Discussion Questions #1 & 2

12th Agendas Week 10 November 9, 2015
 Finish Presentations
 Finish your 5 Quick write responses
 Final Quick Write: After your own personal research and watching
numerous presentations, discuss what you learned about
Sustainability and how your views have evolved.
 Discussion
 Alchemist Pre-Read Notes:
o Respond to the front and back cover, quotes, pic, etc.
o Free association- discuss what comes to mind
 Alchemy
 Magical Realism
 Personal Legend
 Traveler, journey, adventurer
 Myth of Narcissus
 Pyramids, Egypt, Scarab
 Infidel
 Elixer of Life
 Philosopher’s Stone
 Fable
Read Introduction & Prolouge
Discussion Questions #1 & 2
1. In the prologue, the alchemist reads a version of the story of
the death of Narcissus. What might this choice say about
possible themes for this book? Discuss your ideas.
2. In the prologue, Santiago discusses his relationship with nature.
What is your relationship to nature? Make a connection.
Travelogue (Travel Journal) Annotation #1 (pgs 3-33)
 Write your annotations as if you are Santiago’s sidekick. What are
you experiencing along the way? Be Descriptive. Be introspective.
Be creative. Ask Questions. Make comments.
Thursday November 12, 2015
 Quiz #1- Write in complete sentences please.
 In a small study group, debrief your travelogue notes.
o Interesting points
o Questions, comments, reactions
o Vocabulary- The moors, Levanter, Sacred Heart of Jesus.
o key phrases: “the world’s greatest lie” “soul of the world”
“personal legend”
 Preparation check
 Re-read highlights of 3-33 as a group
 Discussion of key points & vocabulary
 Homework Due Friday
 Read pages 33-47
 Travelogue (Travel Journal) Annotation #2 (pg 33 -47)
 Discussion Questions #3 & 4
 3. At the start of his journey, when Santiago asks a gypsy
woman to interpret his dream about a treasure in the Egyptian
pyramids, she asks for one tenth of the treasure in return.
When Santiago asks the old man to show him the path to the
treasure, the old man requests one tenth of his flock as
"payment." Both payments represent a different price we have
to pay to fulfill a dream; however, only one will yield a true
result. Which payment represents false hope? Can you think of
examples from your own life when you had to give up
something to meet a goal and found the price too high?
 4. Paulo Coelho once said that alchemy is all about pursuing
our spiritual quest in the physical world as it was given to us. It
is the art of transmuting the reality into something sacred, of
mixing the sacred and the profane. With this in mind, can you
define your Personal Legend? At what time in your life were
you first able to act on it? What was your "beginner's luck"?
Did anything prevent you from following it to conclusion?
Having read The Alchemist, do you know what inner resources
you need to continue the journey?
Friday November 13, 2015
 Quick write: Discuss the story Melchizedek told about happiness.
Interpret what it might mean. How is it symbolic? (pg 30)
 Quiz
 Discussion Groups
o DQs
o Travelogue
Vocabulary- omen, infidel, Saint Santiago Matamoros, Urim and
Thummin (Include in travel notes)
Re-read highlights
Homework for Monday
o Read pages 51-71
Travelogue (Travel Journal) Annotation #3 (pg 55-71)
Discussion Questions #5 & 6
DQ 5:
5. One of the first major diversions from Santiago's journey was
the theft of his money in Tangiers, which forced him into taking a
menial job with the crystal merchant. There, Santiago learned
many lessons on everything from the art of business to the art of
patience. Of all these, which lessons were the most crucial to the
pursuit of his Personal Legend?