Constitutional Monarchy

Magna Carta: This document created in 1215 was
the first time in history that challenged “Absolute
Monarchy”, which meant that the King/Queen have
total control of the country
The charter was an important part of the extensive historical
process that led to the rule of constitutional law in
the English speaking world
Constitutional monarchy occurred first in continental
Europe, briefly in the early years of the French
Revolution, but much more widely afterwards.
Napoleon Bonaparte is considered the first monarch
proclaiming himself as an embodiment of the nation, rather than
as a divinely-appointed ruler; basically saying that royal blood
no longer gives people the RIGHT to leadership
Theory of Constitutional Monarchy
This governmental system was established to stop
Absolute Monarchs from controlling a country
without proper representation
CM allows the citizens of the country to have a role
in the leadership hierarchy
The Monarch would have a leadership role in this
system but most of the power lies within a
Constitutional Monarchy Hierarchy
Monarch: Role is symbolic, representing the nation,
signing bill into law
Prime Minister: Role is to run the everyday
governmental policies using constitutional law
Cabinet Members: They are the head of ministers or
cabinets that report to Prime Minister and Monarch
 Examples: interior, defense, state, agriculture, etc…
CM Examples around the world
United Kingdom
 Lesotho
 India
 Canada
 Jordan
 Sweden
 Australia