Problem Patrons. Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1988, pp: 170, ISBN: 0-87287-658-6
Bruce A. Shuman, River Bend Revisited: The Problem Patron in the Library, Oryx Press,
1984, pp: 186, ISBN: 0-89774-125-0
Mark R. Willis, Dealing with Difficult People in the Library, American Library
Association, 1999, pp: 195, ISBN: 0-8389-0760-1
Sue Stroyan, Problem Patrons, American Library Association, 1980, pp: 16
Beth McNeil and Denise J. Johnson, Patron Behavior in Libraries: A Handbook of
Positive Approaches to Negative Situations, American Library Association, 1996.
Reference Materials
Anne G. Lipow and Suzanne Gallup, Public Service Under Pressure: Improving the
Response, Association of College and Research Libraries, 1986.:
This workbook, designed to accompany a workshop designed by the authors,
describes ways that librarians and library staff can improve our own responses to
the pressures brought by the patron, the environment, or ourselves.
Anne M. Turner, It Comes with the Territory: Handling Problem Situations in Libraries,
revised edition, McFarland and Company, Inc., 2004:
This book, a consolidation of collective experiences, has three parts. The first
deals with writing rules about acceptable behavior, the next section deals with
specific problem behaviors which which most library staffs must deal, and the last
chapters focus on the security of the facility, writing staff manuals, and training
Bruce A. Shuman River Bend Revisited: The Problem Patron in the Library Oryx Press
1984 186 p. 0-89774-125-0:
Forty problem situations that can arise in public library settings are described.
Each case study is accompanied by a resource list and a set of discussion
questions. Although the problems depicted are far broader than just angry patrons,
this is an excellent starting point for the development of emergency plans in
Charles A. Salter and Jeffrey L. Salter, On the Frontlines: Coping with the Library's
Problem Patrons, Libraries Unlimited, 1988, 170 p.:
The authors contend that librarians are generally ill-equipped to handle
emotionally disturbed individuals who frequent libraries. This book gives twentyfour case studies illustrating various problems and maladies, and follows each
situation with an analysis and tips in handling. The second part of the book deals
with how to confront these types of patrons, training staff to deal with them, and
sources of help in the community.
Dealing with Angry Customers. Salenger Educational Media, 1982.:
Mark R. Willis, Dealing with Difficult People in the Library, American Library
Assocation, 1999, 195, 0-8389-0760-1:
This book is designed to help the frontline staff of a public library prevent
problems with patrons and to lean how to more effectively deal with problems
when they occur. Two chapters are particularly useful for dealing with angry
patrons: Chapter 4, "Turning Complainers into Happy Customers," and Chapter 7,
"Anger in the Library."
Rhea Joyce Rubin, Defusing the Angry Patron: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians,
Neal-Schuman, 1-55570-372-0 . 2000. 99 pp.:
Does dealing with angry customers eat up staff time, increase stress at public
service desks, and undermine morale? Do staff bemoan the increase in "problem
patrons" in your library? Defusing the Angry Patron introduces the many causes
and faces of anger as well as practical techniques for dealing with angry patrons
(and others). Included are approaches for handling situations ranging from
everyday frustration to confrontative behavior. Rubin focuses on how effective
staff training and intentional behaviors can positively affect patron behavior,
minimize altercations, and ease the stress of public services staff. She offers reallife examples and scenarios from all types of libraries and provides sample scripts
public services staff can utilize to learn to cope with difficult situations.
Sue Stroyan, Problem Patrons, American Library Association, 1980, 16.:
This brief item contains resources from a LAMA preconference in 1980, with a
bibliography on problem patrons, a reprint of a 1977 American Libraries article
on "Sex and Violence in the Library," and a sample policy on problem behavior.
Internet Resources
Managing Difficult Patrons: The Angry, the Disruptive, the Dangerous: a
workshop for Ohio Library Staff.
Marie Radford's bibliography for LIS 610 INTERPERSONAL
School of Information and Library Science
Ken Hughes' notes on Professor Richard Dougherty, Library Studies 535,
University of Michigan, suggestions for dealing with problem and angry patrons.
Patron behavior policy by the J.H. Wootter’s Crockett Public Library advisory
Library Rage: Handling Patrons And Problems in our Libraries A Select
Bibliography & List of Web Sites Prepared by Karen Baudouin and Marjorie
A powerpoint presentation entitled: When Being Nice Isn’t Working: Service,
Safety & Security at the Moment of Truth by Dr. Steve Albrecht.