Fiction Boot Camp 2011-2012 These two weeks are crucial to the

Fiction Boot Camp 2011-2012
These two weeks are crucial to the rest of the year. APLAC students are expected to
know the elements of fiction and to utilize them in their writing. Assignments are due
on the date given, and a multiple-choice exam will be given at the beginning of class.
The two weeks will conclude with an exam testing you on vocabulary. Use complete
sentences when answering questions. Do not write the question, but include it in your
answer. Use a dictionary or to look up words you are not familiar
1. Plot
Definition p.1365 (add in media res)
Due: Monday/Tuesday, 8/22 & 23
Write definitions of: Plot,
Exposition, Inciting Incident,
Development (Rising Action),
Climax, Falling Action, Resolution,
Verbal Irony, Situational Irony.
“An Astrologer’s Day” R.K. Narayan p.1366
Do: p.1377 #1-9
“By Any Other Name” Santha Rama Rau p.1371
2. Character
Characters (dynamic/static) p.827
“Two Friends” Guy de Maupassant p.828
“How Much Land Does a Man Need”
Leo Tolstoy p.835
“A Problem” Anton Chekhov p.850
Write definitions of: dyamic
character, static character,
characterization, direct
characterization, indirect
characterization, allusion
Do: p.645 #1-4 (use a dictionary if
you need to)
p.859 #1-3
Characterization (direct/indirect) p. 628
Inferno Dante p.629
3. Setting
Definition p.1055
Due: Thursday/Friday, 8/25 & 26
Write definitions of: Setting
“War” Luigi Pirandello p.1056
“The Guest” Albert Camus p.1224
Do: p.1061 #2-3
4. Point of View
Write definitions of: Point of view,
First person,Third Person, Third
Person Omniscient, Third Person
Limited, Flashback
Definition p.1087
First person, flashback p.1211
Do: p.1097 #4-6
p. 1219 #1-4
“The Glass of Milk” Manual Rojas p. 1088
“A Walk to the Jetty” Jaimaica Kincaid p.1212
5. Symbolism
Definition (and connection to theme) p.1243
Due: Monday/Tuesday, 8/29 & 30
“Folding Chairs” Gunter Grass p.1244
“Food for Prophets” Gunter Grass p.1245
“The Garden of Stubborn Cats” Italo Calvino p.1246
6. Theme
Definition p.922
“Twigs” p.1330
“My Mother would Lose Herself” p.1332
“She Used to Throw Old Crockery” p.1333
“On Living” p.1334
And Parallelism p.65
Book of Ruth p.66
The Psalms p.73
And Parody p.699
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra p.700
7. Tone, and Irony
Due: Thursday/Friday, 9/1 & 2
Tone definition p.251
“I Beg of You, Chung Tzu” p.252
“Thick Grow the Rush Leaves” p.253
“Form, Shadow, Spirit” p.254
“I Built my House near where Others Dwell” p.257
Tone and diction p.507
“I Crossed Many Lands and a Lot of Ocean” “I Hate Her and I Love Her” Catullus p.508
“My Woman Says There’s Nobody She’d Rather Marry” Catullus p.509
“Carpe Diem” Horace p.510
Tone and Mood p.805
The Expiation Victor Hugo p.806
And Imagery p.1101
“Fear” Gabriela Mistral p.1102
“The Prayer” Gabriela Mistral p.1103