Changing Attitudes and Values


Changing Attitudes and


BellWork # 4 9/24/10

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A Shifting Social Order

By the late 1800s, Western Europe’s new upper class included superrich industrial and business families as well as the old nobility.

Wealthy entrepreneurs married into aristocratic families, gaining the status of noble titles.

Nobles needed the money brought by the industrial rich to support their lands and lifestyle.

By tradition, the upper class held the top jobs in government and the military.

Middle-Class Values

By the mid-century, the modern middle class had evolved its own way of life.

Parents strictly supervise their children who were expected to be “seen but not heard.” A child who misbehaved was considered to reflect badly on the entire family.

They were like the Brady bunch. They tried to be perfect in every way.

Marriage and Courtship

Middle class families had a large say in choosing whom their children married.

Husbands controlled his wife’s property, so marriage contracts were drawn up to protect a daughter’s property rights.

Men had to prove they could take care of their women with style. If not they were not aloud to be married.

Rights for Women

Olympe de Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft sought a broad ranges of rights.

Across Europe and the U.S., politically active women campaigned for fairness in marriage, divorce, and property laws.

Women had very little if any, protection under the law. A women's father or husband controlled her property.

U.S. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B.

Anthony crusaded against slavery before organizing a movement for women’s rights.


1800s many women broke the barriers that kept them out of universities and professions.

Many brave women overcame opposition to train as doctors or lawyers. Others became explorers, researchers, or inventors, often with out recognition.

Julia Brainerd hall worked with her brother to develop an aluminum producing process. Their company became hugely successful, but Charles

Hall received all of the credit.


Women suffrage- votes for women, emerged in the later 1800s.

1848 in the U.S. the Seneca Falls

Convention demanded the right to vote for women.

The Growth of Schools

By the 1800s, reformers convinced governments to set up public schools and require basic education for all children.

Teaching the 3 Rs was thought to produce better citizens. Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic.

Public education- At first, elementary schools were primitive. Many teachers had little schooling themselves. In rural areas, students attended class only when they were not needed on the farm or in their parents’ shops.

By the late 1800s more and more kids were in schools. Also, quality of education improved.

Middle class girls were sent to school primarily in the hopes of marring well and become better wives and mothers.

Higher Education

Universities expanded in this period, too. Most students were the sons of middle-or upper class families.

The schools trained students who would help build the new industrial society.

Bedford college in England and Mount Holyoke in the U.S. opened in the 1840s for women who sought greater educational opportunities.

1863, British reformer Emily Davies campaigned for female students to be allowed to take the entrance examination for Cambridge University.

She succeeded, but in 1897 Cambridge students rioted against granting degrees to women.

The Challenge of Science

John Dalton developed modern atomic theory. He showed how different kinds of atoms combine to make all chemical substances.

1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev drew up a table that grouped elements according to their atomic weights. His table became the basis for the periodic table of elements used by scientists today.

The Age of Earth

Let me say this “I do not agree with this.”

“I believe in the Bible and God created all creatures.” End of Story.

Charles Lyell offered evidence to show that the Earth had formed over millions of years.

Charles Darwin argued that all forms of life had evolved into their present state over millions of years. Believed in

Natural selection. We came from apes

Christianity in the Industrial Age

Despite the challenge of new ideas,

Christianity continued to be a major force in the western society. Churches remained at the center of communities, and church leaders influenced political, social and educational developments.

During this time period church groups tried to help the working poor. Catholic priest and nuns set up schools and hospitals in urban slums.

Social gospel- a movement that urged

Christians to social service.

Salvation Army

1878, William and Catherine booth set up the Salvation Army in London. It both spread Christian teachings and provided social services. Their daughter Evangeline

Booth later helped bring the Salvation

Army to the U.S. and Canda
