Census - Elk River Campus Login

Clerical Training
Independent School District 728
815 Highway 10
Elk River, MN 55330
How to add a person to Campus
To add a person to Campus
Navigate to: Index, Census, Add
Person. In the box, type in the first
3 letters of the person’s last name,
tab, and the first 3 letters of the
person’s first name. ‘Enter’ or click
If the person could have a nick
name, i.e. Charles/Chuck, search
for both names.
How to add a person to Campus, cont.
The person you are looking for
may already be on Campus, so
look carefully at each of the
search results.
If there is a long number after
the name it indicates a student,
M/F for gender, date of birth
follows gender.
Click on a name to see more
information, i.e. cell phone,
address, etc.
Click the ‘back arrow’ to return
to the list of search names.
How to add a person to Campus, cont.
Once you know for sure the
person is not on Campus, and
that you need to create a new
person, click on the last name
field again and Enter. Now
click on ‘Create New Person’
at the bottom of the screen.
How to add a person to Campus, cont.
Carefully type in all required
information and click ‘Save’.
How to add a person to Campus, cont.
Verify that all info is correct.
Send the rest of the
Household/Census info to
Annette via a Registration
form, Census Change form, etc.
How to change a name on Campus
using the Identities Tab
To Change a Name on Campus
using the Identities Tab
Find the person needing the change.
Navigate to: Index, Census, People.
Click on the ‘Identities’ tab.
How to change a name, cont.
Click ‘New’.
Highlight the area needing
the change.
How to change a name, cont.
Type in the new information.
In the ‘Comments’ box, add a brief
note regarding the change. Initial
and date the note.
Enter the ‘Effective Date’. If you
set an effective date greater than
the current date, the new identity
will still get marked as the current
Click ‘Save’.
How to change a name, cont.
You will now be able to find the
person by searching for either
the old or new name.
How to change a home phone number
on Campus
To change a home phone
Find the household needing the
Navigate to: Index, Census,
Click ‘Search’
In the box, type the first three
letters of the last name,
comma, and the first three
letters of the first name.
Enter or click ‘Go’.
To change a home phone number, cont.
In the ‘Comments’ box, type
‘Chgd from the old number,
initial, and date’
Highlight the ‘Phone Number’
boxes needing the change, and
add the new info
How to change work/cell phone
numbers on Campus
To change work or cell phone
numbers on Campus
Find the person needing the phone
number change
Navigate to Index, Census , People
Click on the ‘Demographics’ tab
How to change work/cell phone numbers,
Find the number needing the change
under Personal Contact Information
(lower screen)
In the ‘Comments’ box, under
Personal Contact Information, type
‘Chgd cell or work from the old
number, initial, and date’
Highlight the ‘Phone Number’ boxes
needing the change, and add the new
Click ‘Save’