201516 Pre AP Algebra I Syllabus

Washington County Middle School / North Washington
Pre AP Algebra I
Lolita Blanton
Phone: 859-336-5983
Course Description: The purpose of the Pre AP Algebra I course is to better prepare students
for AP math classes their senior year through AP style questions and lessons. Students are
recommended by the teacher for Pre AP Algebra I based on 7th grade math class performance,
MAP and Explorer test scores. The content is the same for Pre AP Algebra I and Algebra I, the
pace is difference between the two classes. The Pre AP Algebra I will cover some content
taught at the beginning of their Algebra II course.
Course Competencies and Enduring Skills: Lessons for this course will be based on the
mathematical practices listed below. These practices stress the importance of “processes and
proficiencies” in mathematical education.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
This course will follow Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics:
 The Real Number System
 Quantities
 Seeing Structure in Expressions
 Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions
 Creating Equations
 Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities
 Interpreting Functions
 Building Functions
 Linear and Exponential Models
Student Evaluation: The following list contains how the course grades are weighted:
Homework/bellwork 10%
Class Activities/Notebook
Midterm/Final Exam will count as 10% of the overall yearly grade.
*Students who do not pass Part A and/or Part B of this course, must retake this course. The
student will be placed in Algebra I the 2nd time taking this course.
**Students must maintain a B average for Part A and B to be recommended for Pre AP
Geometry the following school year. Students must maintain a 95 or higher in Parts A and B to
be recommended to “double up” (Pre-AP Geometry and Pre-AP Algebra II) the following school
Instructional Methodology: In this course, a bell ringer will be assigned on a daily basis.
Students will need to keep bell work organized in a notebook; notebooks will be collected
several times throughout the year. The students will be responsible to keep their binder/notes
organized. I will help students set up their binder the first week of the course.
Throughout the semester, we will be learning in various ways. Some lessons will be presented
by the teacher and students will practice independently or with their assigned partner. Student
work will be presented by individuals, groups, and through class discussions. Students should
expect to have homework most nights. Homework will be graded on effort (attempting every
problem, showing your work, and turning the work in on time). A test or quiz will be given most
every week. Students should be engaged. I will make every effort to have activities, games,
projects or other appropriate assignments to help facilitate learning and to foster a love (or at
least like!) of mathematics. Students will be given a study guide to prepare for the unit test two
days before the test. No extra credit will be given during this class at any time. I expect
students to be attentive every lesson and come to class prepared.
Classroom Expectations:
Always come to class prepared!! (Pencil, binder, paper, homework, etc).
Stay seated while in the classroom.
Raise your hand.
Respect everyone!!
Be attentive (participate, listen to others)
No Cellphones unless permitted by the teacher.
Keep food and drinks away during class. Students may have water.
Required Materials:
Notebook, 3 ring preferred
Loose Leaf Paper
Graph paper if desired ( I will make some copies as well )
* Calculators will be available for in class use only. Students are NOT required to purchase a
calculator for this class.
General Information Regarding Course:
1. Retake options will be available for students for every unit test (not on class quizzes,
midterm, or final). The retake will take place during their class one week after the unit
test was given. Students must attend an afterschool review session or complete
assigned practice problems in order to take the retake.
2. Every student will be given TWO hall passes each semester. Those hall passes are their
“emergency” passes to the restroom or locker. Students will not be able to leave class
once it has started without using a hall pass unless they are called out of class or teacher
gives permission.
Student and Parent/Guardian Confirmation:
We have read and understand the expectations for this course.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
Date: __________________________________