troy university sorrell college of business course

MKT 4469 - Marketing Management
Fall Semester 2013
Prerequisite: MKT 3300 and 15 hours of upper level marketing classes
Class Meeting Days:
Class Meeting Time:
Classroom Location:
Final Exam:
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 a.m.
Bibb Graves, 221
December 5, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Office Hours:
Frank Thompson, lecturer
Bibb Graves, Office 238C
Monday through Friday, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Monday and Wednesday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
(334) 670-3801
Office Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Course Catalog
This is the capstone course for marketing major students. Focus is
on marketing management problem solving by applying marketing
concepts, procedures, and practices learned. Vehicles to deepen this
decision-making approach will include text, cases, and simulations.
Sorrell College of
Business Vision
The Sorrell College of Business will be a recognized and respected
leader for quality and flexibility in the delivery of business education
that prepares graduates to succeed in the global business
Sorrell College of
Business Mission
The Sorrell College of Business supports the Troy University mission
by preparing our diverse student body to become ethical professionals
equipped to compete in the global business environment. To achieve
this, our faculty, staff, and administration will:
1) provide quality education in global business through our
undergraduate and graduate programs, delivered around the
world through face-to-face and online environments, to traditional,
non-traditional, military, and international students;
2) contribute to the development and application of knowledge
focused on applied business, learning, and pedagogical research;
3) provide service to the University, business and professional
organizations, and our communities through individual
involvement, business outreach, and our centers for research.
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Course Purposes:
To provide the marketing-oriented tools necessary for the practical
application of marketing decision-making in both a conceptual and an
operational framework. Marketing concentration requirement.
Course objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to
Discuss customer satisfaction and value.
Gather marketing information.
Describe the marketing environment.
Analyze business markets, customer markets, and buyer
5. Craft a marketing segmentation and target marketing plan.
6. Apply market positioning concepts to a marketing scenario.
7. Explain the product life-cycle and new-product development.
8. Make product line and brand management decisions in a
marketing scenario.
9. Craft a pricing strategy and pricing program in a marketing
10. Demonstrate how to manage marketing channels and marketing
communications, including direct and online marketing.
Required Textbook:
Marshall, G., and Johnston, M. (2011) Essentials of Marketing
Management (1st Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
The student is expected to attend scheduled class meetings,
complete reading assignments prior to class, and to submit completed
assignments on time. Late work will not be accepted. Written
exams will be given.
Course Grading
Letter Grade Percentage
Student performance will be evaluated as follows:
of Grade
Four unit tests (100 each)
Evaluation 1
THE test
Final Exam – Comprehensive
Total Possible Points
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Assignments will be submitted for a grade.
To be considered “on time” they must be submitted by Blackboard
to the instructor by established deadline.
Group project grades will include a portion based on participation
Tests will be based on material covered in class as well as
reading assignments.
Important: There is more material in the textbook than can
possibly be covered and developed in detail during class periods.
Tests will include material covered in class for which the student
will be responsible, but not covered in the textbooks.
Pay close attention to terms and concepts in each chapter.
Tests will consist of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and/or
(sometimes) short essay
Student IDs will be checked prior to the handing out of the tests.
Vocabulary Tests:
When a chapter is completed, a vocabulary test will be given at the
beginning of the next class meeting. For students who arrive late or
are absent, see Make-up Policy below.
Make-up Policy:
Make-up tests will be given ONLY for DOCUMENTED (on
letterhead), APPROVED absences. See ATTENDANCE POLICY.
Make-up tests are administered only to students who have received
approval from the professor prior to the test date. The make-up test
must be taken within one week of the student’s return to class. Makeup tests are different from tests given in class. A grade of zero will be
assigned for any tests missed due to an unexcused absence.
Instruction and
Students are expected to:
1. Punctually attend all scheduled classes. Students who arrive at
class after roll call will be counted absent.
2. Be responsible for all instructions and assignments given in class
as well as for the supporting textbook content.
3. Read the textbook material before the lecture covering that
material. This leads to a better understanding of the lecture as
well as the opportunity to ask questions about material(s) in the
text that were unclear or that the student did not understand.
4. Participate in and utilize the Discussion Board.
5. Hand in assignments on the assigned due date and time. See
homework policy.
6. Completed tests will be temporarily available for review in the
instructor’s office during scheduled office hours.
General support:
The computer labs in 237 Bibb Graves and 239 Bibb Graves are
available for student use. No food, tobacco products, nor drinks are
allowed in the computer labs
Americans with
Disabilities Act:
Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that
postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all
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academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and
events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of
disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be
provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and
potential through the provision of academic adaptations and
reasonable accommodations. Further information, including
appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for Troy
University’s Office of Human Resources at
Cell Phone Policy:
Use of any electronic devise by students in the instructional
environment is prohibited unless explicitly approved on a case-bycase basis by the instructor of record or by the Office of Disability
Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cellular phones, pagers,
and other communication devices may be used for emergencies,
however, but sending or receiving non-emergency messages is
forbidden by the University. Particularly, use of a communication
device to violate the Troy University “Standards of Conduct” will result
in appropriate disciplinary action (See pp. 42-52 of the Oracle.
In order to receive emergency messages from the University or family
members, the call receipt indicator of devices must be in the vibration
mode or other unobtrusive mode of indication. Students receiving
calls that they believe to be emergency calls must answer quietly
without disturbing the teaching environment. If the call is an
emergency, they must move unobtrusively and quietly from the
instructional area and notify the instructor as soon as reasonably
possible. Students who are expecting an emergency call should
inform the instructor before the start of the instructional period.
Attendance Policy:
1. Class Roll: Class roll may be taken at the beginning of the class
session. Students who arrive after roll is taken will be marked
2. Attendance is mandatory. If a student misses a class or
homework assignment it is his/her responsibility to obtain all
information and materials presented (including materials covered,
handouts, skills learned, and homework assignments) during
his/her absence.
Instructor does not repeat lectures nor perform the tutoring
function for students who are absent. Each absence will make the
successful completion of this course more difficult, since courses
are cumulative in nature and days missed from class are lost
knowledge. Exams will include not only the material from the
assigned chapters in the text, but also from any other materials
covered in class lectures.
3. Excused absences: Excused absences have the following
a. Professor was informed prior to the absence.
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b. Professor determines that the absence is excused.
c. Absence is of the following type:
1. Participation in a documented official university function
that does not permit the student’s class attendance (e.g.,
participation in athletic events, field trips, etc.)
2. Severe illness (this does not include scheduled medical
appointments nor driving someone else to doctor), a
hospital stay, or a doctor's excuse saying that it is
impossible for student to attend class(es)
3. Death of immediate family member (grandparent, parent,
sibling, or child)
4. Appearance in court
5. Personal situations that are approved by the professor in
advance of the time the student is to be absent.
d. Written documentation (on letterhead) must be provided.
Incomplete Grade
An incomplete grade indicates that the student has not completed all
of the assigned class work or has not taken all class
examinations. Only the instructor can determine whether an
incomplete grade is justified. It will not be automatically assigned,
but rather must be requested by the student by submitting to the
instructor the Petition for and Work to Remove an Incomplete Grade
form. A grade of incomplete may not be removed by repeating the
It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor regarding the
deadline for completing all course requirements. Any student who
receives a grade of “Incomplete” must adhere to the work completion
deadline set by the instructor, not to exceed the end of the following
term. This deadline applies whether or not the student re-enrolls for
the semester following the assignment of the incomplete
grade(s). Failure to clear the incomplete within the specified time
period will result in the assignment of a grade of F for the course.
Cheating policy:
The commission of or the attempt to commit any cheating and/or
plagiarism are in violation of the Standard of Conduct at Troy
University, and may be disciplined up to and including suspension
and expulsion. If you as a student are caught cheating, you will get a
course grade of "F". See “ORACLE: Student Handbook, 2012-13"
pp. 53-54.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing and passing off (the ideas or words of
another) as one’s own or to commit literary theft: present as new and
original an idea or product derived from an existing source (Webster’s
New Collegiate Dictionary). Plagiarism may result from poor
technique of citation or more serious cases as: copying the work of
another person; submitting the work of another person; or closely
paraphrasing a piece of work without due acknowledgement.
Depending on the circumstances, the penalty imposed for plagiarism
may include warning, resubmission, loss of points, failure on a
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particular assignment or course, or a charge of misconduct to be dealt
with by Troy University. Plagiarism will cause a student to get a
course grade of “F”. According to the TU ORACLE: Student
Handbook, 2012-13, pp. 46, one definition of misconduct is:
“Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism...”.
The ORACLE states on pp. 55 under the Academic Code subheading that: “A student is subject to disciplinary action: #3. Where
the work affects or might affect a student’s grade, credit, or status in
the university, a student represents to be his or her own any work
which is not the product of his or her own study and efforts”. The
penalty for such misconduct may be (pp. 55) “A student’s grade in the
course or on the examination affected by the misconduct may be
reduced to any extent, including a reduction to failure.” A student may
be suspended from the University for a specific or an indefinite period.
p. 53-54.
TEACH Act Copyright
The materials in this course are only for the use of students enrolled
in this course for purposes associated with this course and may not
be retained or further disseminated to other students, friends, family,
or other persons.
Outside links:
Materials accessed in chat rooms, bulletin boards, or through
unofficial web links and pages are not officially sponsored by Troy
University. The United States Constitution rights of free speech apply
to all members of our community regardless to the medium used. We
disclaim all liability for data, information, or opinions expressed in
unofficial web links and pages, as well as chat rooms and discussion
forums (bulletin boards).
Contacting the
Best and preferred method is Troy email
 Emails to the instructor should include full name, class, and
section in the subject line
 Students who do not identify themselves in the above manner
should not expect a response from the instructor
 Instructor will return messages within 24 hours Monday to
Thursday; within 48 hours Friday through Sunday
 If student has not received a response from the instructor within
the timeframes above, student should assume the message was
not received and should resend it
 Student should check their own email account daily for responses
and communication from the instructor
Office telephone
 Not recommended as the most timely method to reach the
 Leaving a phone message does not qualify as “contacting the
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Office hours
 Office meetings will be limited to 10 minutes sessions to
accommodate more students
 Walk-in appointments are available on a first-come, first-serve
 Appointments can be made by email; allow time for email
response from the instructor. Student is not to assume that by
sending an email the appointment is automatic.
 Office meetings outside the posted office hours are possible by
appointment only.
Instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus
during the course. Students will be notified of changes by
The textbook is the final authority on test questions.
Troy University policy is the final authority on class questions.
The instructor is fair and but firm on deadlines.
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This list very is subject to change. Please watch Announcements (Blackboard) for change
Aug 15
Aug 20
Aug 22
Aug 27
Aug 29
Sept 3
Sept 5
Sept 10
Sept 12
Sept 17
Sept 19
Sept 24
Sept 26
Oct 1
Oct 3
Oct 8
Oct 10
Oct 15
Oct 17
Oct 22
Oct 24
Oct 29
Oct 31
Nov 5
Nov 7
Nov 12
Nov 14
Nov 19
Nov 21
Nov 25-29
Dec 3
Dec 4
Dec 9
FIRST DAY OF CLASS; Syllabus review
The project
Chapter 1 – Marketing in Today’s Global Business Milieu
Chapter 1 – Marketing in Today’s Global Business Milieu
Chapter 2 – Elements of Marketing Strategy and Planning
Chapter 2 – Elements of Marketing Strategy and Planning
Test 1
Chapter 3 – Perspectives on CRM and Marketing Metrics
The project
Chapter 4 – Managing Marketing Information
The project – SWOT analysis
Chapter 4 – Managing Marketing Information
Chapter 5 – Understanding Customers: Business –to-Consumer Markets
Chapter 5 – Understanding Customers: Business –to-Consumer Markets
The project
Chapter 6 – Understanding Customers: Business-to-Business Markets
Test 2
Chapter 7 – Segmentation, Target Marketing, and Positioning
The project
Chapter 8 – The product experience: Product Strategy and Building the Brand
Chapter 9 – Product Experience: New-Product Development and Service
Chapter 10 – Managing Pricing Decisions
Test 3
Chapter 11 – Managing Marketing Channels and the Supply Chain
Chapter 12 – Points of Customer Interface: Bricks and Clicks
Chapter 13 – Integrated Marketing Communications: Promotional Strategy,
Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
Chapter 14 – Integrated Marketing Communications: Personal Selling, Direct
Marketing, and Interactive Marketing
Test 4
Exam Review
Fall break & Thanksgiving holidays
Exam review
Dead Day – Possible THE TEST day
FINAL EXAM 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
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Marketing 4469
Marketing Management
By signing below I, the student, acknowledge that I have received the syllabus for the course indicated
above and fully understand the contents of the syllabus. Specifically, I understand the objectives for the
course and how my performance will be evaluated.
I understand the policies associated with class resources, grade distribution across assignments,
determination of the final letter grade, exam formats, exam dates and times, pop quizzes, class
attendance and participation, and academic integrity.
I understand that I should contact the instructor as soon as possible with any questions or issues
regarding course contents or procedures.
1. ____
Late work is
a. Not accepted
b. Encouraged
c. Considered a part of class
d. Is not addressed in the syllabus
2. ____
Use of electronic devices by students in the instructional environment is:
a. Encouraged
b. Prohibited unless explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by instructor
c. Considered a part of class
d. Is not addressed in the syllabus
3. ____
Attendance is
a. Mandatory
b. Excused only under specified circumstances
c. Makes successful completion of this course less difficult
d. All the above
4. ____
Cheating or the attempt to cheat are
a. Violations of the Standard of Conduct at Troy University and is not allowed
b. Encouraged
c. Considered a part of normal class activity
d. Is not addressed in the syllabus
Student’s name (printed)
Student’s signature
Detach this form from your syllabus, sign it once you agree with all statements and have correctly
answered the four questions. To receive 2 bonus points added to your total class points, correctly answer
the 4 following questions and submit this signed document to the instructor, Frank Thompson, no later
than class on August 22.
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