Tuesdays with Morrie READER'S NOTEBOOK

Name _______________________________________________________________Class period ___________________
Tuesdays with Morrie
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 5:
Session 6:
Session 7:
Session 8 (thesis):
You will be reading portions of the nonfiction bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
For each session, you will be required to write a response based on the prompt that is at least 5
sentences in length. For Sessions 1, 3-7, you must include at least one direct quote from the text to
support what you say.
Your responses will be assessed using the Text-Based Analysis Scoring Guide (attached).
When you respond to the video clip for Session 2, you will need to make direct reference to the video
to support what you say, but you do not need an accurate, direct quote.
Session 1: Introduction to Morrie & Mitch (p. 1-17)
Response prompt: What is your initial impression of Mitch and Morrie? Why do you think Mitch chose to write this
Session 2: The Real Morrie, Part 1
Response prompt: In his interview with Ted Koppel, what is the “big idea” that Morrie is trying to convey?
Session 3: Mitch’s Writing Style (p. 18-45)
Response prompt: What makes Mitch’s writing style unique? Think about aspects such as word choices, use of italics,
sentence structures, tone, dialogue, punctuation, and topic selection.
Session 4: The Real Morrie, Part 2
Response prompt: How does the “real” Morrie compare to the one you envision as you read?
Session 5: Choosing a Lesson from Morrie, Part 1 (You will choose one of the lessons listed in the Table of Contents and
read that section)
Response prompt: What is the lesson? Why did you pick this? How/why is it relevant to you and others?
Session 6: Choosing a Lesson from Morrie, Part 2 (You will choose one of the lessons listed in the Table of Contents and
read that section)
Response prompt: What is the lesson? Why did you pick this? How/why is it relevant to you and others?
Session 7: Evaluating Your Lessons from Morrie
Response prompt: Of the two lessons that you read, which one was more relevant/important to you? Why?
Session 8: Crafting Your Thesis Statement
Look at what you have written in previous responses and craft a PROVABLE STATEMENT that sums up your ideas. It will
be the basis of a writing assignment. The basis of your claim will be:
What value does Tuesdays with Morrie hold and how is it shown through the lessons you read and the videos
you watched?