Clinical Lesson Plan - Caroline Wesonga RN BSN CRRN



Simulation Lab: Learning Centered Lesson Plan

Module 2 Activity

Presented to

Dr. Eva Stephens



In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Course

GNRS 5320: Teaching Practicum


Caroline Wesonga RN BSN

November 14th 2014


Clinical Post Conference

Describe the framework for post conference

Post conference framework provide students opportunity to talk about the patients they took care of during the day. The framework used during post conference is concept mapping.

Clinical Concept Maps in nursing education is and effective way of linking theory to practice

(Hicks-Moore, 2005). Students discussed as if giving report about their patients, this included the nursing diagnosis, objective and subjective assessment data, treatment, lab results and diagnostic tests. Students identified the priority nursing diagnosis, this allows student individual thinking and explicitly gave report in any form as long as all the key components were included in the report.

Identify evidence based practice information used in post conference

Introduction of affordable healthcare changed how hospital will be reimbursed in future, the main goal is to ensure patient receive quality care and decrease in re-hospitalizations. The

Core Measure selected for discussion was Congestive Heart Failure. Core Measures are a systematic approach through evidence based practice to treat specific disease process (Moore,

2011). As future nurses, students were meant to understand that these Core Measures are meant to improve patient outcome. According to (Moore, 2011), Core Measures were developed by three major group, the Joint Commission, Centers of Medicare and Medicaid services, and

America Heart Association. Four conditions must be fulfilled for Congestive Heart Failure to be in compliance. During hospitalization this includes assessment of Left Ventricular Function

(LVF), those with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD) should be initiated on an

Angioensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) or if contraindicated should be clearly documented. Smoking cessation cancelling is given to all patient regardless of whether they

CLINICAL POST CONFERENCE 3 smoke or no, Instruction on diet, exercise, weight monitoring and discharge medications.

Evidence based practice indicate that if this practice is followed, patients experience quality healthcare outcome and decreased hospitalization.

Describe the activities used as a facilitator of learning

Students were given a quiz on medication and disorders on the patients they took care of in the course of the day. Students gave report on their patient will all the key components of the concept map included. According to (Hick-Moore, 2005), Concept Mapping gave students a clear understanding of how diagnostic information, medication, signs and symptoms are related.

Prioritization in the concept Mapping provides students with critical thinking strategies to be utilized during patient care. They discussed challenging issue encountered and asked questions.

Following post conference reflect and analyze what was of value in the methods and strategies you used and what you would do differently

Following post conference, strategies and methods that were valued was the use of concept mapping and allow students to discuss their patient in the form of report with all key components of concept mapping included. Concept mapping provides students with tool that promote holist approach in planning to care for the patient. It enables them to be able to connect the dots by seeing a clear connection of patient concerns. Students identified that developing and using concept maps enabled critical thinking strategies to be utilized (Hicks-Moore, 2005).

What I would do differently is to make sure the discussion at post conference coincide with lecture to enhance understanding.



Hicks-Moore, S., L. (2005), Clinical Concepts Maps in Nursing Education: An effective way to link theory and practice Vol. 5: 348-352.

Moore, C. (2011). Core Measure Part 2 -CHF, retrieved from
