Honors Geometry Syllabus

Everett High School
“School of Champions”
Geometry Honors - ( MTH251/MTH 252)- 1 credit( 0.5 per semester)
Ms. Jane Johnson
Course Description
This class is for advanced students who have excelled in Algebra 1. The students will move through
traditional topics at a quicker pace while exploring additional topics. Students will study logical
reasoning, algebraic applications and characteristics of geometric forms such as points, lines, planes,
angles, polygons, and solids. Students will learn through experimenting, reasoning, guessing, verifying
and measuring. Students will complete and present projects to the class.
Course Materials
 Textbook: Geometry- Common Core with online recourses at www.powergeometry.com
 Scientific Calculator – may be checked out from the library (a graphing calculator is NOT needed)
 Composition book for Interactive Notebook – lined or grid - your preference
 Spiral Notebook for Homework, Pencils
Course Objectives
This course is based on the National Common Core Standards for Geometry
Full Year Schedule- Common Core standards/topics will be our focus so we may not be sequentially going
through the textbook.
Chapter 13 Probability
Chapter 7
Right Triangles and Trigonometry
Chapter 1
Chapter 8
Reasoning and Proof
Chapter 2
Chapter 9
Parallel and Perpendicular lines
Chapter 3
Chapter 10 Area
Chapter 4
Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume
Relationships Within Triangles
Chapter 5
Chapter 12 Circles
Polygons and Quadrilaterals
Chapter 6
Classroom Expectations/Management Plan
The purpose of the Behavior Management Guidelines is to foster a safe, positive environment for
learning by teaching the practice of self-discipline, citizenship skills, and social skills.
Come to class with your homework completed. And the necessary supplies to work
Work cooperatively with your partner or in small groups.
Listen to directions or to whoever is speaking to the class.
Technology : All cell phones should be turned off and put away in class. Cell phones being used in
class (checking messages, texting, answering or making a call) are disruptive to the environment
and distract everyone around from participating. Cell phones may not be used as calculators
Be present, be kind, and be productive.
An incident results when a student’s behavior interferes with the learning process.
1. First incident:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and/or
c. 1-2 Detentions
*Any combination of the above
3. Third and any further incidents:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and
c. Administrator referral
2. Second incident:
a. Conference with student,
b. Parent contact, and/or
c. 2-3 Detentions
*Any combination of the above
Students and parents can access grades online through the LMS system. Grades should be check weekly
for most current class status. For information or to log in, go to http://lmsinfo.everettsd.org
Grading Scale (%)
Below 60
80% Summative Work: Tests and individual projects that will reflect the students most current level of
knowledge and understanding.
 Retakes will be allowed for all tests/quizzes and need to be taken prior to the end of the next
chapter. (example: Chapter 1 retakes before the chapter 2 test is given in class) The score earned
on the retake will be the grade recorded whether it is the higher score or not.
 When retaking a test they can retake only the standards they did not meet on the test, not
necessarily the entire test.
 Students will be required to have made and completed a plan for improvement prior to taking a
test retake. Students will discuss this with the teacher once they have decided to retake a
 Semester Finals cannot be retaken.
20% Formative and Daily Work: Interactive Notebooks, Homework Quizzes, classwork, warm ups,
group work. Assignments are used to practice and learn the necessary skills, and knowledge, so both the
student and the teacher know where they are and what gaps they need to close to show success on the
summative assessments. They are crucial for students to complete and ultimately correlate to the
success the students have in the class.
Students will be given the answers to the exercises so they will need to show work to get credit.
Students will correct their own homework reworking any problems that need to be corrected. All
of this work is to be shown. We will practice what this looks like in class.
Approximately once a week homework quizzes will be given that will include a problem from each
of the previous week’s homework assignments. You will use your completed homework for these
timed quizzes.
On the homework quiz, a maximum of 4 points will be given for each correct answer with
supporting work. Students will be able to use their completed and corrected homework to copy
their work onto the quiz.
To recoup missing points from a homework quiz, all originally assigned homeworks need to be
completed and assigned alternate assignments need to be correctly completed on the back of the
original homework quiz. To resubmit you must include the original homework quiz and any
missing assignments.
A test bonus of 3% will be available to you for each chapter test if you have received full credit for
ALL of the chapter’s homework quizzes. This work will need to be done at least one day before the
chapter test.
Additional help is available after and before school if you are having difficulty completing the
problems assigned (weekly, I post the hours in my classroom).
Late work policy: Late assignments do receive full credit although I encourage you to turn in work on
time so that you can use them on weekly homework quizzes. I do have deadlines if you want credit for
late/missing work approximately one week prior to the end of each quarter/semester. Deadlines will be
clearly posted.
Absence/Make-up Policy
School rules regarding tardiness, absences and excessive absences will be enforced. Please refer to the
student handbook.
 Students should check website for missing work
 Use the text book website to review material that was taught that day:
 Contact other students for notes or borrow classroom note book.
 Make an appointment to get help from me.
Academic Honesty
At Everett High School we value honesty and integrity of work. Cheating on tests and homework by
copying other people's work is not acceptable. Making copies of someone's computer disk is also
considered cheating. When you cheat, you will receive a failing grade for that learning activity. Cheating
also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. Plagiarism, the act of borrowing another
author’s work without crediting that author and thereby implying that it is one’s own, is academically
dishonest and a form of cheating. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will be referred to school
Contact Information:
 Email: jjohnson2@everettsd.org The fastest way to contact me is through email. I check my
email at least 3 times and day and can usually respond the same day.
 Phone: 425-385-4557 I check phone messages in the morning and end of the day only. It may
take me until the next day to get back to you.
Class website: http://everettsd.schoolwires.net//Domain/699. My class website lists
homework assignments and is updated daily, so if your child is absent or you would like to see
what was assigned you can check after 4:00 p.m. It also has links to websites for math fun and to
help with class work.
Connect for Teachers: I will be using a version of the connect-ed telephone message system to
notify parents about upcoming tests, missing work and minor behavior issues. Please make sure
your phone number is correct with the school.
Online grades: http://lmsinfo.everettsd.org If you do not have access to the internet at home or
work, your child can print you off a progress report in class to bring home.
Digital Pathway: During Geometry your student will have access to a digital version of the
textbook and resources online, including video tutorials, diagnostic tests, practice problems, and
assignments. If a student is absent, one way that they can learn material that they have missed is
by accessing the appropriate sections in the online program. I will be assigning Usernames and
passwords to your students within the first two weeks.
Geometry Honors
Karen Price
Semester 1, 2014-2015
Signature Page
Parent/Guardian, we look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child. The above
information is being provided to you in an effort to increase our communication with you about what is
happening in school. It is important to us that you be well informed and therefore an active participant in
the educational experience of your son or daughter. Our mission is to graduate all of our students ready
for college, career and citizenship, but we can not do this work alone. Thank you for reading this course
syllabus. After reading the syllabus, please sign below and return this page to the teacher.
Student Name (please print):____________________________________________
Student Signature:____________________________________ Date:______________
Parent Name (Please Print):_______________________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________ Date:______________
Parent Email:_________________________________________
Best phone number to contact you :________________________________ home cell
work (please circle one)
Would you like to be contacted by email or phone? (Circle one)?
Other concerns or information as a parent/guardian you would like to share with me: