Embedded Assessment 1 Things Fall Apart

Day 18
English 10
Embedded Assessment 1
Things Fall Apart- Compare/Contrast Essay
Assignment handout
Prompt Options
Go through Rubric
One in-class day & One lab day (next class)
Due at the beginning of class on Day 19! (Periods 1 and 5=
Wednesday, Period 4= Tuesday)
EA1 Compare/Contrast
Your assignment is to write a compare AND contrast essay over
Part One of Things Fall Apart. You can choose from any of the
prompt below. If you have an idea that is not on the list, you will
need to have it approved.
 MLA Format (1 ½ pages, 4-5 paragraphs, 12pt. font,
Calibri/Times New Roman, double-spaced)
 Need at least two relevant quotations from Things
Fall Apart.
 Remember:
quotations are ANY line from the novel that
supports your claim. It does not have to be dialogue.
Prompt Options
Compare AND contrast two characters from Things
Fall Apart.
 Okonkwo/his
father (Unoka)
 Okonkwo/Obierika
 Okonkwo/Ikemefuna
 Nwoye/Ezinma
 Two
 how
of the wives (Nwoye’s mother, Ekwefi, Ojiugo)
Okonkwo treats his children vs. his wives OR how
he treats his sons vs. his daughters.
Let’s look at the rubric!
You CANNOT use elementary ideas such as Unoka
is tall and Okonkwo is tall. BORING!
Includes title of book and authors name
Gives necessary background information about the novel and your topic
Has a clear thesis statement that helps the reader understand focus of essay
2-3 body paragraphs
Need to compare AND contrast
Have clear topic sentences
Smooth transitions between ideas
Conclusion (own paragraph)
Re-covers main points in essay
Restates thesis statement using different words
Brings closure to essay
At least two quotations from Things Fall Apart (are they correctly cited and
MLA format
1 ½ pages, 12pt. font, Calibri or Times New Roman, double-spaced
How to correctly incorporate an in-text
Ekwefi said, “I am following Chielo” (Achebe 103).
Notice the comma after said.
In parenthesis, include the author’s last name and the page number.
Punctuation goes after the parenthesis.
“The canon shattered the silence” (Achebe 119).
Notice this is not dialogue. That is okay!
What if you don’t want to use the entire quote?
“…Ezinma had not been ill since” (Achebe 87).
Use an ellipsis (…) at the beginning or end, depending on which you cut out.
How do I organize the essay?
Things Fall Apart & Heart of Darkness
Thesis Statement: Although Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness
both explain how and why the Europeans colonized parts of Africa,
each novel has a significantly different purpose.
BP1: Compare- Both explain how and why parts of Africa became
colonized and are only told from one perspective.
 BP2: Contrast- The purpose of both novels and how they’re different.
Make sure you have a focus to your body paragraphs and aren’t just listing random
similarities and differences. Take time to organize!!
How do I organize the essay?
Things Fall Apart & Heart of Darkness
Thesis Statement: Although Things Fall Apart and Heart of
Darkness both explain how and why the Europeans colonized
parts of Africa, each novel has a significantly different
Point 1: Viewpoints regarding Africans and whites
Point 2: Viewpoints regarding colonialism
Make sure you have a focus to your body paragraphs and aren’t just
listing random similarities and differences. Take time to organize!!
Decide on a topic.
Figure out how you want to organize your body paragraphs.
Write a thesis statement.
Begin finding evidence and your two quotations that will be relevant for
your essay.
Once you have (1) organized your essay, (2) written your thesis
statement, (3) found enough evidence, and (4) done your prewriting, begin writing your essay!