role description - business manager

Position Summary
The Business Manager is a member of the College Leadership team and has a key role in both planning and
operational levels. The role is vital to the smooth and efficient running of the College, and to its long-term
The Business Manager is a member of the College Leadership Team and is directly responsible to the Principal
for the overall financial and business operations of the College and the management of College resources.
The Business Manager requires a high level competency in a wide range of areas including finance, general
administration, people management, communications, information systems technology, leadership and an
understanding of and commitment to Catholic education and Mercy Values.
Major Areas of Responsibility
The duties of the Business Manager are aligned to the following key areas of responsibility:
1. collaboration as a member of the Leadership Team to creatively implement the strategic intent and
goals of the College
2. to contribute to the Growth and Sustainability of the College
3. responsibility for the business administration and financial management of the College
4. responsibility for the systems management of the College
5. responsibility for the property management of the College facilities
6. responsibility for the legislative and statutory compliance
7. responsibility for the management of educational support staff and school services officers
Leadership Role
The Business Manager:
1. Actively collaborates with the Principal to promote and enhance the Catholic identity of the College
and the Mercy Ethos and to ensure that all College practices and procedures reflect the Vision,
Mission and Values of the College.
2. Provides positive leadership as the College endeavours to fulfil its educational mission.
3. Shares in the task of promoting collegiality and community within the College where all members are
treated with dignity and respect.
4. Provides information and support to the Principal, the College Advisory Council, the Finance SubCommittee, staff, students and parents.
5. Shares responsibility for the creation of a learning culture within the College and the promotion of
individual staff and student learning.
6. Shares responsibility for College strategic planning and the continued implementation of the priorities
established through the School Improvement Framework (SIF) Review.
7. Supports the Principal in providing a leadership model which embodies critical reflection and
continuous growth in professional practice.
8. Develops, implements, and maintains appropriate channels of communications between the staff,
parents/guardians and the local community.
9. Represents the Principal on various committees and other forums as required.
Contribution to the Growth and Sustainability of the College
The Business Manager will contribute to the continuing success of the College by:
1. Identifying needs, initiating change and facilitating innovation in the area of financial and
administrative management.
2. Planning and implementing cyclical review of policies and practices.
3. Overseeing the development of the facilities Masterplan in conjunction with the Principal.
Applying for Capital Grants/ Interest Factor when appropriate.
Playing an active role in the development and implementation of current and future strategies and
objectives ensuring that the College makes the best use of its resources including consideration of
financial implications of planned strategies.
Business Administration (Operational)
The Business Manager:
1. liaises effectively and consistently with the Principal in accord with the College’s strategic intent
regarding issues relating to the management of the College in the areas of finance, property,
information systems and a number of non-core business services i.e. canteen, financial management
of the uniform shop
2. manages and supervises education support employees and school services officers
3. oversees the employment conditions of Administration, Finance, Maintenance, ICT and Canteen staff,
managers and supervisors
4. participates in staff selection, induction, formation, supervision and appraisal
5. provides recommendations to the Principal in regards to education support employees and school
services officer duties
6. advises the Principal on new and existing staff salary levels and conditions of employment in
accordance with the VCMEA agreement 2013
7. liaises with staff on relevant employment issues
8. oversees the annual College Census process in February and August each year in conjunction with the
College Registrar and Assistant Business Manager
9. completes all relevant surveys required by the Catholic Education Office
10. is the point of contact for all education support employees and school services officers during holiday
Financial Management
The Business Manager:
manages and supervises the College Finance staff
develops, implements and controls the requirements that ensure sound financial management of the
College including overseeing and the management of:
o Payroll and the Australian Taxation Office compliance requirements and all associated staff
o Superannuation payments,
o all Workcover related items,
o the maintaining of a College Asset Register,
o acquisitions and disposals of College property
o negotiating and finalizing College supply contracts
3. formulates, monitors and reviews financial plans, budgets and forecasts
4. prepares and presents reports required by the Principal, Board, Finance sub-committee and Mercy
Education Ltd in a regular and timely manner
5. manages fee collection procedures in line with the College Fee Policy
6. reviews the College Fee Policy annually in conjunction with the Principal
7. interviews parents regarding fee arrangements and provides advice regarding Government assistance
8. in union with the Principal monitors all College expenditure incurred to ensure it is an appropriate
and legitimate charge to the College resources
9. liaises with stakeholders and legislative and statutory authorities in regard to the College’s financial
management and annual audit
10. prepares annual financial returns, statements and reports on behalf of the College
11. liaises with the Finance Sub-Committee to ensure that the College’s suite of insurances adequately
covers the assets of the College, Mercy Education Ltd and McAuley Property (as they relate to College
operations), public liability and professional indemnity.
Systems Management
The Business Manager:
manages and supervises IT staff
ensures that all computer systems of the College are maintained by the Technical Support Team
manages in conjunction with the Network Manager the computer support tasks of the Technical
Support Team
oversees the management by the Network Manager of the support Help Desk for staff and students
recommends hardware or software upgrades and changes to designs to the College computer
systems in collaboration with the Futures Direction Committee and Technical Support Team
ensures the Internet use and websites visited and programs/tools accessed are monitored to support
recommendations in purchasing or maintaining software/hardware choices by the College
Property Management
The Business Manager:
1. manages and supervises the Maintenance Supervisor and the College Gardener
2. oversees and manages the College’s strategic priorities for the maintenance of the College leasehold,
motor vehicles, grounds and plant and equipment
3. oversees the Maintenance Supervisor managing the Cleaning, Security Supervision, Waste and
Sanitary Services
4. project manages in conjunction with the Maintenance Supervisor all Capital works working with
Mercy Education and McAuley Property guidelines
5. reviews and assesses risk management issues arising with the College community via the OH&S
committee meetings and the College incident reporting systems.
The Business Manager:
1. ensures conformity with awards, agreements, legislation and statutory requirements applicable to
staff remuneration, conditions, equal opportunity and workplace safety
2. ensures that appropriate records legislative and statutory requirements are kept
3. supervises the maintaining of registers of property, capital assets and other items required to ensure
compliance with College and stakeholder requirements i.e. Mercy Education and McAuley Property
4. is responsible for the completion of the Mercy Education Compliance Register
5. monitors the safety of the learning and working environments in the College and ensuring that
practices are consistent with College policy and statutory requirements
6. is the Worksafe Return to Work Officer
7. is the nominated Health and Safety representative (HSR) for the College Principal
8. works with the staff elected Health and Safety representative (HSR) when issues arise
9. undertakes appropriate professional learning for all compliance areas of the College on a regular
Other Duties
The Business Manager:
1. develops and updates relevant sections of the College Handbook
2. undertakes other duties as required from time to time by the Principal
3. undertakes appropriate professional learning when required.
Reports to:
Principal and the Finance Sub Committee of the College Advisory Council, Mercy Education Limited
Positions Reporting Directly to Business Manager
Finance Staff, Maintenance Supervisor, Network Manager, Administration Officers and Canteen Staff
Minimum Committee Membership
Leadership Team
College Advisory Council (Minute Secretary)
Consultative Committee (Minute Secretary)
Finance Sub Committee (Minute Secretary)
OH&S Committee (Chair)
Future Directions Committee
Learning Technology Committee
Important External Relationships
MEL, CEBA, CEOM, CECV, DEECD, DEEWR, Auditors, Victorian Workcover Authority, College Service providers
Conditions – Details of Position
Mercy Education Limited (MEL) and College Appointment
The position is full time for an initial 5 year contract: renewal will be linked to an appraisal process, the type
and timing of which will be directed by the Mercy Education Limited.