
Dred Scott
Old John
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
The Republican party was a
sectional party from which region
of the country?
$100 Answer from H1
the north
$200 Question from H1
Many Republican’s joined the
party from this former party, split
in two over the issue of slavery,
that included both “conscience” and
“cotton” members.
$200 Answer from H1
$300 Question from H1
According to Republicans, this state “should be immediately
admitted as a state of this Union , with her present Free
Constitution, as at once the most effectual way of securing
to her citizens the enjoyment of the rights and privileges to
which they are entitled, and of ending the civil strife now
raging in her territory. “
$300 Answer from H1
$400 Question from H1
This man was caned nearly to death
for giving a speech on the floor of the
senate entitled “The Crimes Against
Kansas.” He later recovered.
$400 Answer from H1
Charles Sumner
$500 Question from H1
Name three political parties that
joined to form the Republican Party
$500 Answer from H1
Free Soil
$100 Question from H2
Dred Scott sued in federal court
to gain what?
$100 Answer from H2
His Freedom
$200 Question from H2
Scott’s argument centered around the
fact that he had moved where?
$200 Answer from H2
To a free state
Wisconsin Territory
$300 Question from H2
Scott’s lawyers unsuccessfully argued
for his freedom under this doctrine,
common in Europe and some states at
the time.
$300 Answer from H2
Once free always free
$400 Question from H2
. . . [I]n the case of Strader et al. v. Graham . . . the
slaves had been taken from Kentucky to Ohio, with
the consent of the owner, and afterwards brought back
to Kentucky. And this court held that their status or
condition, as free or slave, depended upon the laws of
…which state?
$400 Answer from H2
$500 Question from H2
Chief Justice Taney’s ruling in Dred
Scott v. Sanford decided not only the
fate of Dred Scott, but the
constitutionalityof what law?
$500 Answer from H2
The Missouri Compromise
$100 Question from H3
“John Brown’s Body”, a popular song
among northerners and union troops
was eventually turned into what
American battle march?
$100 Answer from H3
The Battle-Hymn of the Republic
$200 Question from H3
John Brown planned to seize federal
weapons from an arsenal in what
modern-day state?
$200 Answer from H3
West Virginia
$300 Question from H3
The man tasked with putting down the
rebellion started by John Brown was what
US Military officer?
$300 Answer from H3
Robert E. Lee
$400 Answer from H3
Describe the scene in the following:
$500 Question from H3
Where does the following mural hang and why?
$500 Answer from H3
Kansas State House
Mural depicts John Brown’s role in
“Bleeding Kansas” and the history
of how the state joined the union
$100 Question from H4
Abraham Lincoln came out of political
retirement to run for what office?
$100 Answer from H4
US Senator from Illinois
$200 Question from H4
Who said it and what does it mean?
“A house divided against itself cannot
$200 Answer from H4
Lincoln, describing the idea that the
government could not continue to exist
half slave and half free.
$300 Question from H4
Lincoln would run against the same
man in both 1858 and 1860. Name
that man.
$300 Answer from H4
Steven A. Douglas
$400 Question from H4
Explain Lincoln’s campaign promise
with regards to the slavery question.
$400 Answer from H4
Lincoln promised not to touch slavery
where it already existed but under no
circumstances would allow its spread
to the territories.
$500 Question from H4
If Lincoln did not appear on the ballot
in many southern states, explain how
he was able to win the election of 1860.
$500 Answer from H4
Because of sectional parties and the
lack of a national party, Democrats in
the south split their votes between
three candidates while Republicans in
the north voted in large majorities for
$100 Question from H5
The first state to secede from the
Union was….
$100 Answer from H5
South Carolina
$200 Question from H5
By the time Lincoln is sworn in as
President, how many southern states
had left the Union?
$200 Answer from H5
$300 Question from H5
What is the cliff some states are
riding to symbolic of?
$300 Answer from H5
The ruin of any southern state
that attempts to leave the Union.
$400 Question from H5
Rather than leaving the Union to join
the Confederacy, Governor Sam
Houston argued that Texas might do
better as what?
$400 Answer from H5
An independent republic
$500 Question from H5
Name this date
April 12th, 4:30am - 1861
$500 Answer from H5
The shelling of Ft. Sumpter
in Charleston harbor.
Final Jeopardy
At the 11th hour a senator from
Kentucky introduces several
Constitutional amendments
that would stave off secession and
war. Name the Compromise and
the senator.
Final Jeopardy Answer
John J. Crittenden