BI lecture slides

Business Intelligence
Logical Functions
ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence
Concept Map
3-D Ref
• Define Business Intelligence.
• Define the Efficiency design goal.
• Demonstrate Excel’s logical functions that
help produce business intelligence.
Segment A:
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI)
Set of software and methodologies that
present visualizations depicting insights
gathered from analytics and traditional IS for
the purpose of improved decision making.
Pandora Internet Radio
Music Genome Project
All calculations, including comparisons,
should be done by the spreadsheet.
Segment B:
IF Functions
IF Function
• IF function displays one of two possible values
depending on the outcome of a logical test
• Logical Test compares two things
MAC: Logical Test is broken into 3 separate boxes
• If the Logical Test equates to TRUE, the cell is filled
with the True Value.
• If the Logical Test equates to FALSE, the cell is
filled with the False Value.
Course Difficulty Example
Use the IF function to assign the label of easy or hard
based on the hours. If a course requires more than 3
hours of study time per week, we will label it HARD.
Three or less hours of study is labeled EASY.
Course Difficulty Example
• What cell is used for the logical test?
• What is the logical test?
• What is the true value? False3 value?
Bonus Points Example
1. Open One Semester.xlsx
2. Extra Credit
A. Add a new column to display the extra credit points.
B. Give all students in the 8:00 Section 10 points of extra
credit. Students in the 9:00 section receive zero extra
credit. (Display either 0 or 10 in this new column.)
3. Curve
A. Add a new column to display the curved Exam 1
B. Curve Exam 1 grades by increasing all Freshmen grades
by 10% and leaving all other grades the same. Show
both the original and curved exam grades in separate
columns. Do not show the curve points separately.
Shipping Cost Example
• Open SmartPen Sales.xlsx.
• Delete the data in the Shipping Cost column.
• Use an IF statement to display 4.95 when the
shipping method is standard and 14.95 if it is
not standard.
• SUMIF function includes a value in the
calculation only when the criteria is true
=sumif(range, criteria, sum_range)
• Each cell in range is compared to criteria.
• If that comparison equates to TRUE, the
corresponding cell in sum_range is included
in the calculation.
8:00 Average Example
Calculate the average for Exam 1 of just those
students in the 8:00 section.
• SUMIFS function includes a value in the
calculation only when two or more criteria are
=sumif(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1
criteria_range2, criteria2)
• Each cell in rangex is compared to criteriax.
• If all comparisons equate to TRUE for a single
row, the corresponding cell in sum_range is
included in the calculation.
8:00 Average Example
Calculate the average of Exam 1 for Freshmen
in the 8:00 section.
Segment D:
Grouping Worksheets
Grouping Worksheets
• Hold SHIFT or CONTROL as you select sheet
tabs. Right-click and select Group.
• Allows you to make changes to multiple
worksheets at once.
• All groups sheets must have same layout.
• Right-click, Ungroup
Income Statement Example
Open Income Statement.xlsx
1. Group all 12 months and
• Formatting for Clarity
• Add Total Expenses
• Add Net Income Calculation
2. Ungroup Worksheets
Quarterly SmartPen Example
Open SmartPen Sales Qtr.xlsx.
This workbook has two more months of data
Quarterly SmartPen Sales Example
Add a totals row to July, August & September
Quarterly SmartPen Sales Example
1. Group July, August and September
• Insert a new row just below Row 1.
• Format this row as a calculation row.
• Add SUM functions to the second row for
columns E and I – L. Assume we may be adding
more invoices to all three worksheets so sum
the current rows plus another hundred empty
2. Ungroup the worksheets.
• Change the quantity of the first July invoice to
27 and the first August invoice to 38.
Segment E:
3-D Cell References
3-D Cell References
• Range on another sheet
• Range across multiple sheets
Quarterly Income Statement
Combine the Jan, Feb and Mar Income
Statements into one quarterly worksheet.
Quarterly Income Statement
1. Create 1st Quarter worksheet:
Copy a monthly worksheet
Rename sheet 1st Qtr
Delete amounts
Add January, February, March columns
2. Enter function to display amounts from
monthly sheets
Start function with equal sign
Point to January Revenue cell
Copy to expense amount cells
Repeat for each month
Annual Income Statement
Create a new worksheet that displays the
total, January through December, of each
Annual Income Statement
1. Create Annual worksheet:
• Copy a monthly worksheet
• Rename sheet Annual
• Delete amounts
2. Enter a function to total revenue
• Start function with =SUM(
• Point to January cell
• Enter colon
• Point to December cell
• Press ENTER
• Repeat for each amount
Quarterly SmartPen Sales Example
Use a simple 3-D formula to display
appropriate values in cells B2:F4 from the July,
August and September worksheets.
Quarterly SmartPen Sales Example
You could use a simple SUM function to create
the totals for Row 5. Instead, practice 3-D cell
references by creating a 3-D SUM function in
cells B5:F5 to total appropriate values from
the July, August and September worksheets.
Segment F:
Range Names
Range Names
• More user-friendly name than column and
row reference.
• Makes calculations more understandable.
• Locate with Find, Go To
• Range Names are absolute
Income Statement
On the Annual
• Name cell B2 TotRev
• Name cell B7 TotExp
Re-enter the Net Income
formula to use these
range names
Quarterly SmartPen Quantity Example
• Assign three range names, one to each total
quantity cell on the July, August and
September worksheets.
• Use these range names to calculate the
quarterly total quantity on the Quarter
Segment G:
VLOOKUP Function
VLOOKUP Function
• LOOKUP functions display one of MANY
possible values depending on the outcome
of a logical test.
• Often used to translate one value into
another value.
• Requires a lookup table.
• Lookup Value is compared to Lookup Table
• Can find Exact Match (false) or next closest
value (true)
Lookup Table Rules
1. First column must be used for logical test.
2. First column must contain a value, not a
range of values.
3. First column should be in ascending order.
Lookup Directory Example
Find the extension for a given name in the
Lookup Table for
Directory Example
Lookup Directory
Example Solution
1. F1 is compared to first column of
lookup table.
2. Extension from Column 2 is
displayed for match.
3. False means an exact match must
be found.
Assign Colleges Example
In the One
Semester file,
assign students
to colleges
depending on
their major.
Assign Colleges Example
Setup the list on the Colleges worksheet
so that it can be used as a lookup table.
1. No blank rows in a lookup table
2. Both college and major must appear on
each row of the lookup table
3. The value you want to compare with the
dataset must be the first column
4. The first column must be in ascending
Assign Colleges Lookup Table
Assign Colleges Lookup Function
Add a new column to the Grades
worksheet labelled College.
Use a VLOOKUP function to assign
colleges based on majors.
Assign Grades Example
function to assign
letter grades on a
standard 10-point scale
based on the average
of all four exams.
Assign Grades Lookup Table
The first column must:
• Contain the value for
• Contain only the low
end of the range
• Be in ascending order
=VLOOKUP(K2, LetterGrade, 3, TRUE)
Quantity Discount Example
Open the SmartPen Sales.xlsx file.
Customers get discounts when
they order larger quantities of
Use the VLOOKUP function to assign the appropriate
unit price based on the quantity ordered.
Start by making sure the lookup table complies with
the lookup table rules.