Spring Break Club

Pinnacle YL
1 Song (Gra ce, G abbie, Stew)
Leader Skit : You Are Lucky! Spring
Break E di tion ( Kendr a, Sean, Wil)
Mix er: T eam Slurpee Race (D anny,
See skit plan below…
Break up into teams of 10-15. Have gallon or half gallon
sized slurpees for each team (ex: if 60 kids, have 4 teams of
15 with 4 huge double slurpees).
Give everyone a straw and then see which team can finish
it the fastest. Play up brain freeze.
Spring Break Club
Supplies: One straw per person. One huge slurpee per team
Announ cem ent s ( Me gan, Krist a)
New kids
Mock Prom Club in Two Weeks (No club during
Spring Break)
Wiffleball Wednesdays (5PM): Guys Campaigners
2 Songs (Gra ce, G abbie, St ew)
2 Songs (Gra ce, G abbie, Stew)
P art icipat ion Ga me: Spring Break
Makeover ( Ashl ee, J ackie)
Bring up 3 girls, 3 guys. Pair up a girl with a guy to make
three teams. Have the guy sit on a chair and the girl stands
behind him. Blindfold the girl.
Her goal is to give him a make-over with hair gel, temp face
tattoo, self-tanner (temporary??), sunglasses, stylish
bandanna around the neck, clip-on nose ring or clip on
earrings. At the end have the crowd vote.
Could be “sold” by a super tanned leader ready for Spring
Supplies: 3 chairs, 3 blindfolds, 3 things of hair gel, 3
temporary tattoos, 3 things of temporary tanner (?), 3 cheap
sunglasses, 3 bandannas, 3 clip-on earrings and/or nose
Club Talk: Jesus: P ower t o h eal Mark
7: 31-37 or Je sus: D oesn’t for ce bel ief
Mark 8: 27 -30 (S ean )
You Are Lucky – Spring Break Edition
Three people
Announcer: “Imagine yourself at the airport during Spring Break”
Then the three people walk in wearing swim and beach type gear (tank top, snorkel, umbrella, Frisbee, cooler, etc.)
Use same guy starting each round and same guy going second and third. This will set up the conclusion. Guys go in order (separated by semicolons).
First person says, “Wow, I can’t believe we are going on Spring Break, my family was always too poor to go on Spring break… we have 9 brothers and sisters.”
And so it begins that each person “one-ups” the other.
ROUND 1 - Family
1. Siblings: 9 brothers and sisters; 20 brothers and sisters; 43 brothers and sisters
2. House: 2 room shack; cardboard box; hole in the ground
3. Food: ate gruel & grits, snails, bugs; I dreamed of eating snails, no breakfast, bark; no breakfast & gruel; no breakfast, no lunch, no dinner
ROUND 2 – Education (In order to go on Spring break I needed…)
1. Grades: Parents required all A's; required 100 percent; required 125 percent
2. Discipline for bad grades: My mama "Lady Wrestler" weighed 346 lbs. and would whup me with a leather strap; daddy was a Marine drill Sargent was 6'9"
and 2000 lbs. and he whup me with a stick; my ole man was one of Hell's Angels and he was 9'6" and weighted 5000 lbs. and he didn't whup me with straps, he
used chains then tied me to the back of his motorcycle and drug me through town
ROUND 3 – Work (I have to pay for Spring break myself…)
1. My Job: Worked plowing fields, everybody else had tractors, I had a shovel; worked in a coal mine, didn't have no picks or shovels, I used a toothpick and
got air through a tube; I cleaned out out-houses, all we used was hands and mouth, didn't get no air
2. How Long: Many a day I worked 14 hours a day; worked 22 hours a day; worked 29 hours a day
At the end, the first guy gets fed up with the other two for topping him and jumps up and starts mouthing off. The second guy is mad at the third and he starts
mouthing off. The third guy sits alone proudly stating that they were lucky. The other two, in the meantime, pour a water pitcher on the third.