Best Baby Sitter Assignment

World’s Best Baby-Sitter
The situation:
A family has hired you to act as a baby-sitter for their children for one weekend. The family’s
children are a one-year-old girl, a five-year-old boy, and an eleven-year-old girl. The family has
hired you because of your vast knowledge of intelligence, developmental psychology, and
creativity. While you are babysitting, you must intellectually challenge the children and
encourage cognitive development in them. To do this you will be bringing books, providing them
with toys, taking them for activities, and watching television. Each child must have his/her own
enrichment. In addition, you may spend a maximum of $100 for each child.
The Assignment:
You may work alone or with a partner as you see fit. Determine a well-rounded, age-appropriate
set of educational and enjoyable activities for each child and display it on a chart/poster as
Well-rounded means that at least five (5) of Howard Gardner’s types of intelligences are used
per child!!
Age-appropriate means it is consistent with Piaget’s stages of mental/cognitive development.
What should be included on the Enrichment Chart
Name of book;
Name of book;
Name of book;
brief synopsis of story; brief synopsis of story; brief synopsis of story;
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Describe the Activity;
Describe the Activity;
Describe the Activity;
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Describe the toy and
Describe the toy and
Describe the toy and
what it does;
what it does;
what it does;
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Television Show Name of show;
Name of show;
Name of show;
brief synopsis of show; brief synopsis of show; brief synopsis of show;
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
explanation of how it
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
meets Piaget and
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Gardner’s theories
Well-rounded means that at least five (5) of Howard Gardner’s types of intelligences are used
per child!!
Chart created
Well-rounded in all children
Total Points
Total Points Possible
75 for entire project
Jean Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Two main concepts on how we deal with new information
1. Assimilation—fitting things into existing schemas (e.g. Boo, in Monster’s, Inc., calling Sully,
2. Accommodation—changing our mental structure (schema) due to new information that
does not fit.
The Sensory-Motor Stage—infancy
vSensory-motor action schemas such as sucking and grasping
vObject permanence, e.g. Ice Age (peek-a-boo with Diego and the baby)
Preoperational Thinking—1.5-6 years
vAnimism-belief that all things have “personalities”
o The sun is happy
vEgocentrism—you know, kinda like, you—only worse
vLearning Conservation
vLiteral Thinking (e.g. The King Who Rained, A Little Pigeon Toad)
vThinking Aloud/talk to themselves
Concrete-Operational Thinking—6 years to puberty
vOperations-simple logic, simple math
vWorking on conservation problems
vClassify/organize/categorize (e.g. collections)
Formal Operational Stage—
In Adolescence and adulthood (maybe)
vFormal-operational thinking
vAbstract thinking
vPersonal fable – an exaggerated belief of own uniqueness or immortality (Elkind)
Example of how each age would play monopoly