Weekly Warmups

Weekly Warmups
Sept. 21-25,2015
Monday, Sept. 21, 2015
Answer the following questions. Provide evidence for your response.
1. A characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured
without changing the composition of the substance is a
physical model
physical property
chemical property
chemical reaction
2. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change taking
A. wood burning
B. tomatoes being sliced
C. rocks splitting
D. ice melting
Tuesday, Sept.22, 2015
Look at the following images, determine the state of matter for each.
Task Assignment 1
Directions: Read the scenario to the left. Answer the question
that follows and complete the information below.
Find the variables in this
experiment. (D.I. C.) Justify why
these variables were chosen.
What type of data would be used
and explain why?
What would be the most
appropriate type of graph to use if
60% were rusted and 40% were not?
Design the graph.
Using your knowledge of matter, In
1 paragraph use textual evidence to
explain if this would be an example
of a chemical or physical change.
Points to remember:
-a paragraph is 4-6 sentences.
-you must provide evidence to support your opinion.
-be clear about your thoughts and follow all instructions.
Wednesday, Sept.23, 2015
Complete the chart below. Determine whether each scenario is a physical or
chemical property.
Copy and answer the following questions using Chapter 2.2 and 2.3 of the
text. Place these questions and answers in your notes
1. A ___ is any characteristic of any material that can be observed or
measured without changing the composition of the substances.
2. Examples include: (there are 7)
3. A resistance to flowing is ____.
4. The ability to allow heat to flow is ____.
5. The ability to be hammered without breaking into small pieces is _____.
6. One way to determine ____ is to see which material can scratch the
7. The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid is
the ______. Its temperature at which it boils is the ____.
8. Density is the mass of a substance to its ____. The formula is___.
9. Physical properties are use to ____ the substances in a mixture.
10. Two common properties used to separate a mixture are ___ and ___.
11. A ___ is the ability to produce change in the composition of matter. It
can only be observed when a substance is changing into ____ _____.
12. Some examples include: ( there are 2)
13. Evidence for a chemical change are _____, _____, and _______.
14. When matter undergoes a chemical change, the _____ changes. When
matter undergoes a _____ ______ the composition of matter
Thursday, Sept.24, 2015
Use a Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast Physical and
Chemical Properties
Chemical Property
Physical Property
Friday, Sept. 25,2015
Beat those Wildcats!!
(Remember to write at least 5 complete